Better late that never, people! Marty and Kris have another heater on the stove for you! We start out by talking about going to the Austin Record Convention (0:51) Buying really weird 45’s (1:10) How Discogs has changed the game and makes it harder to find deals (2:56) Introducing the year we’re covering in the next 2 episodes (13:30) Recapping 1969 in music (15:35) Altamont and the impact it had on popular culture moving forward (15:55) The Beatles rooftop concert (22:45) Yoko Ono arguably being the first influencer (27:49) Controversial opinions on Jim Morrison (32:19) Marty’s favorite Dr. John album (45:55) We then move on to Marty’s pick for 1969, Gram Parsons and the Flying Burrito Brothers’ harbinger of “Alt-Country”, the unquestionable masterpiece “The Gilded Palace of Sin”. Be on the lookout for 1969-Episode 2, dropping next week! Thanks for listening!