Originally replacing the Peter Parker who was killed in the Ultimate universe of Earth 1610 in 2011, Miles Morales has since become a part of the comics' prime universe alongside that reality's Spider-Man. In the years since his emergence on the comics scene, his popularity has skyrocketed, and his impact on the Spider-Man mythos has been undeniable.
From the comics to movies to his own video game, Miles Morales is arguably on track to become the default Spider-Man to a new generation of Spider-Fans! Join Spidey Librarian and his guest, friend and creator of the webcomic Transyltown, Isaiah Broussard, as they delve into Miles' creation, development, and influence on the Spider-Man brand. You can find Isaiah on both Twitter and Instagram. You can read his webcomic Transyltown at the Brass Comics website. Come listen to this sensational episode of The Web Line: a Podcast About Spider-Man and His Amazing World! You can find us on most podcast providers, including Spotify, Stitcher, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and Amazon Music! If you enjoy this podcast, please leave a rating and review wherever you listen! Follow me on my socials! Blog Instagram Twitch Threads
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