Spider-Man's long and storied history in video games gets a one-on-one look in this episode, as Spidey Librarian examines one of the first games that ever succeeded in making him feel like he actually was Spider-Man as opposed to simply playing him. Spider-Man vs. the Kingpin was released on the Sega Genesis in 1991, and the sidescrolling, platforming adventure game was a point of obsession for our intrepid Spidey fan for some time. He recently replayed Spider-Man vs. the Kingpin on an online emulator, and has a few things to say about its gaming experience some years later. Come listen to this game-tacular episode of The Web Line: a Podcast About Spider-Man and His Amazing World! You can find us on most podcast providers, including Spotify, Stitcher, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and Amazon Music! If you enjoy this podcast, please leave a rating and review wherever you listen! Follow me on my socials!
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