Since we're getting closer or shall I consider that we are getting to know each other, let me share with you some of my pet peeves.
Yes, pet peeves or those things that I can’t help the annoyance it causes me.
Mainly, the nails on a chalkboard. Aghhh! That's extremely unbearable for me.
One of the sites at Penn State stated that humans create these pet peeves from experience or exposure to negative things, or dislikes. Once an experience harms or creates a bad connotation, most individuals store it in their minds as a grievance or pet peeve.
It depends on what kind and how much exposure one has, determining how many things can create this deterring mindset.
We all have them, some more than others, but once they are there, they are there to stay.
Woof. It’s a good thing chalkboards have become obsolete and we are currently using whiteboards and markers.
It's your turn now. Tell me at least 3 pet peeves you have and why do you think of them unbearable.
Record yourself telling something about pet peeves.
Use the words or expressions of the day that are:
That's a wrap. See you around!