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When the ghost of Caesar haunts the Palantine Hill to scare off Matt Trakker’s workers, there is only one thing to do:
Time to call in Scooby Doo.
Just kidding, it turns out that V.E.N.O.M. is on the hunt for the lost sword of CAESAR, which… makes you invincible and is responsible for the rise and fall of Rome as an empire? (We don’t remember that from Latin class… but I suppose it is a great way to ignore the Roman Republic’s systemic issues of class warfare and military campaigns.)
From butchering Roman history to equating Caesar’s sword to the Ark of the Covenant to finally cruelly embarrassing Miles Mayhem, this latest episode of M.A.S.K. has it all!
Join Adam Moore and PJ McNerney for more fun on the Mobile Armored Podcast Show!!!