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Matt Trakker, Scott, and T-Bob are enjoying some down time in Rio de Janiero…with a mysterious woman and a young girl….who might look suspiciously like Matt?!?
What is going on here….?
Oh, also V.E.N.O.M. steals, in the words of Miles Mayhem “a worthless painting”…only to have it turn out to be a map to a hidden stash of gold secreted away (along a lot of military equipment) by a certain infamous Party who may have taken over Germany in the 30s and 40s and fled to South America.
In other words…
Days of Lives meets The Odessa File… in cartoon form.
Come join Adam Moore and P.J. McNerney on the Mobile Armored Podcast Show as we dive into the latest M.A.S.K. episode to expose kids to the horrors of the mid-20th century!!!