Episode description
Acting superstar Stephen Amell joins Undertaker and Matt to talk about growing up in Canada and being a lifelong wrestling fan! He talks about his hit show “Heels” and training to wrestle in real matches and on the show. Does he have a secret guest planned for season 3 of heels? Tap in and find out! Thanks to our sponsors! Artisan Grange https://www.Hempdipper.com Promo Code: Taker for 10% off Magic Spoon https://www.magicspoon.com/sixfeet 1st Phorm https://www.1stphorm.com/undertaker Bluechew https://www.Bluechew.com Promo Code: SIXFEET Happy Dad https://www.happydad.com Draft Kings https://www.Draftkings.com Promo Code: SIXFEET