Tec-Ed CEO Stephanie Rosenbaum joins Tim Keirnan for a critique of two different electric kettle designs that heat water quickly and precisely: the KRUPS BW3140 Savoy and the Cuisinart CPK-17 PerfecTemp.
Both designs accomplish the goal but in very different ways. The KRUPS kettle has its user interface in its base and excellent balance in its carafe, while the Cuisinart has its user interface in the handle of the carafe with better labeling, but worse ergonomics for the carafe itself. We discuss the details thoroughly, along with reflecting on how complex a user population can be for even the most simple tasks like heating water. Keep that user research going, whatever your product or service...
Also, Stephanie received the UXPA's Lifetime Achievement Award the day before recording this!
NOTE: Tim's memory was faulty about the cost of the kettles. They were closer to $90US each.
You can find more details and photos for these products at the KRUPS website and the Cuisinart website.