Michael Malice (“YOUR WELCOME”) invites 2024 senate candidate and former US representative, Justin Amash, onto the show to share his thoughts on this year's political races, what caused his evolution as a politician, and how the Israel Hamas war has deeply impacted him and his family.
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Order THE ANARCHIST HANDBOOK: https://www.amzn.com/B095DVF8FJ
Order THE NEW RIGHT: https://amzn.to/2IFFCCu
Order DEAR READER: https://t.co/vZfTVkK6qf?amp=1
Intro song: "Out of Reach" by Legendary House Cats https://thelegendaryhousecats.bandcamp.com/
The newest episode of "YOUR WELCOME" releases on iTunes and YouTube every Wednesday! Please subscribe and leave a review.
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Homes.com – We’ve Done Your Homework: Homes.com
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Sheath - Dual Pouch Underwear: sheathunderwear.com , promo code: MALICE (20% off)