Episode description
This episode isn’t a breakdown of why followups should be a part of your routine. Scheduling followups is so quick, easy, cheap, and effective, that NOT doing them basically means turning your back on multiple assignments, clients, and ultimately the growth of your freelance career.
Instead, let’s focus on the hesitation, second guessing, and outright avoidance of following up.
We’ll cover how to:
-Recognize and debunk surface-level reasons for not following up, like “Editors get back to the writer after the first pitch if they’re interested.”
-Notice when the fear of failure and/or of success holds you back.
-Choose to focus on facts rather than fantasies, and growth over short-term relief.
WCP 42: Writers and imposter syndrome
WCP 119 I want to, I want to not
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More info and complete show notes: www.rebeccalweber.com/podcast123