Episode description
How do you prepare for your next task? Next project? Next month? Next year?
Sometimes we give it no more thought than opening a new browser tab, and we’re absorbed from minute one.
But sometimes we rub right up against resistance. Boring project. PITA client. The I-can’t-remember-where-I-left-off-and-I’d-rather-scroll-Instagram mood. Yes, we do the work, but it’s more fragmented, less focused, and all around less satisfying.
Then there are the things we never actually start. The so-called dream client we never pitch. The revamped website. The home office decluttering session. The annual revenue goal that could only be reached by targeting higher paying clients who we never take the time to identify and reach out to.
Intentionally allocating time for transitions can mean the difference between starting a work session feeling like a professional failure vs somebody who has valuable skills and ideas.
Today on the Writing Coach Podcast, I share a story with your about a writer who was concerned at the end of October that she might not make her financial goal by the end of 2020—and, by extension, not reach next year’s goal either.
Does this sound like the kind of attitude likely to lead to creative solutions and a strong finish to the year? Nope.
When I coach a writer, I’m not a cheerleader. I didn’t tell her anything that she doesn’t already know to be true. I asked her a few questions about what she’s done to develop her skills and offerings. Within a few minutes, she was able to redirect her thoughts from a negative, downward spiral to a place of neutrality and then to strength.
You can choose to do this for yourself too, by intentionally choosing to build in transitions at the micro and macro level.
WCP1 What’s your (writing) problem?
Request a private coaching consultation and let me know your next area of growth as a writer: www.rebeccalweber.com/coach
Apply for the next session of my small group coaching program and learn to master the art of the pitch: www.FreelanceWriterBootcamp.com
More info and full show notes: www.rebeccalweber.com/podcast111