Ever wondered how synth music is made or looking to enhance your music production skills? In EP 157 of the Inside The Mix podcast, I dive deep into the art of creating mesmerising stutter synth effects using Logic Pro.
Join me as I guide you step-by-step through setting up a new software instrument track, programming hi-hats, and mastering sidechain techniques to achieve that iconic stutter sound. We'll explore how to seamlessly integrate these effects into your synth productions by fine-tuning parameters like the threshold and leveraging the gate function.
But we don’t stop there. Discover how to craft dynamic stutter effects with Logic Pro's step sequencer. Learn how note placement, adjusting note values to "16T," and using the repeat function can create captivating stutter sequences that make your synth tracks stand out.
Whether you're new to synth music production or looking to sharpen your Logic Pro tips, this episode is packed with expert techniques and tips to elevate your music. Tune in and transform your approach to music production, ensuring your synth sounds shine in every mix.
Listen to my new single 'Separation'
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