Behind the News, 2/13/25
Behind the News, 2/13/25 - guests: Olufemi Taiwo on DEI, Sophia Rosenfeld on the history of choice - Doug Henwood
Behind the News, 2/13/25 - guests: Olufemi Taiwo on DEI, Sophia Rosenfeld on the history of choice - Doug Henwood
Behind the News, 2/6/25 - guests: Kristin Du Mez on Christian nationalism • Jennifer Mittelstadt on Trump & the soverigntists - Doug Henwood
Behind the News, 1/30/25 - guests: Eoin Higgins on tech bros and the scribes who work for them; Ronnie Grinberg on the New York intellectuals - Doug Henwood
Behind the News, 1/23/25 - guests: Mouin Rabbani on Gaza deal; Angela Jones and Bernadette Barton on sex work today - Doug Henwood
Behind the News, 1/16/25 - guests: Laura Jedeed on SF and its reactionary saviors • Yasha Levin on the Resnicks and water in California - Doug Henwood
Behind the News, 1/9/25 - guests: Colette Shade on the Y2K era, Tim Shorrock on South Korea - Doug Henwood
Behind the News, 1/2/25 - Best of 2024: Rashid Khalidi, Pankaj Mishra, Annelle Sheline, Aziz Rana, Anna Kornbluh, Brooke Harrington, and in memoriam Jane McAlevey - Doug Henwood
Behind the News, 12/26/24 - guests: Branko Marcetic, Santiago Pérez - Doug Henwood
Behind the News, 12/19/24 - guests: Trita Parsi and Joshua Landis on Syria, Tina Gerhardt on COP20 - Doug Henwood
Behind the News, 12/5/24 - guests: Larry Bartels on right populism, Sopo Japaridze on Georgia - Doug Henwood
Behind the News, 11/28/24 - guests: Brooke Harrington on offshore capital, Mahendran Thiruvarangan on Sri Lanka - Doug Henwood
Behind the News, 11/21/24 - guests: Michael Meeropol on his mother Ethel Rosenberg's innocence, Ruth Whippman on raising boys - Doug Henwood
Behind the News, 11/14/24 - guests: Anatol Lieven on Trump's foreign policy • Alex Vitale on Trump and the cops - Doug Henwood
Behind the News, 11/7/24 - DH on Trump • Dahlia Scheindlin on Israeli public opinion • James Foley and Vladimir Unkovski-Korica what Ukraine means for the West - Doug Henwood
Behind the News, 10/31/24 - guests: Laura Jedeed on right-wingers vs. higher ed in Idaho • Mouin Rabbani on Israel's goals - Doug Henwood
Behind the News, 10/22/24 - guests: William Hartung on arming Israel, Scott Schieman on how people actually like their jobs - Doug Henwood
Behind the News, 10/17/24 - guests: Anatol Lieven on the Biden/Harris grand design • Lily Lynch on the emptying Balkans - Doug Henwood
Behind the News, 10/10/24 - guests: Paul North and Paul Reitter on their new edition of Marx's Capital vol. 1 • Nimrod Flaschenberg and Alma Itzhaky on the political culture of Israel after October 7 - Doug Henwood
Behind the News, 10/3/24 - guests: Rashid Khalidi on a century of war on Palestinians, Aurélie Daher on Hezbollah after Nasrallah - Doug Henwood