Comme promis, nous lisons aujourd’hui la suite de L’Etranger d’Albert Camus. Dans la 1ère partie, nous avons vu que le héros, Meursault, ne semble pas être affecté par les évènements qu’il vit. La mort de sa mère, sa relation avec Marie, son amitié avec le proxénète Raymond... Tout cela ne lui fait ni chaud ni froid. Il se laisse porter par la vie sans se poser de question. Mais tout change le jour où il tue « par hasard » l’ennemi de Raymond de 5 coups de revolver. Dans cette 2ème et dernière p...
Feb 08, 2018•31 min•Ep 36•Transcript available on Metacast Intermediate French Podcast with Transcript. Improve your French naturally while listening to current topics and stories. L’Étranger, c’est le deuxième roman francophone le plus lu dans le monde. Il a été écrit par Albert Camus et publié en 1942. L’histoire se passe à Alger, la capitale de l’Algérie, au moment où ce pays était une colonie française. Le héros, Meursault, est un jeune homme employé dans un bureau. De l’extérieur, il semble être comme vous et moi. Mais en l’entendant raconter son h...
Jan 25, 2018•35 min•Ep 35•Transcript available on Metacast Intermediate French Podcast with Transcript. Improve your French naturally while listening to interesting topics. Quand le bitcoin a été créé en 2009, il valait 0,001$. 8 ans plus tard, en décembre 2017, son prix est passé à 20 000$. Certaines personnes sont devenues riches grâce à lui, d’autres au contraire ont perdu beaucoup d’argent. Au-delà de ces chiffres spectaculaires, il est parfois difficile de comprendre ce qu’est le bitcoin. Est-ce une nouvelle monnaie révolutionnaire ou un simple out...
Jan 11, 2018•30 min•Ep 34•Transcript available on Metacast Intermediate French Podcast with Transcript. Learn French in Context with these Fascinating Topics. Quand la nouvelle année arrive, on veut prendre des bonnes résolutions : s’inscrire à la salle de sport, arrêter de fumer, apprendre une nouvelle langue. On profite de ce moment symbolique pour changer quelque chose dans notre vie. Malheureusement, on abandonne souvent après quelques semaines. Avec les études, le travail, les obligations, c’est difficile de rester motivé. Alors comment faire pour ...
Dec 28, 2017•31 min•Ep 33•Transcript available on Metacast Intermediate French Podcast with Transcript. Learn French in Context with these Fascinating Topics. Ce podcast s’adresse aux personnes qui apprennent le français et qui veulent améliorer leur compréhension de la langue. Le plus grand rockeur français est mort Le 6 décembre, le plus grand rockeur français est mort. Il s’appelait Johnny Hallyday. C’est lui qui a fait découvrir le rock aux Français dans les années 60. Il a même invité Jimi Hendrix pour ses premiers concerts en France. Et des concer...
Dec 14, 2017•34 min•Ep 32•Transcript available on Metacast Intermediate French Podcast with Transcript. Learn French in Context with these Fascinating Topics. Ce podcast s’adresse aux personnes qui apprennent le français et qui veulent améliorer leur compréhension de la langue. Je suis sûr que vous connaissez le Petit Prince d’Antoine de Saint Exupéry. C’est le 2ème livre le plus traduit dans le monde après la Bible ! À cause de son style et de ses illustrations, on croit souvent que c’est une histoire pour les enfants. Mais en réalité, il s’agit plutôt...
Nov 30, 2017•29 min•Ep 31•Transcript available on Metacast Intermediate French Podcast with Transcript. Learn French in Context with these Fascinating Topics. *Description in English below Ce podcast s’adresse aux personnes qui apprennent le français et qui veulent améliorer leur compréhension de la langue. Pouvons-nous apprendre une langue grâce à la musique ? Oui et non. Non, car écouter des heures et des heures de chanson française ne permet pas de parler français couramment. Si c’était le cas, toutes les écoles de langues se seraient déjà transformé...
Nov 16, 2017•27 min•Ep 30•Transcript available on Metacast Intermediate French Podcast with Transcript. Learn French in Context with these Fascinating Topics. Ce podcast s’adresse aux personnes qui apprennent le français et qui veulent améliorer leur compréhension de la langue. Le réveil à 7h30, le bus à 8h15, la réunion à 9h. Toute la journée, nous courrons après le temps. Et nous avons l’impression de ne jamais en avoir assez pour faire toutes les choses qui sont sur notre liste. Conséquence : nous sommes stressés et déprimés. Comment faire pour sorti...
Nov 09, 2017•29 min•Ep 29•Transcript available on Metacast Intermediate French Podcast with Transcript. Learn French in Context with these Fascinating Topics. Ce podcast s’adresse aux personnes qui apprennent le français et qui veulent améliorer leur compréhension de la langue. Films d’horreur, fausses maisons hantées, séries sur les serial killers... Avoir peur est devenu une forme d’amusement, de divertissement. Mais pourquoi sommes-nous tellement attirés par cette émotion ? Pourquoi avons-nous besoin d’avoir peur ? La réponse est à chercher du côté d...
Nov 02, 2017•28 min•Ep 28•Transcript available on Metacast Intermediate French Podcast with Transcript. Learn French in Context with these Fascinating Topics. Ce podcast s’adresse aux personnes qui apprennent le français et qui veulent améliorer leur compréhension de la langue. Qu’est-ce que le transhumanisme ? Un fantasme de fans de science fiction ? Une volonté de rendre l’Homme immortel ? Une idéologie dangereuse ? Un peu des trois. Mais il s’agit surtout d’un mouvement intellectuel et culturel né dans les années 80 en Californie qui a pris aujourd’h...
Oct 26, 2017•30 min•Ep 27•Transcript available on Metacast Intermediate French Podcast with Transcript. Learn French in Context with these Fascinating Topics. D’après une célèbre étude de 2007 menée par deux chercheurs de l’université de Virginia aux Etats-Unis, le bonheur est notre aspiration prioritaire. Pourtant, quand on regarde autour de nous, peu de personnes semblent vraiment heureuses. Les problèmes au travail, dans le couple ou avec la famille, nous empoisonnent la vie. Comment les gens heureux font-ils pour ignorer les soucis du quotidien ? Qu...
Oct 19, 2017•31 min•Ep 26•Transcript available on Metacast Intermediate French Podcast with Transcript. Learn French in Context with these Fascinating Topics. Il y a un an, Inez m’a contacté pour perfectionner son français. En la rencontrant, j’étais très surpris de voir le niveau qu’elle avait atteint en seulement deux ans. Elle était déjà capable de communiquer avec beaucoup de naturel sans avoir jamais vécu dans un pays francophone. J’ai donc décidé de l’interviewer pour parler de sa relation avec le français et de ses secrets pour progresser rapidem...
Oct 12, 2017•30 min•Ep 25•Transcript available on Metacast Intermediate French Podcast with Transcript. Learn French in Context with these Fascinating Topics. Il y a trois ans, le magazine New York Times avait publié un article intitulé « Can anyone save French food? ». Un titre assez provocateur mais avec une vraie question derrière. Dans les classements des meilleurs restaurants ou chefs du monde, on trouve en effet de moins en moins de Français. Les critiques affirment que la cuisine française est démodée et que les étrangers préfèrent sa cousine ita...
Oct 05, 2017•30 min•Ep 24•Transcript available on Metacast Intermediate French Podcast with Transcript. Learn French in Context with these Fascinating Topics. Depuis quelques années, l’idée de « revenu universel » est de plus en plus présente dans les médias. Mais de quoi s’agit-il exactement ? Tout simplement de laisser l’Etat donner de l’argent à chaque citoyen sans condition pour pouvoir vivre, même sans travailler ! Certains économistes pensent que le revenu universel pourrait faire disparaître la pauvreté et le chômage. D’autres le critiquent en di...
Sep 28, 2017•30 min•Ep 23•Transcript available on Metacast Intermediate French Podcast with Transcript. Learn French in Context with these Fascinating Topics. Un nouvel épisode un peu différent. Cette fois, je vous raconte une histoire...surnaturelle ! Connaissez-vous le Horla ? C’est une nouvelle de Guy de Maupassant, un des écrivains les plus célèbres de la littérature française. Elle parle d’un homme qui croit qu’une créature invisible l’observe la nuit quand il dort. Il écrit dans son journal intime ses pensées, ses peurs, et les choses qui lui arri...
Sep 21, 2017•32 min•Ep 22•Transcript available on Metacast Intermediate French Podcast with Transcript. Learn French in Context with these Fascinating Topics. I’ve always considered myself a very rational person. As an introvert, I like to think before I speak, to weigh the pros and cons, to analyze everything. But I quickly changed my mind when I started reading Kahneman’s bestseller Thinking fast and slow. Suddenly my own judgment didn’t seem so reliable after all. In this episode, I share with you some of the most striking lessons from this fascinati...
Sep 14, 2017•31 min•Ep 21•Transcript available on Metacast Intermediate French Podcast with Transcript. Learn French in Context with these Fascinating Topics. I have some bad news: the Cottongue podcast is over. But don’t worry because the innerFrench podcast is taking over! I decided to change the brand for more clarity, but the concept stays the same. This week, I want to share with you 8 tips to make your French learning routine more efficient. I hope you’ll find them useful! This podcast is designed for intermediate French learners who want to get a...
Sep 10, 2017•28 min•Ep 20•Transcript available on Metacast Intermediate French Podcast with Transcript. Learn French in Context with these Fascinating Topics. Ce podcast s’adresse aux personnes qui apprennent le français et qui veulent améliorer leur compréhension de la langue. Don’t eat too much fat, don’t smoke, don’t drink alcohol, be active. Everyday we hear the same pieces of advice in the media, at work, or through the apps that we use. The more we hear them, the more they sound like orders. Some doctors and psychologists are starting to point at ...
Aug 31, 2017•28 min•Ep 19•Transcript available on Metacast Intermediate French Podcast with Transcript. Learn French in Context with these Fascinating Topics. When I started using Uber a few years ago, I was thrilled. Their app was so much more convenient than regular taxi service, and the drivers seemed a lot nicer while also offering cheaper rides. But after some time and talks with disappointed drivers, I found out what was behind the fuss: an ugly business model coupled with unfair working conditions. Unfortunately, many other sectors are now copyin...
Aug 24, 2017•29 min•Ep 18•Transcript available on Metacast Intermediate French Podcast with Transcript. Learn French in Context with these Fascinating Topics. Very few directors shot their first award winning-movie at 19. But Xavier Dolan did. Now 28, the Canadian director, producer and actor has already been more rewarded than most directors during their whole careers. Critics praise his mastery while the audience is often deeply moved by his emotionally charged scenes. However as a workaholic, he is not always easy to work with. In this episode, I tel...
Aug 17, 2017•31 min•Ep 17•Transcript available on Metacast Intermediate French Podcast with Transcript. Learn French in Context with these Fascinating Topics. Every successful language learner will tell you that the key to acquire a foreign language is regularity. And for once, French is no exception! But we are all busy people with a lot on our plate. So how can we find time to squeeze 30 minutes of learning French everyday? The answer is simple: by making it a habit. Luckily for us, we can use the findings of Charles Duhigg’s famous book (The Power of...
Aug 10, 2017•32 min•Ep 16•Transcript available on Metacast Intermediate French Podcast with Transcript. Learn French in Context with these Fascinating Topics. Have you ever dreamed of going to school in France? Probably not. Mostly because people don’t know much about the French Education system, and because studying in your home country was already enough. But what better way to understand a culture than to look at what young generations are taught at school? And let me tell you that France has its own way of shaping its sweet little angels’ mind… In t...
Aug 03, 2017•29 min•Ep 15•Transcript available on Metacast Intermediate French Podcast with Transcript. Learn French in Context with these Fascinating Topics. What do Luke Skywalker, Aladdin and Harry Potter have in common? At first sight, not much. But what if I told you that their adventures actually follow the exact same steps? The scenery and characters might be different, but the plot structures are identical. This is why you probably had an impression of déjà-vu when you were watching one of these movies. This recipe to tell the “perfect story” wa...
Jul 27, 2017•30 min•Ep 14•Transcript available on Metacast Intermediate French Podcast with Transcript. Learn French in Context with these Fascinating Topics. Who never dreamed of winning the lottery? It’s easy to start adding up the millions in our head and to make a list of all the crazy things we would do with them. Some actual winners probably had similar dreams when they tried their luck. But when they got the lucky ticket, their life changed in a completely different way than they expected... To avoid these types of dramas, the company in charge o...
Jul 20, 2017•30 min•Ep 13•Transcript available on Metacast Intermediate French Podcast with Transcript. Learn French in Context with these Fascinating Topics. The French National Day is commonly known as “Bastille Day”. If you did not pay attention during your History classes, you might think that “Bastille” is another of those delicious French pastries, or maybe some sort of fancy fashion accessory. If you were more hard-working at school, then you know that it refers to the French Revolution of 1789, and that “la Bastille” was actually a state prison....
Jul 13, 2017•30 min•Ep 12•Transcript available on Metacast Intermediate French Podcast with Transcript. Learn French in Context with these Fascinating Topics. From CEOs to Athletes, it seems like everyone these days is waking up at 5 in the morning. You probably already read some articles or books singing the praises of this new trend. But despite the many benefits it could bring to your life, every morning you’re late to jump on the bandwagon… You might even think that it’s just not for you. But (almost) everyone can become an early bird. It is mostly ...
Jul 03, 2017•32 min•Ep 11•Transcript available on Metacast Intermediate French Podcast with Transcript. Learn French in Context with these Fascinating Topics. Very few psychological experiments became as famous and controversial as Milgram’s. Stanley Milgram, born in a Jewish family in the Bronx, was deeply affected by the horrors of the Holocaust. After earning a Ph.D. in social psychology from Harvard University, he started a series of experiments to understand how so many Human Beings could commit such atrocities. His terrifying results were an elect...
Jun 26, 2017•32 min•Ep 10•Transcript available on Metacast Intermediate French Podcast with Transcript. Learn French in Context with these Fascinating Topics. Economic growth has been our governments’ main concern for decades now. Capitalism needs it to survive and, by extension, we need it to keep living comfortably. Or so we believe. Since the 70’s, a large number of economists, environmentalists and experts from various fields have warned us about the negative consequences of economic growth, not only on our planet but also on our personal lives. “De...
Jun 19, 2017•31 min•Ep 9•Transcript available on Metacast Intermediate French Podcast with Transcript. Learn French in Context with these Fascinating Topics. Stereotypes are pretty convenient. Instead of losing time trying to understand the complexity of the world we live in, we can just take a commonly shared opinion and make it our own. And when it comes to stereotypes about nationalities, the French people are an obvious target. Whether it is about the weird animals they eat, how many cigarettes they smoke or their legendary rudeness, there is enoug...
Jun 12, 2017•29 min•Ep 8•Transcript available on Metacast Intermediate French Podcast with Transcript. Learn French in Context with these Fascinating Topics. Did the Americans actually send men on the moon? Who exactly are the Illuminati and how can I become one? Unfortunately you won’t get the answer to those questions here. And I won’t try to debunk those theories either. But we will talk about conspiracy theories and I will give you the recipe to make up a good one. Conspiracy theories are a popular topic in France; we have a great deal of them. It ...
Jun 05, 2017•33 min•Ep 7•Transcript available on Metacast