Israel at War Update #27 - Positive Destruction
Positive Destruction - recorded on Nov. 16th
Positive Destruction - recorded on Nov. 16th
The IDF are in the Hamas Tunnels
The Palestinian Authority is a Paper Tiger
The North is Heating Up
Bombshell Expose about the Media
The Exodus from Gaza has Begun
IDF Back in Gaza City
The Agenda Exposed
Internal Challenges
Geopolitical Hardships Part 2
War Strategy with Geopolitical Hardships
This is the Only Way to Victory
IDF Ground War into Gaza aas begun.
Today, I have a number of surprising pieces of good news regarding the war effort and much more.
This actually happened, and the world is ignoring it.
Sick and so sad. Nothing surprises me anymore.
What is happening in Israel today is truly remarkable! As we continue to wait for the ground offensive, do not miss hearing this!!!
In between shifts, I just conducted one of the hardest Pulse of Israel interviews in my life. Meet Avigail Gimpel who volunteers for the Gush Etzion chevra kadisha. THe chevra kadisha was tasked with preparing the massacred and mutilated bodies, from down South, for a proper Jewish burial. Her testimony is super critical, as too many media outlets, journalists, online influencers and politicians deny that any massacre took place, while simultaneously believing the blood libel that Israel shot a ...
The storm is coming, not just for us Jews but for all of us. The most important way to be prepared is to strengthen your faith in the above.
While our soldiers are waiting for orders, the establishment media in Israel, together with their partners in civil society, are fighting a war to drive a very wrong and divisive narrative to prepare for a political coup after the war. They are literally hiding the truth from the public and spreading a narrative of lies. With it all, we will win. The more people who understand what is really going on, the easier it will be for us to win, on all fronts. Just think of King David and the Psalms tha...
As our IDF soldiers are still waiting for orders, it seems like Biden's plans have now fallen apart. This is good news. Let's see how things develop today. In the meantime, I have another personal anecdote to add about celebrating life during this war.
Over 300,000 IDF reserve soldiers are all ready for the order to go into Gaza and destroy Hamas. Yet the order has not been given. Why not? Do not miss hearing why not, and other important information including about a US naval fleet on its way to the Middle East. Why??? Most important, pray, pray, pray. Am Yisrael Chai!!!
With all the insanity and sadness about this war we have been forced to launch to protect Israel and destroy our palestinazi enemies, i have some happy news to share with you as well! What other army in the world would do this??? Unbelievable! Am Yisrael Chai!!!
So much to update about about what is going on. Keep on praying. Keep on strengthening your faith. With all the pain and all the losses, we will overcome this and win! Am Yisrael Chai!!!
Just a few days ago, Israel experienced the biggest massacre of Jews in the land of Israel in modern times. Even worse than the brutal Arab Muslim massacre of Jews back in 1929 and then in 1936. Most people erroneously think that this war with our Arab Muslim neighbors started just a few days ago with the attack from Gaza. But the truth might surprise you. Do not miss this episode live from the shooting range near a very historic location where I catch you up on the history. Forgive me for the s...
The devastation of the first day of this war is beginning to settle in, even though we are so engrossed in the fighting that so many of us have not yet truly internalized what we are experiencing. With it all, we will win this war. So stay strong!!! Am Yisrael Chai
Israel is now at war. I have been called up to the IDF reserves together with almost every other IDF reserve soldier. For more details click here: And click here for more about the beauty of the Jewish people in the time of war Am Yisrael Chai!!! Our enemies gave us a huge, huge and extremely painful blow ye...
Last week I shared with you the amazing backlash to the extremely disturbing anti-Jewish protests against public Jewish prayer services on Yom Kippur in Tel Aviv. Now I want to share you even more of my optimism, even though even more disturbing information has been exposed about the sad protests on Yom Kippur in Tel Aviv.
With so much going on in Israel, it was wonderful to once again have the opportunity to do a program with Caroline Glick. We speak about the latest judicial over reach by the justice system, and the Supreme Court, and how it is directly connected to the anti-Jewish agenda that was just exposed with the protests against the Yom Kippur prayer services I spoke about in this recent episode: This episode was recorded right before the Sukkot...