Join me as I walk through the streets of Jerusalem, full with celebration for Jerusalem Day, as I explain the unbelievable, miraculous, and yet challenging & seemingly divisive, process we are experiencing as a Jewish people returned as sovereign in our ancestral homeland. You do not want to miss this!
May 23, 2023•8 min•Transcript available on Metacast Whether online, at work, or even at the Shabbat table or any social setting with friends or family, it is almost impossible today to avoid divisive conversations. Society today has been conditioned to be triggered by almost anything, even just saying that a 'boy can't be a girl' or vis versa. In addition to that, every social issue has been politicized as well by politicians and the media, making it even harder to avoid divisive conversations. I asked Rabbi Shlomo Katz how we are sup...
May 22, 2023•16 min•Transcript available on Metacast What a story! I had the pleasure of meeting Ellen Mendel, who is a loyal subscriber of my Pulse of Israel videos. Little did I know that Ellen has an unbelievable life story, starting with how her family escaped from Nazi Germany when she was a little girl. I hope you are as fascinated and inspired by Ellen's story as I am.
May 21, 2023•54 min•Transcript available on Metacast Just a few weeks ago, the Mizrachi organization held an inaugural world congress in Jerusalem bringing together Jewish professionals and lay leaders representing Jewish communities from all over the world. I joined in to find out what was so special about this important conference.
May 17, 2023•7 min•Transcript available on Metacast I had the pleasure to meet in person a true modern hero of mine, Yale Epidemiologist Dr. Harvey Risch, and his wife. Not only is Dr. Risch, a proud Israel supporting Jew, he is also one of the few voices of sanity, from the beginning, regarding covid. I will never forget Dr. Risch’s Senate testimony back in November 2020 when he stated that ‘even if a successful vaccine is developed, people will still get sick from the virus and hence the need for medical treatments besides the vaccine. He then ...
May 16, 2023•26 min•Transcript available on Metacast There is so much misinformation being spread about Israel's judicial reform. In this video, we put together the actual truth, clearly showing the undemocratic state of the justice system today. One can argue about what the solution should be, and that is what the politicians should be focused on. Instead, however, too many very rich elites and organizations have chosen to spread lies, and use emotional manipulation, to get people out in the streets to protest the much needed, and democratic,...
May 15, 2023•6 min•Transcript available on Metacast Here in Israel things have quieted down, as a ceasefire went into effect late last night. But, as we know, a ceasefire is just a temporary break, where we cease until they decide to start firing again.Regardless, you do not want to miss my inspiring update that puts everything into perspective.
May 14, 2023•8 min•Transcript available on Metacast Here in Gush Etzion the red alert siren went off and everyone indoors ran to our safety rooms.We heard booms and found out later on that two rockets fell in the area, one in an open field and one next to the main road that we all travel on, that is always filled with cars. Thankfully, nobody was hurt by either of those rockets. One rocket also fell on a house in Sderot. Thankfully, nobody was hurt in that attack either.
May 12, 2023•4 min•Transcript available on Metacast Israel is under attack again. Hundreds and hundreds of rockets have been launched by Arab Muslim terrorists in Gaza, literally only feet away from residential homes. Israel is currently attacking terror targets in Gaza as we speak. However, this will not end the terror from our enemies in Gaza. The solution is simple and it is up to us. Do not miss hearing the politically incorrect truths about our situation that you will hardly hear anywhere else.
May 10, 2023•6 min•Transcript available on Metacast Yisrael & Nechama are modern King Davids standing up as proud Jews, protecting the Jewish people and the land of Israel just by how they are living their lives. You do not want to miss being inspired by their story. Unfortunately, Yisrael was recently attacked by Arab Muslims. They need our help. Please help Yisrael & Nechama while Israel is in the hospital. Yisrael & Nechama are proud Jewish Shepards in the Southern Hills of Hevron. Yisrael was attacked by Arab Muslims and he is now...
May 09, 2023•7 min•Transcript available on Metacast This week Jewish people around the world will be celebrating the holiday of Lag Ba’omer. Why? Israel will be filled with bonfires up and down the country. Again, why? There is so much depth to this holiday that even many Jews don’t even grasp.What are we celebrating???This morning’s Pulse of Israel Torah Talk with Rabbi Shlomo Katz breaks down the powerful and deep meaning of the Lag Ba’omer holiday.
May 07, 2023•24 min•Transcript available on Metacast The anti-democratic, anti-judicial reform movement is using the Declaration of Independence as a prop "proving" that the much needed, and democratic, judicial reform is anti-democratic. When was the last time you read or heard the words of Israel's Declaration of Independence? Once you do, one understands that nothing can be further from the truth. You do not want to miss hearing how the truth is exactly the opposite.
May 04, 2023•18 min•Transcript available on Metacast Many European Jewish youth do not attend Jewish dayschools and lack proper Jewish education. While on a short family getaway to Venice, Italy I met up with Tali Basali who is providing a solution to solve that problem. Join me in the famous Venice Ghetto as I speak to Tali about life in Venice and her special educational project for European Jewish youth. I promise, more Pulse of Israel episodes will be coming about the Jewish Ghetto in Venice, Italy.
May 02, 2023•10 min•Transcript available on Metacast Talking truth about Israel with Dave Rubin as we walk to the Old City of Jerusalem, the eternal, Biblical, beautiful and indivisible capital of the Jewish people since King David’s time! Since Dave is someone who understands that the cultural/political upheaval in the US is similar to the one going on today in Israel, I asked him for words of advice/encouragement for the Israeli people. Let’s just say Dave truly gets it! You do not want to miss the Pulse of Israel video with his response. Sign u...
May 01, 2023•6 min•Transcript available on Metacast This is one of many, many examples of legal injustice which highlights the need for judicial reform in Israel.
Apr 30, 2023•7 min•Transcript available on Metacast Learning about a hero.
Apr 27, 2023•11 min•Transcript available on Metacast The Jewish people usually enters our national days of mourning and celebration as a unified nation, despite the social tensions that exist. This year is different. This year, a tiny elite extreme left has taken over and created a public atmosphere of division, even though we are not divided! As I keep on emphasizing, in reality we are one united people here in Israel, with a tiny, yet rich and powerful deep state, minority creating a side show. Unfortunately, this side show is giving the impress...
Apr 25, 2023•12 min•Transcript available on Metacast Moral equivalency and political correctness has killed morality today. Period. Unfortunately, due to this publicly accepted and condoned culture of immorality, innocent Jews are being attacked, and even killed, daily. Why should our Arab Muslim enemies stop? Their acts of violence against us are being condoned by the Western world. Rabbi Shlomo Katz's blood was "boiling" after I shared this CNN clip with him:
Apr 24, 2023•15 min•Transcript available on Metacast Besides saving our lives, this is the #1 reason that is hardly ever mentioned. I would love to hear your thoughts.
Apr 23, 2023•7 min•Transcript available on Metacast I had the merit of interviewing Boca Raton Synagogue Rabbi Efrem Goldberg and Rabbi Shay Shachter of Woodmere Synagogue after their special visit to Leo Dee, a student of theirs that neither had a chance to personally meet. You see, both of these Rabbis record Torah lessons online with people all over the world who listen/watch to learn their Torah. When they heard from Leo Dee’s public remarks that he has been learning their Torah for years, and sharing it with his late wife and kids, these two...
Apr 20, 2023•28 min•Transcript available on Metacast As the Jewish people around the world, especially in Israel, are experiencing divisive times, it was a pleasure to speak with Ori Sobovitz about the amazing projects he works on to unite all Jews. While Ori works fulltime for OurCrowd, a top crowdfunding venture capital fund that invests in Israeli businesses and startups, he also finds the time for these special and needed projects. One of the projects is a unique book with teachings of Torah, from the weekly Torah portions, that Jews of all ty...
Apr 19, 2023•20 min•Transcript available on Metacast Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu flew into our community to visit Leo Dee and his daughters.Join me as I share important words of truth about our situation as I was waiting for the Prime Minister to drive by and fly off.
Apr 17, 2023•15 min•Transcript available on Metacast We here in the community of Efrat, in the Judean Hills, home to the Dee family, are still very much experiencing the effects of the tragedy that befell the Dee family, our friends and neighbors.I sat down with Rabbi Shlomo Katz, my friend and Rabbi, to discuss what we are all experiencing, how it has impacted the Jewish people and most importantly, how we move forward as a people to put an end to similar tragedies.
Apr 16, 2023•33 min•Transcript available on Metacast I'm blessed to call Rabbi Leo Dee a friend. While mourning for his wife and two daughters, murdered in a terror attack just last Friday, he is inspiring the whole Jewish people.
Apr 14, 2023•9 min•Transcript available on Metacast Our enemies don't stop. Rocket attacks during the Passover holiday and a terror attack hours ago that killed two daughters of a friend of mine in a shooting attack as they were driving. The wife/mother is in serious condition having surgery as I write these words. Please pray for the mother Leah bat Tziporah. We need to keep on telling the truth to wake people up. Please help me accomplish this very important task. NOTE: We have used artificial intelligence for subtitles. They are not perfec...
Apr 07, 2023•7 min•Transcript available on Metacast The judicial reform in Israel, currently stopped, has thrown Israel into a societal crisis as we have never experienced, including the insubordination of some of Israel's elite airforce pilots. Join me to understand, in a much deeper way, the societal impact this is having on Israeli society, how it is actually leading to the very positive outcome of many more Israelis waking up to the existence of a deep state in Israel, and how this is connected to everything the USA is experiencing today ...
Apr 04, 2023•14 min•Transcript available on Metacast As Jews around the world prepare for Pesach/Passover, I just enjoyed a fabulous and extremely insightful interview with Rabbi Eli Mischel connecting the very saddening state of current events today in Israel to a beautiful teaching of Rav Kook and the redemption story that we celebrate on Passover. The bottom line, we have to view what we are experiencing today as a people with regard to the judicial reform through the eyes of the Bible and redemption. Even though things look bad, it is all goin...
Apr 03, 2023•25 min•Transcript available on Metacast What a fascinating conversation with Rabbi Neil Winkler, a Rabbi I have had the privilege of knowing and learning from most of my life. Rabbi Winkler writes a weekly Torah column in the Orthodox Union's Israel Center's Torah Tidbits. I reached out to him after one of his thought-provoking articles about the Jewish people being the Chosen People. There is so much depth to understanding how the Jewish people are the chosen people. You do not want to miss this Rabbi Winkler breaking it all ...
Apr 02, 2023•55 min•Transcript available on Metacast Congressional staff members told me that I was on Capitol Hill on one of the craziest days in Congress. It was almost impossible to schedule a meeting with Congressman Jim Jordan since he was participating in back-to-back committee votes and meeting all day long. Thanks to the close relationship that we, at the Yes! Israel project, have developed with many US Congressmen, including Congressman Jordan, I'm very thankful that Congressman Jim Jordan took two minutes of time in between committee...
Mar 30, 2023•3 min•Transcript available on Metacast We are all being manipulated. Almost nothing we are being told about the judicial reform is true. Yet, it is causing tremendous damage to the unity of the Jewish people and the international standing of the Jewish state of Israel. Do not miss this episode to understand why this is being done and by whom.
Mar 29, 2023•14 min•Transcript available on Metacast