The Need for Truth About Israel to Counter the Horrendous State of Israel's Foreign Diplomacy
The Need for Truth About Israel to Counter the Horrendous State of Israel's Foreign Diplomacy
The Need for Truth About Israel to Counter the Horrendous State of Israel's Foreign Diplomacy
The levels of violence and disrespect are rising to levels never seen before. This is hardly talked about. Yet, the growing violence from Islamist Israeli citizens will only end after the problem is diagnosed properly.
A Jewish synagogue in Texas attacked by a Muslim terrorist. The FBI says it is not connected to Jews. Thankfully all the Jewish hostages lived and the Islamist terrorist was killed. The solution to growing Jew-hatred is not in the authorities, not in Holocaust education and not by our own leaders focusing on Muslim outreach, while ignoring the evil Islamism and instead by appeasing it. The solution is to strengthen our connection to our thousand year old culture, tradition and homeland. St...
The growing Islamist Bedouin violence is not going away. It has raised its dangerous head once again. Wait until you hear why and how the government of Israel has responded this time. This will change when we finally have politicians who stand up for truth, justice and the rights of the Jewish people in our ancestral land of Israel.
one of the top defenders of truth in Britain today, who is killing it with the truth about Israel and the Jewish people
Wow, wow, wow!!! I had the opportunity of hearing the unbelievable story of a man who ran away from the Nazis, survived a Nazi labor camp, survived a Russian camp in Siberia, became a pilot for the fledgling US Air Force, survived 4 crashes, survived a Japanese PWO camp after a brutal 2.5 years, and so, much more! You do not want to miss hearing about this unbelievable man, who passed away at the age of 92 back in February 2017. No matter what you have to complain about, listening to his st...
This is such an important life lesson for all of us during these trying times, from one of the greatest leaders ever in all of humanity.
Not every doctor is willing or knowledgeable to speak about covid-19 prevention and treatment. Meet Dr. Ben-Zeev, an experienced family doctor, who I have seen for over 30 years. Dr. Ben-Zeev gives over critical information that is important for everybody, whether vaccinated or not.
Unbelievable! Historic Muslim books with the truth, yet since rewritten to erase the historical truth.
Last week the Israeli government destroyed some buildings in the Jewish community of Chomesh in the hills of Samaria. Do not miss this special broadcast to understand it all. Regardless, we are back home where we are supposed to be and no terror or destruction of our communities will deter us. We will continue building and growing. Am Yisrael Chai.
This topic is so very important. Bottom line, women are the closest thing to the almighty on earth, and, unfortunately, not truly appreciated as they should be by modern Western society.
Dr. Robert Malone is one of the central scientific professionals central to understanding our reality today with fighting the virus. Israel's Ministry of Health just tried to debunk him after a video of his has gone viral in Israel: It was a real pleasure hearing his response and so much more. For the list of data he talks about regarding all the different issues: https://doctorsa...
Israel is an amazing country. Some people love it for its Biblical history and sites, while others love the people and culture. And some people know little to nothing about Israel and believe it is some foreign place. Well, meet Michael Fertik, an entrepreneur and venture capital investor, turned author, who wants to help everyone connect to Israel, even those with little to no appreciation for the Jewish people, the Bible and the amazing history of our land.
The growing Jew-hatred on University campuses is extremely worrying. It's not just in the campus atmosphere or activities, but even in the textbooks and course materials of the classes themselves.
Did you hear about the two Jewish workers who were lynched a few days ago by their Arab Muslim co-workers on a construction site in Central Israel? Neither did most Israelis! Miraculously they were saved. But, unfortunately, this episode is indicative of the rot of progressive ideology that has taken over most of the leadership and authorities in the freedom-loving world today. Hold the line. We will all overcome this.
Jews around the world this week will be fasting one of three separate fasts to commemorate the destruction of Jerusalem and our Holy Temple, twice, thousands of years ago. Find out how this is connected to our lives today.
Besides the world being crazy right now, in so many ways, we also all experience hardships and tragedies in life. It is inevitable. I want everyone to hear this little bit of Biblical inspiration to help them overcome whatever hardships or challenges they are experiencing.
Deep Dive into FDA & CDC Authorizations with Experienced Drug Development Researcher & Scientist SHORT
Once again, I hit the streets to join my fellow Jews in standing up and showing our Arab neighbors that their terror does not scare us. This time it was in response to the recent stabbing of a young mother who was walking her kids to school. She was stabbed by a 14-year-old girl, who is her neighbor! Join me as I walk the streets of the Eastern Jerusalem neighborhood near where it happened.
This was not a major event, and it did not even get that much coverage focusing on how major it was, but it was a truly major event. Our President stood up to the terror threats of the Muslims and the pressure of his fellow leftists. Find out to understand what happened and why it was so huge.
Deep Dive into FDA & CDC Authorizations with Experienced Drug Development Researcher & Scientist
Do not miss listening to this amazing voice of truth and inspiration about Israel as he explains the latest news about the South African government bullying Miss South Africa for attending a Miss Universe contest in Israel.
Israel's Foreign Ministry paid over $20 million to have a pavilion at the global expo in Dubai that is expecting 25 million visitors from around the world. Yet, instead of inspiring and exciting expo visitors with what makes the Jewish state of Israel unique and enticing to all of humanity, Israel's foreign experts dropped the ball, big time. What bothers me more than the missed opportunity is the missing appreciation for their own heritage and homeland, that actually is what so many people arou...
Wait until you see this!
While plenty of people focus on the festive atmosphere of the Chanukah holiday and the gifts, too many people ignore the unbelievably transformational message of this miraculous holiday.
Speaking with Dr. Jessica Rose, a viral immunologist with a background in applied mathematics, immunology, computational biology, molecular biology and biochemistry. Currently a freelance data analyst deep-diving into the US vaccine adverse events reporting system - VAERS. Dr. Rose will also explain why giving this shot to kids could be disastrous.
Speaking with Daniel Seaman, political commentator and former Director of the Government Press Office, who highlights the utter hypocrisy of the left in remaining silent about sexual abuse from their political heroes. He recently wrote a post about the recent alleged sex abuse allegations against late former Prime Minister Shimon Peres.
Hearing about the Knesset Committee on Shots for Kids with Former Knesset Member Moshe Feiglin, who was present at the committee meeting.
Josh Wander and Meir Eisenman were two of the many first-responders who ran to treat the victims of the recent terror attack in the Old City of Jerusalem. Join me as I walk with them through the Old City so you can can a better grasp and understanding of where and how it all happened. It is critically important for people to understand, these are places where thousands of Jews walk every day. Our enemies think that by terrorizing us they will scare us away froom our homeland and our eternal capi...
Over the last week, we have experienced two Muslim terror attacks in the Old City of Jerusalem. There is much you need to know about them that the establishment media is not telling anyone. May we merit speedily in our times an end to this Islamist genocidal tendency to murder innocent Jews just for being Jews.