Beware Google Maps Adopting Anti-Israel Agenda?
This might seem innocent, but this is an extremely dangerous escalation in the war against the Jewish state of Israel. Don't miss hearing what is going on and what you can do about it.
This might seem innocent, but this is an extremely dangerous escalation in the war against the Jewish state of Israel. Don't miss hearing what is going on and what you can do about it.
This might seem innocent, but this is an extremely dangerous escalation in the war against the Jewish state of Israel. Don't miss hearing what is going on and what you can do about it.
Don't miss hearing these amazing insights regarding decoding the world of aromatherapy and herbal plant-based medicines and the connection to the miracles of olive oil on Chanukah. Speaking with Simcha Gluck, family man and chief salve-maker from Salves of Jerusalem. Simcha is an entrepreneur, global business trainer and author with a background in health and wellness. He loves combining the physical and metaphysical to help people live better, healthier and more vibrant lives. For more informat...
Wow! I never expected to have this interview! Meet Irfan Peci. A Muslim immigrant to Germany who is now doing everything he can to protect all of us from the Jihadist Islamist ways he was once a part of. You do not want to miss hearing what he has to say.
We just had the anniversary of one of the most tragic nights for the Jewish community in modern times, Kristallnacht, also known as the night of broken glass in Germany, which took place on November 9th, 1938. As world Jewry witnesses the growth of Jew-hatred all around us today, it is a perfect time to reflect upon the one and only true solution to ensure "Never Again".
This is a travesty of epic proportions that is given little attention. Billions of Euros, of hard paying European taxpayers, is being spent to expel Jews from living in our ancestral homeland. Find out the latest.
Speaking with Daniel Michael, the man who saw the need and became a matchmaker!
Former Israeli Prime Minister Yitzchak Rabin was assassinated on Nov. 4th, 1995. Rabin is most remembered for receiving a Nobel peace prize for the Olso peace process, and hence his legacy has been created to promote peace, the two-state solution and the division of Jerusalem. This legacy of his is a lie. Unfortunately, his assassination is extremely similar to the event at the Capitol building in DC. Watch to understand it all.
Wow! What a watershed moment for America! Will it be a watershed moment for the world as well?
Speaking with Dr. Paul Alexander, a health advisor to US Health & Human Services under Trump administration during the pandemic
As if things are not crazy enough, the terror-supporting "palestinians" just "labeled" two Israeli non-profit organizations "terrorist organizations", including Regavim. Wait until you hear the truth! Speaking with Naomi Kahn, Director of the International Department at Regavim.
We are living through crazy, crazy times. Are all the government mandates really all about public health policy? I believe we are experiencing something far, far deeper than that. Do not miss hearing the unbelievable brilliance of late Chief British Rabbi Johnathan Sacks that I speak about to help us better understand everything we are experiencing today.
In this Shabbat, we read the Torah portion of Chaye Sarah, when our matriarch Sarah was buried in our holy city of Hebron, the city that King David later established as the first capital city of the Jewish Kingdom, before later moving it to Jerusalem. You do not want to miss this video. It is unbelievable!!! First, we meet Yossi! Yossi was born in Hevron and his family survived the horrible massacre of 1929. My friend Ben and I were blessed to have met him during our visit to Hebron and we joine...
Fascinating! What a pleasure to speak with Daniel S. Chertoff , the author of "Palestine Posts". His father worked for the Palestine Post during the time of the War of Independence, and this book is made up of his father's letters to his family at the time. It is a first-hand eyewitness account of what was transpiring here in Israel. Fascinating! Not only did I enjoy speaking with Danny to hear all about the book, thoughts about his father, pre-state Israel etc. but it was also a pleasure t...
Speaking with former Knesset Member Michal Cotler-Wunsh on the challenges to the Jewish world today. Former MK Cotler-Wunsh is being considered a front-runner to lead a major Jewish organization that deals with issues facing the Jewish people around the world, the Jewish Agency based in Jerusalem.
This interview is extremely critical today, as the Biden administration is openly pressuring Israel to open up a consulate for the terrorist Palestinian Authority in Jerusalem and erase the Trump administration policy of supporting a united Jerusalem as Israel's capital. Do not miss hearing these extremely important words of Dr. Mordechai Kedar, an expert in the Middle East and Islam.
Meet Lauren Isaacs, an unapologetic and proud Zionist Jew. Just recently she visited the holiest site to the Jewish people, the Temple Mount, and she was arrested for waving the Israeli flag. This reality is an absolute disgrace and must be changed! Do not miss listening to this exciting and vibrant young lady and hearing everything we discussed about this very important topic.
Another Islamist terror attack, this time, was a suspected targeted attack on a British politician who was a good friend to the Jewish people and the Jewish state of Israel.
While Google, Amazon and other big tech companies abuse their technology in many ways, some of their employees go public specifically to cancel their work with Israel. These employees are cowards, hypocrites and immoral. Find out why.
Join me as I had the wonderful opportunity of speaking with Yale Epidemiologist Dr. Harvey Risch for a deep dive on the latest regarding Covid-19. Dr. Risch is Professor of Epidemiology in the Department of Epidemiology and Public Health at the Yale School of Public Health and Yale School of Medicine. Dr. Risch received his MD degree from the University of California San Diego and PhD from the University of Chicago. After serving as a postdoctoral fellow in epidemiology at the University of Wash...
This is a very, very well-known Bible story, that Jews just read in the Torah. It explains everything we are experiencing today, and the almighty above pointed out the exact problem and gave us the solution as well! Don't miss it! The question is, will people internalize the lesson he gave to us thousands of years ago.
And another disgrace from the global institution that is supposed to ensure we have a safer world.
I just witnessed this story firsthand. It encapsulates the absolute insanity of what we are all experiencing all over the world. Do not miss the important takeaways from the story, they are supercritical!
This problem does not just apply to Israel, but it applies to the United States and other Western democracies as well.
It is so sad witnessing what is going on today. Former US President Ronald Reagan had some very important words about government that should be listened to by politicians and all freedom-loving citizens today.
The story of a Congressional Hill vote that has yet to be fully explained. Don't miss it
Last week the IDF stopped some major terror attacks. Yet, you wouldn't know that from the worldwide media coverage.
After the FDA advisory committee decided to not approve the third booster shot for the general public except for 65+ and at-risk groups, Israel's Prime Minister and Health Minister spun the news for the Israeli public to fit their agenda. This is not something new and it is very worrying, and this is not just an issue that plagues Israel. Especially when we are dealing with issues of life, death and health, we want to know we can trust the information we receive. And yet, something is very wrong...
Fabulous short insight from Moshe Feiglin, an excerpt from a full deep-dive interview that you can watch below. Moshe is one of Israel's most successful protest leaders who led a movement that swept a nation to publicly protest the Oslo peace process. He then got involved in politics to make a difference from within, joined the Likud party to one day replace Netanyahu as party leader. Spent 17 years building up his political presence in the Likud but then left the party to set up and lead his ow...
What are Moshe Feiglin's thoughts and insights into what is going on today with Israeli politics and society? Moshe is one of Israel's most successful protest leaders who led a movement that swept a nation to publicly protest the Oslo peace process. He then got involved in politics to make a difference from within, joined the Likud party to one day replace Netanyahu as party leader. Spent 17 years building up his political presence in the Likud but then left the party to set up and lead his own ...