I want to share with you an unbelievable development taking place in Israeli society right now. It is in response to the extremely emotionally-charged Yom Kippur we experienced, filled with an extremely unfortunate protest against Jewish prayer in public in Tel Aviv. There is much to understand about what transpired, why and what it is all really about. I promise you will not hear this analysis anywhere else. If you want to truly understand what we are experiencing in Israel today, you do not wa...
Sep 27, 2023•29 min•Transcript available on Metacast Netanyahu just visited the US for the annual United Nations General Assembly, with a stopover to meet Elon Musk in San Francisco. Unfortunately, the protest movement against the judicial reform joined Israel-haters in some very damaging protests against Netanyahu, which don't damage Netanyahu, but all of Israel. Understood exactly what transpired, and why Israeli Americans and some Jewish Americans protested in this way. More importantly, be inspired with how we move forward....
Sep 21, 2023•10 min•Transcript available on Metacast I have some good news and I have some bad news. I will start with the bad news. The bad news is that, with each day, more and more hatred is being exhibited by the anti-judicial reform protest movement towards fellow Jews. The good news is that the protest movement is exposing itself as a movement based on hatred of Jewish values, with nothing actually to do about the judicial reform. Do not miss this very important analysis which includes the latest interviews about this topic on 60 minutes wit...
Sep 20, 2023•19 min•Transcript available on Metacast Once again, it seems like we are living in historic times. Israel is now in normalization talks with Saudi Arabia. Honestly, if this would be happening under the Trump administration, responsible for the groundbreaking Abraham Accords with the Sunni Muslim countries, then I would be pretty confident that the talks with Saudi Arabia had Israel's strategic interests at heart. However, the talks today with Saudi Arabia are being pushed by the Biden administration, so, I'm not that confident...
Sep 18, 2023•26 min•Transcript available on Metacast Israel is potentially entering what people are calling a "constitutional crisis", which is quite ironic since Israel does not even have a constitution.
Sep 13, 2023•18 min•Transcript available on Metacast Do not miss this fascinating conversation with the producer of a new groundbreaking and original movie about the Jewish communities in Judea & Samaria. Comments from some of the viewers:"Well done, and much-needed""Refreshing to hear the truth""Bravo, most logical well written documentary ever""Hands down the best, most thorough & unbiased documentary I have ever watched on this topic. Will be watching again, well done!"
Sep 11, 2023•24 min•Transcript available on Metacast With the new Jewish year upon us... Thank you!
Sep 10, 2023•5 min•Transcript available on Metacast The Israeli people were just given a huge reminder why judicial reform is needed ASAP. The other day, thousands of illegal African migrants rioted on the streets of Tel Aviv, injuring over 150 people including 30 Israeli police officers. These illegal migrants are only still in Israel because of the overreach of the judicial system that much be changed! Do not miss today's program to understand what this is all about, and the similar problem Israel and the USA have to deal with regarding ill...
Sep 03, 2023•18 min•Transcript available on Metacast Another terror attack this morning, another dead Jew :((( It’s not about “occupation”. It’s not about “apartheid”. It’s not about “oppression”. It’s about a genocidal culture that rewards murdering Jews! It is 30 years too late for the Israeli government to do the one thing that will allow us to finally end the genocidal war against us, designate the Palestinian Authority an enemy ASAP! That’s it. Right now, the establishment treats the Palestinian Authority like a potential partner, giving it m...
Aug 31, 2023•15 min•Transcript available on Metacast We are approaching the 30 year anniversary of the signing of the disastrous Oslo "peace" agreement on the White House lawn. Blessed to have already been living in Israel at the time, I was actively protesting against the Oslo deal knowing that it not only would not bring peace, but would bring more terror and bloodshed. It was pretty logical to me that that would be the outcome of the State of Israel giving guns to a known terrorist organization together with sovereignty over our Jewis...
Aug 30, 2023•11 min•Transcript available on Metacast Real Jew-hatred is growing day by day with the actual financial support of our governments (USA, Canada, European States and even Israel) all with the total support of mostly every single major Jewish organization. It is an absolute insane situation. While everyone talks about "fighting antisemitism", their words are hollow, since their actions prove otherwise. This is a major, major issue that must receive wider attention from people on the ground to make a difference. As a result of ...
Aug 30, 2023•1 hr 7 min•Transcript available on Metacast So blessed that people who I once admired I can now call friends. Edwin Black is a legendary investigative journalist who today runs The Edwin Black Show. I have had great respect for Edwin ever since I read his groundbreaking book “IBM and the Holocaust”, that detailed the vast support American businesses, like IBM, literally helped the Nazis murder 6 million Jews. Edwin continues to be a voice of clarity and reason dissecting current events with a deep appreciation for history and the historic...
Aug 29, 2023•45 min•Transcript available on Metacast While this is not about Israel, it is about another critical tragedy that is not getting the appropriate attention it deserves or the appropriate questions asked about what really happened. The families of Maui deserve it. Always ask the common-sense questions, especially when they are being ignored.
Aug 27, 2023•28 min•Transcript available on Metacast Meet Hila. Hila used to run a falafel store in Gush Etzion. She and her husband Moti ended up moving up to the Golan Heights where they today run a wonderful Bed & Breakfast for visitors from Israel and around the world. They also provide unbelievable service, so definitely consider contacting them for a wonderful stay in the Golan Heights. Hila is alive today because, with his last breaths, my friend Ari Fuld HY"D saved her life back in September, 2018. After Ari was fatally stabbed by...
Aug 23, 2023•9 min•Transcript available on Metacast Another terror attack. More Jewish orphans. Do not miss the eulogy of this 12 year old girl. Heartbreaking, yet inspiring. All this as too many Jews/Israelis prefer to focus on a hatred towards fellow Jews, in the name of "saving democracy" instead of being enraged that we have an actual enemy that must be stopped from killing us. With it all, good times are coming. Hold on to your faith.
Aug 22, 2023•9 min•Transcript available on Metacast What we are witnessing in Israel today is a coup. Not a protest movement against judicial reform, but a well-formulated coup that has been planned for years. A coup that Israel's elites are literally willing to destroy Israel in order to succeed in bringing down Netanyahu and his government. This is not Avi Abelow talking, this is the leaders of Israel's elites talking. Just watch today's videos.Again, do not be depressed. They will fail, and we will come out of this period stronger ...
Aug 20, 2023•17 min•Transcript available on Metacast As the headlines in Israel and the Jewish world are filled with articles about how high-ranking Israeli soldiers, and pilots, are threatening to stop serving in the IDF, one Israeli Airforce pilot is speaking the truth and calling out their bluff, with facts. The absurd thing is that all the high ranking officers and pilots who are threatening to stop serving in the IDF, if the judicial reform is not stopped, are blaming the government for "destroying the IDF". It's like someone co...
Aug 16, 2023•47 min•Transcript available on Metacast A number of very concerning incidents recently took place in Israel. These are incidents by Jews against fellow Jews, here in Israel. Incidents that should never happen, but they have happened. And yet again, hardly any attention is properly being given to analyze them, call them out and delegitimize them in order to ensure they never happen again. With it all, I once again explain why these incidents actually make sense, and should be understood in the proper context of everything we are experi...
Aug 15, 2023•14 min•Transcript available on Metacast Today's program was a total surprise, even for me! Honestly, everything in today's program will one day be written up a book and maybe even produced as a movie. You do not want to miss hearing all about the connection between the expulsion of Jews from Gush Katif, a movie, the 2nd Lebanon war and much, much more.
Aug 13, 2023•50 min•Transcript available on Metacast Coming out of my weekly Pulse of Israel Torah talk with my dear friend and Rabbi Shlomo Katz inspired by being witness to the birth of a new, beautiful and inspiring Jewish song, one he created on the spot during our Torah talk connected to the topic being discussed! I was wondering how I never heard that song before! Then he told me that he just created it LOL. This week we discuss the spiritual ramifications for the Jewish people that we ignore the whole Jew-hating antisemitism behind the Pale...
Aug 13, 2023•26 min•Transcript available on Metacast Be prepared to be wowed. Another powerful talk with Rabbi Shlomo Katz that can't be missed.
Aug 07, 2023•12 min•Transcript available on Metacast We just experienced two separate terror attacks in Israel over Shabbat, one in Tel Aviv and one in Judea & Samaria, and both of them highlight how the leaders of the political left, together with the establishment media choose to attack fellow Jews instead of pursuing the truth and calling out our enemies.We will overcome. Stick with me on this revolution of truth.
Aug 06, 2023•9 min•Transcript available on Metacast The Israeli Medical association of doctors went on strike, having doctors leave their posts in public hospitals. Not because of pay or conditions, but as part of the anti-government protests surrounding the judicial reform. But, it gets worse. The judicial system itself assisted the doctors strike, exposing how compromised the whole judicial system is, proving, yet again, how badly judicial reform is needed.
Aug 03, 2023•11 min•Transcript available on Metacast The messages of our enemies in the name of the fake cause called "palestine" are so clear. How come so many Jews ignore them? Their chants literally say it all!
Aug 02, 2023•9 min•Transcript available on Metacast It's time to call out the hypocrisy of the political left, and the Biden administration, with regards to the judicial reform in Israel. Today we will talk about "consensus", one of the latest soundbytes that is being pushed upon us to convince us that the judicial reform, and this Netanyahu government, is anti-democratic.
Aug 01, 2023•12 min•Transcript available on Metacast I had the opportunity to speak with Rabbi Moshe Hauer, Executive Vice President of the Orthodox Union. He eloquently put into perspective the situation in the State of Israel today. His short words follows what I always like to tell people - "perspective". We are so blessed today in so many ways. Do not let the media headlines distract you from the unbelievable state of existence we, the Jewish people, have today in our soveriegn, ancestral and Biblical homeland....
Jul 31, 2023•3 min•Transcript available on Metacast Not every congregational Rabbi in the US one day tells his congregation that he will be moving home to Israel with his family. Rabbi Eli Mischel did just that, after spending years instilling in his congregation a love for Torah, Israel and the importance of all Jews to take advantage and move back to our ancestral homeland. Today, instead of a backyard in New Jersey, he has a beautiful view of Jerusalem from the Judean hills front yard.
Jul 30, 2023•29 min•Transcript available on Metacast Jews all around the world today are mourning thousands of years of persecution, with a focus on the destruction of both the First and Second Temples, thousands of years ago. Today, people are afraid of the division they see within the Jewish people and some are even comparing it to the time period of the Second Temple. This is why this video is so important. Hear the inspiring truth about our situation today that is not getting enough attention. Things look bad, but overall, our situation as Jew...
Jul 27, 2023•8 min•Transcript available on Metacast Some people might be celebrating, the establishment media is telling us all to be in mourning. What is actually going on? In truth, while I 100% support the passage of this law, not much will change. Stick with me to truly understand what just happened with this vote that was passed this week.
Jul 25, 2023•15 min•Transcript available on Metacast Join me to witness history in the making. To many it might seem mundane, but to anyone who understands the daily miracles we are living, returning as a people sovereign in our ancestral and indigenous homeland after 2,000+ years of exile, diaspora and persecution, this is miraculous!Enjoy!!!
Jul 24, 2023•5 min•Transcript available on Metacast