We also talk a lot about different strategies for securing webhooks, and what we're looking forward to at MicroConf . Sponsors: Rollbar , sign up at https://rollbar.com/fullstackradio to try their Bootstrap Plan free for 90 days Hired , sign up at https://www.hired.com/fullstackradio to double your signing bonus to $2000 if you get a job through Hired Links: Crondog , David's new recurring task app KiteTail , Adam's new checkout app How GitHub secures webhooks HMAC on Wikipedia Laravel Spark , t...
Apr 12, 2017•51 min•Ep 62•Transcript available on Metacast David introduces Crondog , the new product he's working on to help developers manage dynamic recurring tasks in their applications. Adam introduces KiteTail , an app that lets you create webhook-driven hosted checkout pages; something he wishes he'd had when he launched his course. From here on out, Full Stack Radio will follow David and Adam's journey building these new products; discussing interesting technical, design, and business challenges they face along the way. Sponsors: Rollbar , sign ...
Mar 30, 2017•41 min•Ep 61•Transcript available on Metacast Sponsors: Rollbar , sign up at https://rollbar.com/fullstackradio to try their Bootstrap Plan free for 90 days Hired , sign up at https://www.hired.com/fullstackradio to double your signing bonus to $2000 if you get a job through Hired Links: Michelle on Twitter Stripe Elements Stripe's Engineering Blog Stripe Checkout Stripe Radar Building Stripe's API , by Amber Feng Move Fast, Don't Break Your API , by Amber Feng...
Mar 15, 2017•37 min•Ep 60•Transcript available on Metacast Sponsors: Rollbar , sign up at https://rollbar.com/fullstackradio to try their Bootstrap Plan free for 90 days Hired , sign up at https://www.hired.com/fullstackradio to double your signing bonus to $2000 if you get a job through Hired Links: Form Requests in Laravel After Validation hooks in Laravel "Stripe CVC and ZIP checks can be bypassed" forum post Custom Rule Objects , enhancement Adam is working on HTML5 Form Validation...
Feb 24, 2017•48 min•Ep 59•Transcript available on Metacast As I mention in the show, if you've been thinking about checking out Test-Driven Laravel , the course is still available at the early access price for the next few weeks: Learn more about Test-Driven Laravel Early Access Sponsors: Rollbar , sign up at https://rollbar.com/fullstackradio to try their Bootstrap Plan free for 90 days Hired , sign up at https://www.hired.com/fullstackradio to double your signing bonus to $2000 if you get a job through Hired Links: Test-Driven Laravel , Adam's TDD cou...
Feb 08, 2017•40 min•Ep 58•Transcript available on Metacast Sponsors: Rollbar , sign up at https://rollbar.com/fullstackradio to try their Bootstrap Plan free for 90 days Hired , sign up at https://www.hired.com/fullstackradio to double your signing bonus to $2000 if you get a job through Hired Links: Drip Scaling SaaS , Derrick's blog The Drip stack: Ruby on Rails AWS PostgreSQL Sidekiq SendGrid Redis...
Jan 25, 2017•50 min•Ep 57•Transcript available on Metacast Sponsors: Rollbar , sign up at https://rollbar.com/fullstackradio to try their Bootstrap Plan free for 90 days Hired , sign up at https://www.hired.com/fullstackradio to double your signing bonus to $2000 if you get a job through Hired Links: Test-Driven Laravel Early Access , Adam's new TDD course wesbos.com , Wes' blog and personal website JavaScript 30 , Wes' new free course The Getting Things Done methodology Things Todoist Alfred TextExpander Send and Archive in Gmail Behind the Scenes of W...
Jan 05, 2017•42 min•Ep 56•Transcript available on Metacast Sponsors: Rollbar , sign up at https://rollbar.com/fullstackradio to try their Bootstrap Plan free for 90 days Hired , sign up at https://www.hired.com/fullstackradio to double your signing bonus to $2000 if you get a job through Hired Links: Test-Driven Laravel Early Access , Adam's TDD course UserScape , Ian's business HelpSpot , UserScape's help desk product Shady Tactics in our Midst from Ian's blog Shady Tactics, Round 2 Securing the Five-Figure Sale , Ian's new free eBook on landing enterp...
Dec 07, 2016•57 min•Ep 55•Transcript available on Metacast Sponsors: Rollbar , sign up at https://rollbar.com/fullstackradio to try their Bootstrap Plan free for 90 days Hired , sign up at https://www.hired.com/fullstackradio to double your signing bonus to $2000 if you get a job through Hired Links: Putting Your Laravel Controllers on a Diet , an older blog post by Adam on form objects Form Requests in Laravel Fineuploader , JS file upload library DropzoneJS , another JS file upload library...
Nov 18, 2016•58 min•Ep 54•Transcript available on Metacast Sponsors: Rollbar , sign up at https://rollbar.com/fullstackradio to try their Bootstrap Plan free for 90 days Hired , sign up at https://www.hired.com/fullstackradio to double your signing bonus to $2000 if you get a job through Hired Links: Kyle's personal website thoughtbot on Dribbble Design for Developers on Upcase Using System UI Fonts In Web Design by Marcin Wichary Design Tip: Never Use Black by Ian Storm Taylor Should "Yes, delete it" be red, or green? on the UX Stack Exchange 7 Rules f...
Nov 02, 2016•52 min•Ep 53•Transcript available on Metacast Sponsors: Rollbar , sign up at https://rollbar.com/fullstackradio to try their Bootstrap Plan free for 90 days Hired , sign up at https://www.hired.com/fullstackradio to double your signing bonus to $2000 if you get a job through Hired Links: Test Driven Laravel , Adam's upcoming video course Laravel Laravel Valet Laravel Spark Laravel Passport Example of splitting controllers Basecamp Rake Stats DHH Resources on Rails presentation Nitpick CI "I don't love the single responsibility principle" by...
Oct 18, 2016•1 hr 10 min•Ep 52•Transcript available on Metacast Topics include: What exactly is BDD? Is BDD a technical or non-technical practice? How do you get started with BDD? How do you keep the number of system tests low to keep your test suite fast? What's your strategy for dealing with external services in acceptance tests? What are the advantages of using Cucumber even as a solo developer working on a side project? Sponsors: Rollbar , sign up at https://rollbar.com/fullstackradio to try their Bootstrap Plan free for 90 days Hired , sign up at https:...
Oct 05, 2016•1 hr 5 min•Ep 51•Transcript available on Metacast Topics include: The motivation for rewriting Vue.js from scratch What is a virtual DOM and what are the benefits? How does Vue.js 2.0 stack up performance-wise? (spoiler alert, it's fast ) When should you use templates vs. a render function? Why two-way props have been deprecated and what you should do instead Best practices for dealing with custom component events The 1.0 to 2.0 upgrade path Building native mobile applications with Vue.js and Weex Sponsors: Rollbar , sign up at https://rollbar....
Sep 21, 2016•53 min•Ep 50•Transcript available on Metacast Sponsors: Rollbar , sign up at https://rollbar.com/fullstackradio to try their Bootstrap Plan free for 90 days Shippo , try out the Shippo API for free at Links: Test Driven Laravel , Adam's upcoming video course Ember.js QUnit testing framework Ember Testing Documentation Toran's TDD talk at EmberConf 2015 Outside-In TDD presentation , one of Toran's more recent talks Toran's upcoming Outside-In TDD Workshop...
Sep 07, 2016•40 min•Ep 49•Transcript available on Metacast Sponsors: Rollbar , sign up at https://rollbar.com/fullstackradio to try their Bootstrap Plan free for 90 days Shippo , try out the Shippo API for free at goshippo.com Links: Electron Electron Blog Atom Electron API Demos Photon , Electron UI kit Built on Electron , Electron app directory Mojibar , emoji searcher for OSX HyperTerm , JS/HTML/CSS terminal Nylas N1 , email client WebTorrent , streaming torrent client Visual Studio Code , code editor Awesome Electron , useful resources for creating ...
Aug 23, 2016•47 min•Ep 48•Transcript available on Metacast Sponsors: Laracasts , use coupon code FULLSTACK2016 for 50% off your first month Rollbar , sign up at https://rollbar.com/fullstackradio to try their Bootstrap Plan free for 90 days Links: Sara's Blog SVG vs Icon Fonts Cage Match grunticon A Designer's Guide to Grumpicon Making the Switch Away from Icont Fonts to SVG A complete guide to SVG fallbacks Overview of SVG Sprite Creation Techniques All SVG articles on Sara's blog svgo svgomg The Smashing Book 5 Practical SVG book...
Aug 10, 2016•45 min•Ep 47•Transcript available on Metacast Sponsors: Laracasts , use coupon code FULLSTACK2016 for 50% off your first month Rollbar , sign up at https://rollbar.com/fullstackradio to try their Bootstrap Plan free for 90 days Links: Test Driven Laravel , Adam's latest project Giant Robots podcast How We Test Rails Applications on the thoughtbot blog Capybara Capybara WebKit RSpec factory_girl The Rails Testing Pyramid on the Code Climate blog...
Jul 28, 2016•52 min•Ep 46•Transcript available on Metacast Sponsors: Laracasts , use coupon code FULLSTACK2016 for 50% off your first month Rollbar , sign up at https://rollbar.com/fullstackradio to try their Bootstrap Plan free for 90 days Links: thoughtbot on Elixir and Phoenix The Bikeshed Podcast Exercism.io Elixir , the functional programming language Phoenix , the Elixir web framework Ecto , the Phoenix database layer Programming Elixir book by Dave Thomas Programming Phoenix book by Chris McCord, Bruce Tate, and José Valim Phoenix is not Rails by...
Jul 13, 2016•46 min•Ep 45•Transcript available on Metacast Sponsors: Laracasts , use coupon code FULLSTACK2016 for 50% off your first month Rollbar , sign up at https://rollbar.com/fullstackradio to try their Bootstrap Plan free for 90 days Links: Joel's Blog The Elm Homepage The ML language The Elixir language Exercism.io Richard Feldman , working on "Elm in Action" book "What is functional programming?" blog series by Kris Jenkins Fizzbuzz in Elixir library Haskell Programming from first principles book...
Jun 29, 2016•54 min•Ep 44•Transcript available on Metacast Sponsors: Laracasts , use coupon code FULLSTACK2016 for 50% off your first month Rollbar , sign up at https://rollbar.com/fullstackradio to try their Bootstrap Plan free for 90 days Links: Snook's Blog SMACSS , Jonathan's book Atomic CSS "Staffing a Design Systems Team" "Why I Value Truly Responsive Web Design" "Container Queries: Once More Unto the Breach" Scott Jehl on container queries CSS-Element-Queries library...
Jun 15, 2016•1 hr 7 min•Ep 43•Transcript available on Metacast Sponsors: Laracasts , use coupon code FULLSTACK2016 for 50% off your first month Rollbar , sign up at https://rollbar.com/fullstackradio to try their Bootstrap Plan free for 90 days Links: Refactoring to Collections , Adam's book Justin's Blog Marketing for Developers , Justin's latest book MegaMaker Podcast Build and Launch Podcast Product People Podcast Network Effects Remote Workers Club Baremetrics Nate Kontny's Blog...
May 24, 2016•53 min•Ep 42•Transcript available on Metacast Sponsors: Laracasts , use coupon code FULLSTACK2016 for 50% off your first month Rollbar , sign up at https://rollbar.com/fullstackradio to try their Bootstrap Plan free for 90 days Links: Refactoring to Collections , Adam's book Laracon EU 2016 Pro Git , free online Git book git add -p "How to Write a Git Commit Message" , by Chris Beams Git Flow GitHub Flow GitHub CLI tool GitHub for Desktop Destroy All Software screencasts Git shell completion Jason's Git aliases Mentoring and Coaching with J...
May 04, 2016•1 hr 4 min•Ep 41•Transcript available on Metacast Sponsors: Laracasts , use coupon code FULLSTACK2016 for 50% off your first month Rollbar , sign up at https://rollbar.com/fullstackradio to try their Bootstrap Plan free for 90 days Links: Refactoring to Collections , Adam's book Edd's Blog PostgreSQL ACID Using JavaScript in Postgres Partial Indexes Using JSON in Postgres Common Table Expressions Postgres.app Navicat for Postgres pgAdmin Bruce Momjian's homepage , recommended by Edd Explaining the Postgres Query Optimizer PostgreSQL Internals T...
Apr 19, 2016•52 min•Ep 40•Transcript available on Metacast Sponsors: Laracasts , use coupon code FULLSTACK2016 for 50% off your first month Rollbar , sign up at https://rollbar.com/fullstackradio to try their Bootstrap Plan free for 90 days Links: Refactoring to Collections , Adam's book Michael's Blog r7k , Michael's company Working Effectively with Legacy Code The Null Object Pattern The Haskell Maybe Monad Giant Robots podcast on Tell Don't Ask vs. SRP Learn You a Haskell APL Programming Language Michael's Arrays on Steroids presentation Building gui...
Apr 05, 2016•59 min•Ep 39•Transcript available on Metacast This episode is brought to you by Laracasts . Links: J.B.'s Blog Integrated Tests are a Scam Mock Roles, not Objects The Four Elements of Simple Design Ask J.B. a question J.B.'s Intro to TDD Course Sponsored by Laracasts...
Mar 23, 2016•1 hr 5 min•Ep 38•Transcript available on Metacast Topics include: Recommended testing tools PHPUnit vs. phpspec Mockery vs. Prophecy The benefits of defensive programming How to convince your manager to let you write tests This episode is brought to you by Laracasts . Links: Minimum Viable Tests , Chris' new book Grumpy Learning , Chris' personal website PHPUnit testing framework phpspec testing framework Mockery test double library Prophecy test double library Patchwork monkey patching library Development Hell , Chris and Ed Finkler's podcast ...
Mar 09, 2016•44 min•Ep 37•Transcript available on Metacast This episode is brought to you by Laracasts . Links: Shift Laravel PocketBracket Laravel Cashier Abstract Syntax Tree Sorted sets in Redis Sponsored by Laracasts...
Feb 25, 2016•33 min•Ep 36•Transcript available on Metacast Topics include: Does it make sense to scope resources to the authenticated user or should you always use sub-resources? When to use nested resources and when to avoid them Strategies for dealing with actions that don't seem to fit into REST Breaking the mapping between your API and your database Using singular sub-resources and optional fields to simplify your responses Links: Jonathan's personal website Plates templating library Glide image manipulation library Nesting resources by Jamis Buck T...
Feb 12, 2016•50 min•Ep 35•Transcript available on Metacast Topics include: Are facades and service location automatically bad? Are NounVerber classes anti-OO? Adding a layer of composition to create domain models with dependencies Using method injection for a temporary dependency Using optional parameters to improve testability Code snippets: Option 1: Facades/Service Location/Global Access Option 2: Moving the responsibility to a new class Option 3: Composing a new domain model Option 4a: Inject the dependency into the method Option 4b: Optional method...
Jan 27, 2016•39 min•Ep 34•Transcript available on Metacast Topics include: Deciding when to build something yourself vs. paying for something off the shelf Choosing a Javascript framework for more traditional server rendered apps Vue.js compared to Angular and Ember The advantages of using a utility-focused CSS approach Distributing front-end libraries This episode is brought to you by Laracasts . Links David's personal site PushSilver Laravel PHP Framework DigitalOcean Vue.js "Crafting link underlines on Medium" Beard CSS Framework Beard documentation ...
Jan 12, 2016•43 min•Ep 33•Transcript available on Metacast