To share or not to share, that is the question. Whether 'tis nobler after a "Major Encounter with the Lord" to share emphatically with thy family, or to take a different approach and thereby experience wins via Practicing the Presence of God and Patient Endurance. Join Michael and SJ as they tackle the challenges of Re-Entry to the Home Front after a weekend Encounter. Connect with the Zoweh team at ....
Oct 12, 2023•38 min•Ep 1•Transcript available on Metacast Kindness begets kindness. Michael and Robin explore both fiction and real-life stories where kindness is a central theme or plays a significant role. As we begin to notice and experience kindness, we can discover ways to employ kindness in situations where it may be difficult such as kindness to self and kindness to enemies. Imagine a world where the default trait is kindness to diffuse anger, to encourage the downtrodden, and to loving confront wrong choices. Connect with the Zoweh Team at expl...
Sep 26, 2023•53 min•Ep 37•Transcript available on Metacast Showing kindness is easy when people are kind to you. Kindness shown in an adversarial environment exhibits "next level" Kingdom grace and strength. Extending kindness to self, especially one's younger wounded self, may be the greatest challenge to overcome in this Kingdom journey. How does the pursuit of kindness land on your heart? Join the discussion and share with the Zoweh team -
Sep 06, 2023•41 min•Ep 36•Transcript available on Metacast Who or what do you associate with kindness? Would strength be a word that you initially choose to pair with kindness? Join Michael and SJ as they explore how the meaning of kindness has deepened an understanding of the fruits of the Spirit, helped to process emotions and self-talk, and open the doors for honesty and clarity. Connect with the Zoweh team at
Aug 25, 2023•28 min•Ep 35•Transcript available on Metacast Discouragement and disappointment can invade one's heart when something doesn't go well. And yet...the provocation could usher in a Dangerous Encounter with God. Sometimes a disruptive whistle blowing event is needed to get our attention so we will talk to God. Are you willing to take a time-out to quiet your heart and mind to dialogue with Him? Join Michael, SJ and Caleb as they discuss stories of learning to collaborate with God. Connect with the Zoweh team at
Aug 18, 2023•34 min•Ep 34•Transcript available on Metacast Narnia buffs know the answer to the question, "Is Aslan safe?" 'Course he isn't safe, but he's good. In the Old Testament, encounters with the divine often started with an angel stating, "Fear not." In the New Testament, the disciples learned that walking with Jesus became a dangerous proposition. Today, in the age of grace with the Holy Spirit operating fully, we can experience dangerous encounters that change us forever. Are dangerous encounters safe? 'Course they aren't safe, but they're good...
Aug 11, 2023•48 min•Ep 33•Transcript available on Metacast Every community has a culture. Some of us have a good guide book to navigate the community and some don't. Chances are high that you've experienced things not going well in your community. What are your options? Michael and SJ discuss how people react when friction creates discomfort or dissastifaction within community. Discover stories in the Bible where men walked through disagreement, but later learned to embrace reconciliation. Connect with the Zoweh community at ....
Aug 01, 2023•43 min•Ep 32•Transcript available on Metacast Community is a two-sided coin. On one side there are amazing benefits like fellowship and the sense of belonging, while on the other side there are risks of things going badly. What motivates people to become a part of a community? What are the risks involved with existing community members versus new members? Join Michael and SJ in the discussion to explore more about community and how it affects our lives. Connect with the Zoweh community via email at ....
Jul 25, 2023•47 min•Ep 31•Transcript available on Metacast Michael, SJ, and Josh discuss how a man becomes Dangerous For Good: he's a man with a whole heart, a full life, and Kingdom authority. He joins arms with his Kingdom brothers on a mission to protect the hearts and lives of others. Learn the lies and traps that the enemy sets to cause warriors to stumble. Discover more about how the Zoweh team recruits DFG men at the Heart of a Warrior Encounter weekends. Connect with the Zoweh team by email:
Jul 19, 2023•51 min•Ep 30•Transcript available on Metacast As part of the battle cry against the kingdom of darkness, Zoweh has adopted the phrase "Dangerous For Good." Michael shares where he first encountered the phrase while he, SJ and Josh discuss what the phrase means to each of them. How do we see Jesus as being Dangerous For Good and ultimately how can we wield power and authority to better defend and uplift what is good and right in this world? Join the Zoweh team on this expedition. Connect with the Zoweh team by email: ...
Jul 06, 2023•44 min•Ep 29•Transcript available on Metacast Elder Sage Ron Gascho stated, "If you want to know who you can encourage or who you can validate, just find somebody breathing." Michael unpacks two words on the Zoweh Validation Coin, kindness and healing, that are resonating with him in this season of life. SJ shares how God recently orchestrated a validation ceremony for Zoweh teammate Christopher. Explore more regarding a culture of honor and the power of validation in this final episode on the Honor and Validation series. Connect with the t...
Jun 13, 2023•40 min•Ep 28•Transcript available on Metacast We hunger for validation, but often search for it in the wrong places such as social media. How can we cultivate healthy validation and a culture of honor? In the military, challenge coins are a symbol of honor and commitment. In this episode, Michael and SJ reveal Zoweh's validation coin including the process to create it and the importance of images and the words inscribed on both sides of the coin. Connect with the Zoweh team at ....
Jun 06, 2023•41 min•Ep 27•Transcript available on Metacast As a key ingredient of love, validation provides food for the soul. Michael Thompson and SJ Jennings unpack the concept of validation and how it's evident from social media to movie clips to everything in between that people are hungry for validation. How does God validate us and how can we build a culture of validation for those around us? Join us on the journey of honor and validation as we explore more of God's Kingdom together. Connect with the team at ....
May 18, 2023•34 min•Ep 26•Transcript available on Metacast Our hearts overflow with the stories we want to tell, but often something stops us. Perhaps we don't have a trusted story listener who will hear and care about our story. Maybe we have a jaded view and have resigned never to share stories of the heart. Michael and SJ discuss the benefits of pausing to rest on the Observation Deck to share and listen with God, to consider stories that tug at our own heart's story, and to explore the effect that your story has had upon your soul. Your story matter...
Apr 27, 2023•51 min•Ep 25•Transcript available on Metacast Have you ever felt a strong connection with a character in a book or movie? Michael and SJ delve into story with a focus on character. Certain stories and characters move us deeply. Why is that? Discover how to notice and to explore characters near and dear to your heart in this week's episode. Connect with the Zoweh team at .
Apr 13, 2023•46 min•Ep 24•Transcript available on Metacast One name for God is Yahweh which is connected to the idea of your breath. What if you were able to slow down life to one deep breath at a time and shift your focus to experiencing God in a practical, real way? Michael and SJ discuss what "getting away with God" looks like for each them. They highlight some valuable ingredients that are helpful to notice and be more aware of God with Him. Beware of letting the autopilot of daily distractions and mental ruts take over! Learn the ways of settling i...
Apr 07, 2023•53 min•Ep 23•Transcript available on Metacast Our hearts and the hearts of those we love are under assault in little and big ways each and every day. Michael and SJ finish the King Me book podcast series by highlighting the chapters about our children, the heirs to the kingdom, and spiritual warfare. Ultimately, our hope is that King Me will spur a revolution on masculinity because it needs healing and restoration on a grand scale to right the wrongs. Discover the power that healing and forgiveness have in thwarting the assaults and turning...
Mar 30, 2023•30 min•Ep 22•Transcript available on Metacast An oriented king cherishes the glory of his queen. As Michael and SJ continue the discussion regarding about King Me: Loving and Leading in a Wounding World , they talk about the reign of a king and the valuable relationship between the king and the queen. The kingdom of darkness lures men to draw strength from women whereas the kingdom of light empowers men to provide strength for women. Explore more of the kingdom with the valuable questions that Michael and SJ share. Connect with the Zoweh te...
Mar 23, 2023•25 min•Ep 21•Transcript available on Metacast We've all heard plenty about original sin, but not too much about original glory. Are you curious about the glory that God has in mind for you? God created you to bring something unique to the world that only you can. As Michael and SJ explore Part 3 of King Me: Loving and Leading in a Wounding World , learn how getting healed of past wounds along with the encumbering vows and agreements can release you into more freedom. Imagine the effect on your heart and how it will impact the hearts and liv...
Mar 16, 2023•46 min•Ep 20•Transcript available on Metacast Have you interpreted your life accurately? Chances are there may be a few things that you misinterpreted. Michael Thompson and SJ Jennings discuss the second part of the book, King Me: Leading in a Wounding World . This section of the book invites the reader and the listen to take inventory by looking at the Six Stages included in the Masculine Journey. Discover what it takes to become a good king and to be able to handle expansion of your kingdom. Connect with the Zoweh team via ExploringMore@Z...
Mar 10, 2023•48 min•Ep 19•Transcript available on Metacast What's the injury rate of a ______? 100% Michael and SJ delve into the complex topic of masculinity with the soon-to-be released book "King Me: Loving and Leading in a Wounding World." We explore the nuances of being a leader in one's kingdom and how being wounded can affect this role. The book is divided into four main parts with the first part being the Heart of a King. Having an accurate understanding of Jesus affects our hearts and from that flows everything else in our lives. SJ serves up a...
Mar 02, 2023•50 min•Ep 18•Transcript available on Metacast Michael, SJ and Greg are excited to share upcoming events , updates and the latest around King Me in this episode of Exploring More!
Feb 23, 2023•27 min•Ep 17•Transcript available on Metacast How well do you know your spouse's heart? Michael and Robin invite you to explore your marriage relationship with questions from the upcoming My Wife's Heart / My Husband's Heart Journal. In this episode, our Zoweh founders share the story of how they met and how they have learned to cultivate a practice of curiosity and listening through the highs and lows that every relationship experiences. Shift from remorse to rekindling a deeper intimacy with your spouse. Connect with the Zoweh team at exp...
Feb 16, 2023•14 sec•Ep 16•Transcript available on Metacast Is time alone with God a discipline? In this episode, Michael, shares the critical difference between "quiet time" and "getting away with God." SJ highlights an important relational question that fosters deeper intimacy. The goal is not to impose a holy Christian checklist, but to encourage listeners to cultivate a way of life that prioritizes time with God in a way that resonants with each individual. Discover more on how to prioritize the most important relationship in our lives. Connect with ...
Feb 09, 2023•48 min•Ep 15•Transcript available on Metacast Every hero needs a wise elder sage to help them in the journey. Michael and SJ open the discussion on the Elder Sage Initiative exploring the issue of fatherlessness and the importance of having an Elder Sage through the Stages of Masculinity. Jim Chenet and Jim McCauley join the discussion in the second half to share the reason why we need Elder Sages and invite the audience to explore more of this topic in the forthcoming Elder Sage Video Series. Connect with the Zoweh team at exploringmore@zo...
Feb 03, 2023•1 hr 9 min•Ep 14•Transcript available on Metacast SJ interviews Michael regarding the soon-to-be released book, King Me . As a man become the king of his respective kingdom, he is called to a higher lever of responsibility. The enemy persistently searches to gain a foothold to bring down not only the king but the loved ones in his domain. It's not uncommon for men to lose heart, but Michael wrote King Me to give men hope. Discover more about the authority that Jesus, the King of kings, bestows upon his disciples, his beloved kings. Connect with...
Jan 28, 2023•1 hr•Ep 13•Transcript available on Metacast Michael and SJ complete the series on ending isolation by exploring courageous steps that we can take to minimize and ultimately end isolation. If you've been riding the struggle bus, it's ok to be vulnerable and admit that you need help. Perhaps it's time to re-enroll into the School of Your Heart University and learn ways to invite heart healing in a new way. Develop healthy rituals for your soul and discover new ways to behold beauty in the world. The Zoweh team is available to connect with y...
Jan 19, 2023•28 min•Ep 12•Transcript available on Metacast Are you wrestling with isolation? Perhaps you're tempted to throw in the towel and give up. Although this episode is not the "Top 5 Best Tips for Ending Isolation in Your Life," Michael and SJ discuss practical positive ways to escape the trappings of isolation. Engaging your will and making a positive move forward in even the smallest possible way are steps toward healing and community. We were not made to walk this earth alone. Connect with the Zoweh team at
Jan 12, 2023•29 min•Ep 11•Transcript available on Metacast Isolation is a shutdown in the willingness to relate. We usually associate this with running away or hiding, but it can also be loud like a high energy outburst. Join the discussion with Michael, Robin, SJ, and Sherry share specific examples of isolation. The courageous step to be vulnerable and curious about your automatic reactions can open the door to a greater and deeper discovery of your own heart. This in turn can help develop curiousity and a willingness to listen to why your spouse's rea...
Jan 05, 2023•40 min•Ep 10•Transcript available on Metacast Creating isolation within marriage is one of the enemies favorite tactics. Join the discussion with Michael, Robin, SJ, and Sherry to discover how the enemies infiltrates by exploiting and nudging the False Self. Learn how to arm yourself with the Art of Listening to effectively neutralize the insane merry-go-round spun by Lies and Agreements with Past Wounds. Courageously take steps walking in your True Self to partner with your spouse's True Self: your marriage will thrive. Connect with the Zo...
Dec 22, 2022•25 min•Ep 9•Transcript available on Metacast