Guest Esp. 232: Storyteller, Max Stossel
A conversation with storyteller and performer Max Stossel.
A conversation with storyteller and performer Max Stossel.
Host, Lisa Colon DeLay and Mark S. Burrows discuss his new books and translation projects of poet Rainer Maria Rilke in a fascinating conversation.
Limited Series: Part 11 (Howard Thurman) final episode on Imagination as the Angelos of God
This and one more installment will bring an end to this series that offers Howard Thurman's wisdom from 1963 to our time. It's a time when violence, hate, and othering are quite apparent and hope for human reconciliation in our nation and world seem scant. Thurman's thoughts on what is needed ring ever true. To see more images related to this episode and support what I do, go here after you listen.
Limited Series – part 9 : Howard Thurman: Disciplines of the Spirit | How Ma Walker reconciled the axe-wielding barber
From host Lisa Colon DeLay and Spark My Muse podcast as Limited Series – part 8 : Howard Thurman: Disciplines of the Spirit on PRAYER [2 of 2]
Host Lis Colon DeLay of Spark My Muse podcast bring a Limited Series – part 7 : : : Howard Thurman: Disciplines of the Spirit PRAYER [1 of 2]
Thurman speaking about the suffering of the innocent and the intertwining of death, life, and suffering (from the Disciples of the Spirit)
PART 2 of the chapter on Suffering in the 1963 work of Dr Howard Thurman called The Disciplines of the Spirit (host Lisa Colon DeLay)
A reading and reflection from the Suffering chapter from Disciples of the Spirit by Dr Howard Thurman (1962)
A reading and reflection from the Wisdom and Stature chapter from Disciples of the Spirit by Dr Howard Thurman (1962)
A reading and reflection today from host Lisa Colon DeLay of a segment from the Commitment chapter in the work called Discipline of the Spirit by Dr Howard Thurman.
Limited Series (part 1) Deep dive into commitment, growth, suffering, prayer, and reconciliation (from Dr Howard Thurman 1962 - Disciplines of the Spirit) brought to you from host Lisa Colon DeLay.
A time for a pause for our high resolve.
Today is a reading and reflection on three short essays of Howard Thurman that I hope find you encouraging. If you want to connect with my blog on substack you can go here: Find me also on YouTube and subscribe ⭐️ at the main channel HERE,especially if you already enjoy YouTube. What a Spiritual Challenge this month with some accountability and soul care?It’s not strenuous, it's free, it’s a way to get us thinking, dialoguing, and moving to...
A deep-dive on discernment with Lisa Colon DeLay and Adam Shields.
A reflection on Psalm 145 in light of our times from host Lisa Colon DeLay
From host Lisa Colon DeLay, a powerful reading and short reflection on the incarnational aspects of pain from the fantastic book An Altar in the World: A Geography of Faith by Barbara Brown Taylor.
A reading about expectation as patience and joy from "Out of Solitude" a 1974 work by Henri Nouwen (1932-1996)
Today a portion of a lesson I presented this past Sunday at my church on Psalm 51 a lamenting and remorseful poem/song and the background and story of King David’s epic treacheries. It might surprise you. FIND related slides, images/art including a schematic of an Iron Age home that Bathsheba would have had and the interior courtyard area where she would have bathed or washed anything, plus other extras you will like at the PART II page: Fi...
The Challenge of October is Ownership and the Theme for the Quarter is Give and Take. Here's how we begin to explore and learn from each other. It’s the final quarter of 2024 and it’s time we link arms and join forces to enrich each other spiritually in more concrete ways. I’ve set up a challenge. It’s not very strenuous, but it’s a way to get us thinking, dialoguing, and moving toward better ways of being. Please, be a part of it. I explain that in the audio today. Here’s a preview, in video fo...
Featuring the work of Sr. Laura Swan and some wisdom from "The Forgotten Desert Mothers" which is one of her intriguing books.
Who was Martin of Tours where we get the word "chapel" from.
Host, Lisa Colon DeLay offers a reading from Howard Thurman and reflection that includes Abba Evagrius's view of agency.
some bits from Politics of the Brokenhearted: On Holding Tensions of Democracy written by a hero of mine Parker J. Palmer
Reflecting on the scandalous spiritual practice of giving in secret from host Lisa Colon DeLay
Robert the contemplative's work is the feature today. "I do not Dream of Labor"
Host Lisa Colon DeLay shares some of the writings of French mystic, social philosopher, and activist in the French Resistance during World War II, Simone Weil (1909-1943) whose posthumously published works had particular influence on French and English social thought.
Valuable insights of visual artist Emmanuel Osahor and images from his Garden Series.
Host, Lisa Colon DeLay bring you a guest interview conversation with Chuck DeGroat on Trauma, Connection, Desire, Possessiveness, Healing, and more.