Do you know Abba Macarius? [SSL 314]
Desert Wisdom of Abba Macarius on the strengthening of free will, among other things.
Desert Wisdom of Abba Macarius on the strengthening of free will, among other things.
Host Lisa Colon DeLay explores the Desert Wisdom on Acedia which leads toward Nihilism
Dr Howard Thurman spoke of prayer as the hunger of the heart and the way we lay claim to our identity (circa 1980)
A fascinating chat with YouTuber sensation Tiffany Dawn who's in the middle of a deconstruction journey
The corporate American model won't grow us into a healthy spiritual community. We must unlearn the business model.
Host Lisa Cólon DeLay converses with author Micha Boyett on dignity, justice, and love in the dream of God—themes in her book Blessed are the Rest of Us
Why the rich cannot be a part of what God is up to.
Let's start understanding how Dissociative experiences happen and understanding the Spectrum of Dissociative Identity Disorder which can be experience at least once by up to 75% of the population.
The failure of pop psychology (5 Love Languages) and the what the empirical studies actually tell us about lasting relationships
Lisa Colon DeLay features an insightful work from Image Journal's editor-in-chief James K.A. Smith on, among other things, the impact of the life's work of Gego (Gertrude Goldschmidt) on display at the Guggenheim in 2023.
Returning guest, Cassidy Hallconverses with host Lisa Colon DeLay on a variety of topics from Cassidy's new book entitled Queering Contemplation.
An explanation of how first principles precede reason in determining reality (article by David Bentley Hart). Reason begin with a venture in trust. Read and reflected on by host Lisa Colon DeLay.
An exploration of how certain temptations and misguided desires start early on in us when we are vulnerable and young and become wounded.
Dr Candida Moss shares the work of Dr Mitzi J. Smith which brings to light the Greek wording in the gospel of Luke where Mary shares her enslaved identity, suggesting Jesus could have been born enslaved.
The meaning of Dostoevsky's puzzling words, his biography steeped in suffering, and interacting with the transcendent are featured today.
On Eater lilies, remembrance, fasting, hope, rebirth and two poems to help us as we settle into this holiday week 2024.
Today we are probing our sense of mystery and wonder: Experiencing awe is vital for human flourishing.
How to thrive in the middle of chaos. Otis Moss III
Host, Lisa Colon DeLay offers a reflection on the relationship between righteousness and contempt.
A little-known top theologian of the last century, Sergius N. Bulgakov regarding the coming of the Kingdom on Ascension Day.
Host Lisa Colon DeLay reflects on what is meant by Angel's Bread (the virtue) that combat the vice Dragon's Wine according to Evagrius Ponticus, via Fr. Gabriel Bunge
Unpacking part of a book review (by Michael O'Neil) on "The Doors of the Seas" by David Bentley Hart on issues of God's Providence, Sovereignty, Free Will, suffering, evil and more.
Evagrius Ponticus (345-399 CE) was an expert of the inner life and today host Lisa Colon DeLay reads from Fr. Gabriel Bunge's book to learn what Evagrius meant by "Dragon's Wine and Angel's Bread".
Host Lisa Colon DeLay reads Jasmine Bellamy's guidance for doing inner work to be a compassionate and competent leader.
Today host Lisa Colon DeLay explores the treasures of deeper mysteries that are a grace. More from Carl McColman.
Learning from Henri Nouwen how "in our own woundedness, we can become a source of life for others"
Today is an unveiling of Carmen Acevedo Butcher's scintillating new translation of the classic: "Practice of the Presence" about Brother Lawrence (Nicholas Herman).
Host Lisa Colon DeLay speaks about hope and disappointment two things we may tend to feel at the end of a year and beginning of a new one at sometimes.
Closing out 2023, host Lisa Colon DeLay shares insights on forgiveness from Archbishop Desmond Tutu (1931-2021) and the African concept of ubuntu that can make the future possible.
Host Lisa Colon DeLay brings you just a bit more from Bishop Kallistos Ware. This time about personhood.