Comedian Sam Tripoli, the host of the Top 100 podcast, Tin Foil Hat, explains how today’s cancel culture has changed the comedy world into something unrecognizable, and how he manages to navigate through the new landscape. Tin Foil Hat is one of the biggest podcasts out there and Sam explains how he grew it from a show with a funny name about crazy topics, into one of the most popular shows in the world by blending the comedy and conspiracy worlds together in order to make his podcast vision com...
Apr 22, 2022•1 hr 6 min•Transcript available on Metacast From the very beginning, the Clintons were trouble. A 27-year-old Hillary Clinton was described by her first boss as being “a liar” and an “unethical, dishonest lawyer” while she was working on his Watergate investigation. A sign of things to come, to be certain. Once Bill Clinton started to move up the political ranks as a reward for managing the largest cocaine trafficking operation in the world being run by the CIA & HW Bush, he soon became a “Made Man” inside DC political circles and was...
Apr 20, 2022•1 hr 11 min•Transcript available on Metacast Host of the popular podcast “The Quash” stops by to explain why the legal system in America is flawed by design, and how real change is almost impossible as long as there are no actual consequences for judges and lawyers in how justice is served. From stacking multiple charges on underprivileged defendants to overworking public defenders, to dirty cops, it is fair to describe the American legal system as completely broken for those without the financial resources to mount a fight, and incredibly...
Apr 17, 2022•1 hr 3 min•Transcript available on Metacast The world is a rigged game and the conspiracy theorists are simply trying to sort out all of the lies in order to better understand how the world really works...but this comes with a heavy price. The dumbed-down general public just can’t wrap their little heads around the idea of a country attacking themselves in order to kick off a war that they secretly wanted all along, so they direct their ridicule at those of us that can see through the lies. False flag attacks have been around for a very l...
Apr 15, 2022•1 hr 17 min•Transcript available on Metacast With an origin story like the one George Soros has, it is almost impossible to not go on to become a monstrous super-villain. Pillaging his own people, while pretending to be someone else, and working with the Nazi’s S.S. division really sets the tone for the rest of a person’s life. With a start like that, is it really a surprise that George Soros went on to become a master manipulator and producer of multiple “color revolutions” across many continents? What is his plan for the Open Society Fou...
Apr 13, 2022•1 hr 13 min•Transcript available on Metacast International DJ, activist, and respected author, Mark Devlin, lays out how the intelligence agencies seed people into positions of success inside Hollywood and the music industry in order to manipulate and control their fans. Did the “strange scenes in the Canyon” happen organically, or was there a subversive push to destabilize an entire generation through the normalization and promotion of the “sex, drugs, & rock n’ roll” lifestyle that dominated the late 1960s? Mark Devlin’s three books ...
Apr 10, 2022•1 hr 14 min•Transcript available on Metacast What is it? Who wants it? What are they prepared to do to get it? How far are they willing to go to keep it? The Deep State is a term that has recently become a part of the conversation when describing the hidden hand of government, but who really is the Deep State, and what is their role in pushing for a world government? Quasi-government organizations and think tanks like the Council on Foreign Relations, Bilderberg Group, and Trilateral Commission are secretly consolidating power into the han...
Apr 08, 2022•1 hr 9 min•Transcript available on Metacast What do you get when you cross the Wizard of Oz with Dr. No from James Bond? You get Maurice Strong, the most dangerous dude that you’ve never heard of, but known to insiders as the Godfather of the Global Warming scam. Working his way up from a 17-year-old Rockefeller project, to becoming a billionaire through his multiple oil and energy companies, Strong was instrumental in getting the United Nations into the fake environmental conservation racket. But the worst thing this guy ever did was dri...
Apr 06, 2022•1 hr 12 min•Transcript available on Metacast The stars of “Hidden In Plain Sight”, Perry & Brandon, swing by to catch up humanity on what is happening inside the hidden and hilarious world of online psychics, “black conspiracies”, all things Bobby Hemmit, and the four-decade run of Gary Spivey’s dope white afro. From the glory days of pushing the Blue Chicken Cult, selling out conferences, and staring in the many Gaia shows, to the back taxes, divorce proceedings, and obvious “depression hair”, the journey of David Wilcock has been qui...
Apr 03, 2022•1 hr 8 min•Transcript available on Metacast Everybody loves a good fairytale. There are many stories where the heroes set off on their impossible journey but adversity strikes and threatens to derail the mission, only to be saved by the quick thinking of the crew. NASA loves to tell stories like this as well, but many people have started to ask themselves if these events that have been passed off to the public as actual missions might really be the sort of fairytales that parents read to their kids? After half a century of massive lies, N...
Apr 01, 2022•1 hr 8 min•Transcript available on Metacast Two guys with a disgusting taste for sexually assaulting children end up hanging in their prison cells where the cameras are mysteriously turned off, and we are just supposed to pretend this is standard operating procedure? What about the other guy in Canada with the Caribbean island and the 727 that has mountains of rape charges against him that is currently sitting in a prison cell awaiting trial, should we try to act surprised when that guy is ultimately discovered hanging from the rafters as...
Mar 30, 2022•1 hr 8 min•Transcript available on Metacast Host of Slow News Day, Steve Poikonen, offers his analysis on the unfolding situation between Russia and Ukraine, as the propagandized public adds Ukrainian flags to their Twitter bios in an attempt to fix this mess by virtue signaling. With one hundred years of history between the two nations, it is difficult to boil things down to just one issue, but that never stops the Mainstream Media from their mission to magnify some aspects of the war while whitewashing others. Sponsors: Emergency Prepar...
Mar 27, 2022•1 hr 4 min•Transcript available on Metacast Capitalism can be a great thing, but there are aspects of American society where making money should not be the focal point. Profiting from the incarceration of human beings is along the same line as owning slaves, and in some cases in American prisons, indistinguishable from one another. America has 5% of the world’s population, but 25% of the world’s prisoners. Something has gone terribly wrong, and when the private prison industry was introduced to the United States the population of jails, p...
Mar 25, 2022•1 hr 8 min•Transcript available on Metacast Your Government has no intention of having an honest conversation with you about the effectiveness of the COVID measures, the amount of money they are giving to your sworn enemies, or whether or not we need to actually be starting World War 3 in a country that 96% of Americans couldn’t find on a map. When they aren’t busy hyperinflating the currency or arresting peaceful protestors, they can be found gaslighting the public through their soulless, high paid, spokespeople or their partners in the ...
Mar 23, 2022•1 hr 4 min•Transcript available on Metacast While recording an interview with John Sneisen for his show “The Economic Truth Report”, it became obvious that this conversation needed to be shared with the Macroaggressions audience as well. From Davos to Ukraine to Washington D.C., the people responsible for trying to start another World War must be called out for their crimes against humanity, provided that we can figure out who is actually in charge. This episode goes deep into an exploration of where the power is actually held, what they ...
Mar 20, 2022•2 hr 23 min•Transcript available on Metacast The school system in the United States is broken. There is no debate about this, but where questions arise is whether or not that is accidental or by design? Compulsory schooling has only really been around for about a century and a half, and it was pushed into existence by the Robber barons as a way of preparing the masses for a lifetime of working inside one of their many factories. Does the state actually care that the masses receive a quality education, or are they actually interested in mai...
Mar 18, 2022•1 hr 5 min•Transcript available on Metacast The most dangerous group in the world is not the Sinaloa Cartel or the Italian Mafia, not because they aren’t vicious and psychotic, but because their sphere of influence is surprisingly limited. They can’t kill all of us. However, when it comes to groups that actually do have a sphere of influence that is wide enough to capture the world, and the tenacity and psychopathy to actually pull it off, the Committee of 300 absolutely has to be the most dangerous organization on the entire planet. Have...
Mar 16, 2022•1 hr 8 min•Transcript available on Metacast Author Janet Phelan’s newest book, “At The Breaking Point Of History: How Decades Of U.S. Duplicity Enabled The Pandemic”, the case is laid out that what has happened to America isn’t random bad luck, but rather a well-choreographed plan designed to allow disasters to flourish. Did the COVID situation happen organically as we have been led to believe, or are the roots of the pandemic much deeper? What about the legal maneuvering that took place in the years before the events of 2020, was that a ...
Mar 13, 2022•1 hr 6 min•Transcript available on Metacast Tulsi Gabbard put the term “regime change wars” on the map during her run for President in 2019, but what exactly does that mean? Aren’t all wars technically regime change wars? In order to understand why America partakes in wars around the globe, it is important to be honest about what the United States really is: an Empire. In order to maintain and grow the empire there must always be constant war, but the fuel that creates the empire is the very thing that always brings them down. What good d...
Mar 11, 2022•1 hr 2 min•Transcript available on Metacast If there were a playbook for how to destroy a country, the Biden Administration could not be running it any better than they are right now. From leaving the southern flank wide open to anyone that is able to walk a couple of miles, to hyperinflating the currency, to alienating half of the population, Biden’s group of sociopaths seem hellbent on destroying America in any way possible. Is it possible to turn things around and revive the United States, or have the Globalists accomplished their goal...
Mar 09, 2022•1 hr 10 min•Transcript available on Metacast As the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation absorbs much of the glory and not nearly enough of the blame, the Wellcome Trust has found a way to maintain a much lower profile in the States while they conduct human experiments on a large segment of the population. Investigative journalist Johnny Vedmore from Unlimited Hangout has been on the trail of the murky philanthropic organization for quite some time, watching and reporting back as they launched the operation in early 2020, then later intenti...
Mar 06, 2022•1 hr 12 min•Transcript available on Metacast Governments fear him. The media try to discredit him. The Think Tanks want to paint him as an unhinged conspiracy theorist, but the truth has a way of finding the light. For the last three decades, David Icke has been exposing the plot for world domination by the New World Order through his books, videos, and world speaking tours that included packing Wembley Arena for an eight-hour presentation. David exposes the plot on this episode as we discuss the role of the Plandemic, how Big Pharma facto...
Mar 04, 2022•1 hr 10 min•Transcript available on Metacast When Lenin and the Bolsheviks came to power over 100 years ago, they had a deep understanding of the power of propaganda when used for controlling the masses, demonizing their enemies, and shaping reality. The six steps that he employed in order to take power were simple and effective, but you can’t hide the lies forever and eventually, it requires more and more energy to keep the lies afloat. Isn’t it interesting that the Biden regime is using some of the very same tactics that Lenin used to co...
Mar 02, 2022•1 hr 4 min•Transcript available on Metacast The host of “The Shift with Doug McKenty” weighs in on the current state of affairs in America with all of the overlapping narratives being pushed nonstop by the controlled Mainstream Media. Would we benefit from having a deeper understanding of the ancient methods for discovering the truth and the masters that wrote of it, or are we too late and already living in a post-fact world? Doug’s writings tackle these important topics, and his show has been able to dig deep into the process of discover...
Feb 27, 2022•1 hr 22 min•Transcript available on Metacast China is an interesting place, to say the least. In less than half a century the country was transformed from mostly farmland into the largest factory on earth. This was not an accident. When David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, and Richard Nixon set out to normalize relations with China, they had a much darker plan in place to outsource the manufacturing of the United States to this developing nation while gutting America’s heartland. What is the role of the United States and China in the future...
Feb 25, 2022•1 hr 7 min•Transcript available on Metacast There is a very famous and accurate saying that one should “follow the money” in order to uncover hidden motivations, and very few industries deal with money like venture capital firms investing in other businesses. Of course, this money comes with certain conditions that must be met in order to keep the investors happy and satisfied, so situations arise in which decisions can be forced upon the heads of these new companies by those controlling the financing. With the recent decisions being made...
Feb 23, 2022•1 hr 7 min•Transcript available on Metacast After spending years inside the walls as a prisoner himself, radio host Dancin’ Dave has used his voice to expose what is really happening inside America’s broken and overpopulated prison system. From insane mandatory-minimum prison sentences to the game of stacking charges in order to force a plea bargain, to rampant overcrowding, it is fair to say that the process for dealing with people that find themselves inside “the system” is intentionally dysfunctional and there to inflict the maximum am...
Feb 20, 2022•1 hr 8 min•Transcript available on Metacast Somewhere along the way, America discovered that the best way to take control of their citizens was to scare them to death and manipulate them through fear. It worked. These days the average American lives their lives with the belief that a terrorist attack is liable to happen just about anywhere because Islamic terrorists hate them for their freedoms. It is partially true that “they” hate them because of their freedoms, but the “they” is actually the American government, and the government is a...
Feb 18, 2022•1 hr 7 min•Transcript available on Metacast Believe it or not, there was once a time when CNN did actual journalism. Those days are long gone, along with 90% of their audience in what can best be described as a mass exodus. Jeff Zucker doused the operation in gasoline while his anchors and producers stood there holding the matches, that is when they weren’t sexually abusing other people, including children. What once was “The Most Trusted Name In News” is now just a punchline and dumpster fire pretending to be relevant while their high-pa...
Feb 16, 2022•1 hr 6 min•Transcript available on Metacast The “New World Order” term usually elicits strange looks or eye rolls by those that assume the term was invented by conspiracy theorists, but the truth is that the group plotting to create a world government gave themselves the name and use it often. Their idea is not new, the British tried to do it hundreds of years ago. Author and director Sean Stone’s 2016 book “New World Order - A Strategy For Imperialism” lays out the blueprint for how global government could be implemented through the use ...
Feb 13, 2022•58 min•Transcript available on Metacast