If there is one thing that people can trust, it’s that when the Government gets involved with a situation, the situation is about to get a whole lot worse. And when a government declares a “WAR” on an idea, well, get ready to see criminality in full swing. One might think that after the long line of Government failures in the past, they might stop engaging in nonsensical wars against inanimate objects, invisible enemies, and concepts. Well in America, that has never stopped the Government from g...
Jan 12, 2024•1 hr 10 min•Transcript available on Metacast The predictive programming pushing for another Civil War was ramped up considerably in 2023, with commercials, television shows, and even Obama-produced Netflix movies laying the emotional groundwork to get people comfortable with the concept of breaking the 50 formerly United States apart. What would an actual Civil War look like, and what could the spark be that lights the fuse on the event? Some kind of false flag operation would undoubtedly be involved, though that could come in a variety of...
Jan 10, 2024•1 hr 15 min•Transcript available on Metacast Lifelong anarchist and digital nomad, Maxwell Igan, stops by to talk about letting go of trying to fit into society’s expectations and instead finding a path that feels right for you. Breaking that conditioning and programming can be a lonely and scary endeavor, but the alternative of staying in the Matrix feels even worse. Even if you win the Rat Race, you are still a rat. With Anarchapulco 2024 right around the corner, Max describes the situation where a Category 5 hurricane sprang into existe...
Jan 07, 2024•57 min•Transcript available on Metacast The host of the most popular conspiracy podcast on the planet, The Higherside Chats, stops by to talk about what he has been hearing from the people he speaks to on THC about where things are headed for the foreseeable future. The geopolitical moves currently being made have major ramifications both home and abroad, and the experts working in the field of intelligence are seeing troubling signs that point to the very real potential of another world war. How much of this is just noise to boost sa...
Jan 05, 2024•1 hr 8 min•Transcript available on Metacast The Pilgrim Society was founded in 1902 as a joint venture between the British and American Deep State factions, with the American franchise known by such names as “The Eastern Establishment”, the “Anglo-American Establishment”, and “The Money Trust”. With the Rockefeller clan deeply involved with the Pilgrim Society one can speculate as to how influential they were in the push for world government, but what is undeniable is their ability to infiltrate the American government at the highest leve...
Jan 03, 2024•1 hr 1 min•Transcript available on Metacast Co-author of The Controlled Demolition of the American Empire , Jeff Berwick, is back to discuss how the book predicted our current political and social environments, as well as predicting an impending economic collapse and debasement of the United States Dollar. As Anarchapulco approaches, the city of Acapulco comes back to life after a very unusual CAT-5 Hurricane Otis destroyed a majority of the city with 200 mph+ winds. Thanks to the generous donations made to the Hurricane Otis Recovery fun...
Dec 31, 2023•1 hr 2 min•Transcript available on Metacast This is the most disturbing episode of Macroaggressions so far, and that is really saying something. We have been forced to look into the future to see where this planet is heading and the results are nothing short of apocalyptic. The COVID-19 vaccination experiment has lit a 10-year-long fuse on the population of the world, the results of which are already becoming impossible for the media to deny and the world to ignore. People are dying from the shot. That is undeniable and no longer able to ...
Dec 29, 2023•1 hr 28 min•Transcript available on Metacast We take a quick look back at the happenings of 2023 before setting our sights on what could be on the horizon for the coming year. Could this be the year that the banks finally implode and the system collapses, or will they use World War 3 to distract the public and paper over the many mistakes and criminality that led us down this path? There will be another sham election towards the end of the year where the new puppet will be installed and the people will complain, that is, unless the powers-...
Dec 27, 2023•1 hr 20 min•Transcript available on Metacast Many new and exciting projects have been springing up in the Alternative Media, including Sam Tripoli’s new Chaos Twins comic book series that just exceeded its fundraising expectations. Is it possible that the Mainstream Media has finally met its match and lost what’s left of its diminishing credibility? Comedian and host of the iconic conspiracy podcast, Tin Foil Hat, Sam Tripoli explains how he deals with the impending insanity of 2024. Will the controllers be able to divide the people, or wi...
Dec 24, 2023•1 hr 4 min•Transcript available on Metacast From the very beginning, the Clintons were trouble. A 27-year-old Hillary Clinton was described by her first boss as being “a liar” and an “unethical, dishonest lawyer” while she was working on his Watergate investigation. A sign of things to come, to be certain. Once Bill Clinton started to move up the political ranks as a reward for managing the largest cocaine trafficking operation in the world being run by the CIA & HW Bush, he soon became a “Made Man” inside DC political circles and was...
Dec 22, 2023•1 hr 5 min•Transcript available on Metacast If you understand the Operation Gladio program that NATO ran in Western Europe from the 1950s through the late 1970s, then you have a headstart in understanding Operation Condor in South America which happened during a 15-year period beginning in 1968. America’s interests in South America created the justification in the eyes of Washington DC to exert its massive financial and military influence over the region in order to stop the potential spread of Communism, which never actually materialized...
Dec 20, 2023•1 hr 3 min•Transcript available on Metacast As a former “Star Trek Voyager” screenwriter and lecturer in economics and political philosophy, Gard Goldsmith has dedicated his life to spreading the message of voluntaryism in the scripts and novels that he writes, as well as through his nightly program “Liberty Conspiracy”. What should the role of government be in our lives, and how can we remove ourselves from its grasp? These are the topics that keep Gard Goldsmith busy plotting ways in which society can be reimagined in order to remove th...
Dec 17, 2023•2 hr 38 min•Transcript available on Metacast It’s a big ol’ world out there divided up with imaginary boundaries that people call countries. Perhaps the country of your birth is not the place that you would intend to also call the country of your death, so you want to relocate, but where? Doug Casey is the author of many books and the founder of International Man. He has been to most of the countries on this planet, has lived in 10 of them, and has investments in many more. His company helps people to find the right place to plant their fl...
Dec 15, 2023•54 min•Transcript available on Metacast With a nod to the song by the Grateful Dead, it has been business as usual with the shakedown operations launched by the corporate information integrity industry. It might have gained notoriety during the Summer of Love in 2020 when BLM extorted tens of millions of dollars from guilt-ridden corporate suckers, but the stifling of speech and the bending of knees started many years before. Groups such as the Anti-Defamation League and Media Matters For America have been using this tactic for decade...
Dec 13, 2023•1 hr 5 min•Transcript available on Metacast Ricky Varandas, host of The Ripple Effect Podcast and co-host of the Union of the Unwanted, asked for a three-person conversation including Midnight Mike from the OBDM Podcast about the current UFO discussion. It led to this discussion about the involvement of intelligence agencies, advanced technologies, secret societies, NASA, the CIA, the Mainstream Media, and a distrusting general public. The idea of multiple dimensions has become normalized recently through films and television shows, almos...
Dec 10, 2023•2 hr 37 min•Transcript available on Metacast There is a very famous and accurate saying that one should “follow the money” in order to uncover hidden motivations, and very few industries deal with money like venture capital firms investing in other businesses. Of course, this money comes with certain conditions that must be met in order to keep the investors happy and satisfied, so situations arise in which decisions can be forced upon the heads of these new companies by those controlling the financing. With the recent decisions being made...
Dec 08, 2023•1 hr 4 min•Transcript available on Metacast The death of Henry Kissinger at 100 years old was celebrated by those who understood his role in some of the most destructive decisions in American and world history. From the endless wars to the Petrodollar paradigm to his push for a world government, the man was always involved when the wars kicked off, usually because he was the one authorizing the actions. From Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos, to East Timor, Bangladesh, Argentina, and Chile, Kissinger ordered the bombings of civilians through “t...
Dec 06, 2023•59 min•Transcript available on Metacast How involved with the United States intelligence community were the “Grateful Dead” when they rose from obscurity and into a traveling band and three ring circus of drifters holding out hope for that miracle ticket in the parking lot? Did the band have help from a hidden hand of influence to rise to a position of substantial cultural significance? Jeff Warnock breaks down where the band came from, who had access to and influence over the members, and what sort of experiments they were running on...
Dec 03, 2023•1 hr 20 min•Transcript available on Metacast The United States policy toward the Third World should be that of depopulation, at least according to super villain Henry Kissinger. He has spoken openly about his desire to see population levels reduced by 50%, which means that perhaps we should start by cutting ol’ Heinrich in half. In December of 1974, The Kissinger Report was created as a classified document to guide the policy of USAID towards depopulating several countries with high population growth rates in order to benefit the United St...
Dec 01, 2023•1 hr 21 min•Transcript available on Metacast The numbers for the testing of children in government schools are now available, and the statistics are shocking even by today’s low standards. Baltimore is a disaster and a microcosm of the broader American education catastrophe that is leaving an entire generation unable to excel in life. The setting up of an entire generation for failure through the education system is being made to happen by very powerful and wealthy families as a sort of sociological science project. State-sanctioned indoct...
Nov 29, 2023•1 hr 11 min•Transcript available on Metacast For seventy years the mainstream media and intelligence community have been fitting tin foil hats for anyone who claimed to have had any kind of extraterrestrial experiences, but now all of a sudden there are congressional hearings, press conferences, television reporting, and interviews on Joe Rogan talking about how UFOs are not just real, but mainstream. Author and filmmaker, Matt Ehret, is back to discuss his new 8-part series called “The Hidden Hand Behind UFOs” where he explores the secret...
Nov 26, 2023•2 hr 31 min•Transcript available on Metacast Five nights a week, Ryan Gable digs into the mysteries of the universe on his show “The Secret Teachings” on Fringe FM in an attempt to try and understand the world around us. The last two years have been a social experiment like none other, and Ryan Gable has been examining the use of particular words and phrases that seem to have hidden meaning and might be part of a deeper operation to literally mind control the population into feeling one way or another. Are we actually living through the mo...
Nov 24, 2023•1 hr 5 min•Transcript available on Metacast The definition of “blowback” is the negative repercussions affecting a country whose government has undertaken a usually clandestine intelligence operation in a foreign country. The situation in Gaza is the embodiment of this concept, and the focal point of the world’s attention right now. Is the trigger for World War Three being slowly squeezed by the psychopaths in Washington DC & Tel Aviv? How will the mutual defense agreements of regional powers impact the size and scope of this potentia...
Nov 22, 2023•1 hr 18 min•Transcript available on Metacast Did the planet Earth come under the influence of extraterrestrials that sought to enslave humanity at some point in our history? It might explain some of the crazy things that we experience on a daily basis as residents of this prison planet that we call home. Top Lobsta from Tower Gang and Raven from The Ravens Watch have teamed up to get to the bottom of who is running our world from the shadows in a way that only they could. As society comes apart at the seams, people are starting to ask ques...
Nov 19, 2023•1 hr 18 min•Transcript available on Metacast The people in positions of power are losing the information war and it shows by their increasingly deceptive and laughable ways of trying to hide the truth. They have decided that if they don’t like the current definition of something they can just change the meaning and the problem magically goes away. Nowhere was the manipulation of words more prevalent and obvious than when it came to defining almost every aspect of the COVID lies, from how one defines herd immunity, to changing what constitu...
Nov 17, 2023•1 hr 9 min•Transcript available on Metacast Back in 2007, General Wesley Clark went on “Democracy Now!” with Amy Goodman and told a story of a memo that he saw that listed seven different countries that the United States was going to take out over the course of five years. Besides it being a psychotic idea by a group of blood-thirsty warmongers, it was very revealing as to the aspirations of the American Empire in remaking the map of the Middle East and North Africa. The roadmap of destruction started with Iraq back in 2003 and continued ...
Nov 15, 2023•1 hr 6 min•Transcript available on Metacast As the gears of war slowly start to engage, it is reminiscent of the build-up to World War 1 with a regional skirmish between Serbia and Austria that quickly drew in multiple nations and eventually led to the death of over 20 million people. With so many mutual defense pacts between nations in the region, it seems as if the conflict could escalate whether the countries want it to or not. The carnage in Israel and Gaza has similarities in several ways including the possibility of the attacks bein...
Nov 12, 2023•1 hr 4 min•Transcript available on Metacast When you are trying to run a War Economy, you’re going to need a devious contractor that can feed you with a constant supply of arms, fighter jets, and maybe even spaceships. The biggest player in what President Eisenhower called the Military-Industrial complex is Lockheed Martin, with revenues exceeding $75,000,000,000 in 2020 alone. With yet another war on the horizon, it is obvious that conflict is good for some businesses, and business is booming. As long as there is money to be made through...
Nov 11, 2023•1 hr 10 min•Transcript available on Metacast The general public of the United States of America was assured that their congressional representative pulled the fire alarm in the congressional building because he thought it would open a door, and not because it would postpone a crucial vote on some piece of legislation that was extending into everyone’s weekend. It is almost as if the government and the media were working in coordination to show the American public that they are ruled by fools. They want you to see it. You could pull the pro...
Nov 08, 2023•1 hr 16 min•Transcript available on Metacast It should come as no surprise that during a time when fiat currency dominated the financial landscape of America, markets suffered from illnesses that did not plague the country before central banks ran the government and dictated the monetary policy of the nation. Inflation was for tires, and gold was used as a storage of wealth for people looking to hedge their bets against crooked governments and the banking systems that often came preconnected. Tony Arterburn’s Wise Wolf Gold & Silver bu...
Nov 05, 2023•1 hr 22 min•Transcript available on Metacast