The word is spreading about who Jesus is and what He’s doing. Could He be the Messiah that the people of Israel have been waiting for? All the people knew was that they wanted to be where He was teaching, and Jesus drew the attention of so many—even the Pharisees and teachers of the Law. What they weren’t expecting to see was a miracle tied to the need for forgiveness. Join Your Church Friends as they closely examine Jesus’ teaching and forgiveness, and how both are essential components in disco...
Aug 27, 2024•32 min•Ep 174•Transcript available on Metacast Jesus dropped the reverse Uno card on leprosy when He touched the man plagued by the disease. Normally, when anyone came in contact with someone with leprosy, they would become unclean and fear they might also become a leper—a death sentence in those days. But Jesus didn’t become unclean. Instead, the reverse happened: the man with leprosy became clean and was able to rejoin the community. Join Your Church Friends as they closely examine the restoring touch of Jesus and how His restoration is an...
Aug 20, 2024•40 min•Ep 173•Transcript available on Metacast Is being unclean the same as being sinful? From the perspective of many in the Bible, yes, it was. So, when Jesus has an encounter with a man with leprosy, the people's understanding is about to be shaken up, as all they knew about being unclean and leprosy is going to go out the window. Join Your Church Friends as they closely examine the difference between being unclean and being sinful, and how knowing the difference is an essential component in discovering a Savior. Visit our Website: https:...
Aug 06, 2024•36 min•Ep 172•Transcript available on Metacast Full disclosure: this is the conversation that took place after the demon episodes and before the Peter episodes. We thought we lost it due to a file transfer error, but it turns out it was just hiding—sneaky file! So here it is! They wanted the miracle, but Jesus’ main objective was to teach about the Kingdom of God. His proclamation was that the new King had arrived, and the question before the people then, and us today, is: will we join that Kingdom? If we do join, what does it look like to l...
Jul 29, 2024•31 min•Ep 171•Transcript available on Metacast Full disclosure: this is the conversation that took place after the demon episodes and before the Peter episodes. We thought we lost it due to a file transfer error, but it turns out it was just hiding—sneaky file! So here it is! When Peter’s mother-in-law develops a fever, Jesus comes over and heals her. Interestingly enough, He rebukes the sickness just like He did the demons before. Does this mean that sickness and demonic activity have a connection? Join Your Church Friends as they closely e...
Jul 22, 2024•36 min•Ep 170•Transcript available on Metacast It’s something only God has done! Way back in Genesis chapter one, it was God who spoke and created fish out of nothing, but now Jesus has done the same. With this miracle, Peter understands he is in the presence of not only the Messiah but God. Join Your Church Friends as they closely examine an encounter with Jesus and how our response to that is an essential component in discovering a Savior.
Jul 17, 2024•34 min•Ep 169•Transcript available on Metacast He’s a fisherman, but not just any fisherman—Peter is an expert fisherman. So, what happens when a carpenter from Nazareth named Jesus comes along and gives him advice on fishing? Peter then catches more fish than he ever has before. How does Peter respond to this encounter with Jesus? How would you respond to an encounter with Jesus? Join Your Church Friends as they closely examine an encounter with Jesus and how our response to that is an essential component to discovering a Savior.
Jul 10, 2024•39 min•Ep 168•Transcript available on Metacast Is everything we struggle with today a demon? Many believe that is the case, but when you look at the demonic activity in the Bible, you may think otherwise. Jesus encounters a man possessed by a demon in the synagogue, and when Jesus rebukes the demon, it leaves. The people are amazed at the authority Jesus has, even over demons. Join Your Church Friends as they closely examine demons and their activity in the Bible, and how Jesus’ authority over them is an essential component in discovering a ...
Jul 03, 2024•28 min•Ep 167•Transcript available on Metacast Have you ever sat back and wondered, where do demons come from? They are scarcely mentioned in the Old Testament, and then suddenly, in the New Testament, exorcising them from tormented souls becomes part of Jesus' mission. How did this eerie shift occur, and how does understanding the shadowy writings of the Second Temple period help? Join Your Church Friends as they closely examine the origins of demons in the Bible, their relation to Jesus' mission, and why confronting these dark forces is an...
Jun 26, 2024•39 min•Ep 166•Transcript available on Metacast Jesus is in His hometown, the place He grew up in, and in the synagogue, reading from the scroll of Isaiah 61. Everything was going great—the people enjoyed His message—until He gave two Old Testament references: the Widow of Zarephath and Naaman. After this, the people wanted to kill Jesus by walking Him off a cliff. But why? Why did these two references stir up so much rage in the people of Nazareth? Join Your Church Friends as they closely examine the mission of Jesus and why it is an essenti...
Jun 19, 2024•40 min•Ep 165•Transcript available on Metacast After Jesus’ encounter with the Devil in the desert, He is now prepared to begin His earthly mission. The Spirit leads Him back home to Nazareth, where in the synagogue, He opens up the scroll and begins to read from Isaiah 61. Jesus uses this portion of the Old Testament to proclaim to all listening—and to us—the mission of the Savior. Join Your Church Friends as they closely examine the mission of Jesus and why it is an essential component in discovering a Savior.
Jun 12, 2024•34 min•Ep 164•Transcript available on Metacast The confrontation between Jesus and the Devil continues, and it’s time for temptation number 3! There is a back-and-forth about Psalm 91, known as “The Exorcism” Psalm. That’s right, “The Exorcism” Psalm. After this exchange, the Devil leaves Jesus, and the battle is won. This victory, so early in Jesus’ ministry, is crucial to understanding the purpose of why Jesus came to earth. Join Your Church Friends as they closely examine the Temptations of Jesus and why they are an essential component in...
May 29, 2024•31 min•Ep 163•Transcript available on Metacast After the riveting section on Jesus’ Genealogy, Luke picks up the story of Jesus in the wilderness for forty days and nights fasting, and the devil appearing after to tempt Him. But why forty? What was so significant about that number in the Bible? Also, why in the wilderness, and how did the devil get there? The answers may surprise you! Join Your Church Friends as they closely examine the Temptations of Jesus and why they are an essential component in discovering a Savior. Villains Episodes on...
May 15, 2024•39 min•Ep 162•Transcript available on Metacast Genealogies might be considered some of the most mundane parts of the Bible, yet God saw fit to include them. They're simply lists of names, so why are genealogies so important, especially when it comes to the genealogy of Jesus? For Luke, he strategically pauses at the end of chapter 3 to provide us with Jesus’ genealogy, revealing who Jesus' Father truly was and demonstrating that even our Savior can have an imperfect family tree. Join Your Church Friends as they closely examine the Genealogy ...
May 01, 2024•50 min•Ep 161•Transcript available on Metacast We're going way back in the time machine to a conversation between Chris and Special Guest Rogelio Rodriguez Jr that took place in 2021. This conversation served as a follow-up to Season 1, 'The Sermon on the Mount.' In it, they discuss: What are the Beatitudes? How does Jesus' use of the word 'blessed' differ from our understanding of 'blessed'? How do the Beatitudes challenge our morality, and what influence should they have on the Christian life? Visit our Website:
Apr 17, 2024•43 min•Ep 160•Transcript available on Metacast Where did baptism come from? It’s not practiced in the Old Testament, but then you enter the New Testament and there is John baptizing in the Jordan. Where did he get the idea to baptize people in the Jordan for the forgiveness of sins, and what was the purpose of Jesus being baptized? Join Your Church Friends as they closely examine the origins of baptism and why it's an essential component in discovering a Savior.
Apr 03, 2024•55 min•Ep 159•Transcript available on Metacast Out of the desert came a man with a message of repentance for the forgiveness of sins. That man was John the Baptist, and he did not shy away from telling people God’s truth. In fact, his first words in the Bible are, “You brood of vipers, who warned you to flee from the coming wrath?” So, if repentance was so important at the establishment of the Gospel, why doesn’t the Church talk about repentance today? Join Your Church Friends as they closely examine why repentance is a key part of salvation...
Mar 20, 2024•58 min•Ep 158•Transcript available on Metacast We've all experienced that sinking feeling in our stomach when we think we've lost something important. When we find it, there's a profound sense of relief. For Mary and Joseph, they lost Jesus. Imagine the distress of losing the Savior of the world. Yet, we don't have to imagine, because sometimes in our Christian journey, we feel like we've lost Jesus. Join Your Church Friends as they closely examine why it's important to seek Jesus in the right places and why that's an essential component in ...
Mar 06, 2024•53 min•Ep 157•Transcript available on Metacast I believe that at some point, we've all daydreamed about what life would look like if we won the lottery. How it would "save" us from our woes. However, the Bible tells a different story. Our salvation is only found in Jesus, who was born into poverty. Yet, even in this poverty, He was recognized as the Savior by two faithful, elderly Israelites. Join Your Church Friends as they closely examine why salvation is exclusively found in Jesus and why it is an essential component in discovering a Savi...
Feb 07, 2024•58 min•Ep 156•Transcript available on Metacast Why shepherds? Why would God choose to have shepherds be the first people to hear the announcement of the birth of the Messiah? Why did the angels proclaim Jesus’ birth as peace on Earth? Join Your Church Friends as they closely examine the good news of peace and why it is an essential component in discovering a Savior. Visit our website:
Jan 17, 2024•41 min•Ep 155•Transcript available on Metacast The question of Jesus’ existence has been debated since His birth, but today, we know that there are no issues with Jesus’ existence due to numerous references to Him outside the Bible. However, a lingering question persists about the virgin birth of Jesus. Was His birth a derivative of some other ancient deity story, or was it simply a fabricated narrative to embellish His identity? Join Your Church Friends as they closely examine the virgin birth of Jesus and how it is an essential component i...
Jan 10, 2024•44 min•Ep 154•Transcript available on Metacast Zachariah writes his name as John! Immediately, his voice returns to him, and he begins to praise God with a song that sheds light on the mission of the upcoming Messiah and his son John—revealing who God had predestined John to be. Join Your Church Friends as they closely examine how God has predestined certain individuals to be His chosen instruments, and how that understanding is an essential component in discovering a Savior. Visit our Website:
Dec 27, 2023•33 min•Ep 153•Transcript available on Metacast John the Baptist is born, but controversy arises over what to name him. The crowd is ready to name him Zacariah, like his father, but his parents know his name was predestined to be John. With this story in mind, we ask the question: What is predestination, and where did this concept come from? Join Your Church Friends as they closely examine how understanding that God is in control of everything is an essential component in discovering a Savior. Visit our Website: https://yourchurchfriends.rock...
Dec 21, 2023•34 min•Ep 152•Transcript available on Metacast Mary visits Elizabeth, and when they greet each other, there is a moment of celebration and joy for all around. Why would this meeting between these two soon-to-be mothers bring such joy? Could it be the spiritual revolution that was about to begin? Join Your Church Friends as they closely examine how joy marked the beginning of God’s revolution and how it is an essential component in discovering a Savior. Visit our Website:
Dec 13, 2023•1 hr 1 min•Ep 151•Transcript available on Metacast Ok, but seriously, can we trust prophecy, especially when it comes to prophecy about the Messiah in the Bible and how it all points to the birth, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus? Join Your Church Friends as they closely examine the significance of biblical Messianic prophecy and how it’s an essential component to discovering a Savior. Visit our Website:
Dec 06, 2023•53 min•Ep 150•Transcript available on Metacast With so many people making predictions about the future, end times and the return of Jesus, how can we trust Prophecy? Also, why is it so hard to trust all the prophecy found in the Bible? Join Your Church Friends as they closely examine the significance of biblical prophecy and how it’s an essential component to discovering a Savior. Visit our Website:
Nov 29, 2023•57 min•Ep 149•Transcript available on Metacast Why is the truth so important? Why is it so challenging for us to discern what is genuinely true? Join Your Church Friends as they closely examine the significance of investigating for the truth and why the truth is an essential component to discovering a Savior. Visit our website:
Nov 21, 2023•46 min•Ep 148•Transcript available on Metacast Hey Church Friends, Chris and Muireadhach sit down to have a quick conversation about some big and exciting news about the podcast. They also give a quick preview of the next season. It’s a season you won’t want to miss, one that will take us on a mission, on a quest, on a search for the truth. Join us on our journey to Discovering a Savior. Visit our Website:
Nov 01, 2023•12 min•Ep 147•Transcript available on Metacast Chris sits down with Pastor Jay Kim to discuss his new devotional book, "Colossians: One Jesus, One People," a 40-day study through the epistle. They have a lively conversation about the Book of Colossians, what it means to know the truth, and why unity is so crucial. They also talk about the importance of studying the context of the letter and understanding to whom it was written and why it was written, is so essential to understanding the deeper message of the Epistle of Colossians. Learn More...
Oct 25, 2023•46 min•Ep 146•Transcript available on Metacast The Shepherd of Hermas ends with ten parables given to Hermas by the Shepherd. These parables range from illustrations about two cities, an elm tree and a grapevine, a shepherd of luxury and a shepherd of punishment, to a cosmic willow tree and twelve mountains. All the parables drive home the same point: what are you going to do with God’s Word and how are you going to live once you know God’s commands? Visit our website:
Oct 18, 2023•1 hr 6 min•Ep 145•Transcript available on Metacast