Put Trust in God First. Our Lord never put His trust in any person. Yet He was never suspicious, never bitter, and never lost hope for anyone, because He put His trust in God first. He trusted absolutely in what God’s grace could do for others. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/dhlministries/support
May 31, 2021•10 min•Transcript available on Metacast Revelation 5:11-14 --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/dhlministries/support
May 30, 2021•20 min•Transcript available on Metacast Suppose God tells you to do something that is an enormous test of your common sense, totally going against it. What will you do? Will you hold back? --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/dhlministries/support
May 30, 2021•10 min•Transcript available on Metacast “In that day you will ask in My name…,” that is, in My nature. Not “You will use My name as some magic word,” but— “You will be so intimate with Me that you will be one with Me.” “That day” is not a day in the next life, but a day meant for here and now. “ --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/dhlministries/support
May 29, 2021•11 min•Transcript available on Metacast Until the resurrection life of Jesus is fully exhibited in you, you have questions about many things. Then after a while you find that all your questions are gone— you don’t seem to have any left to ask. You have come to the point of total reliance on the resurrection life of Jesus, which brings you into complete oneness with the purpose of God. Are you living that life now? If not, why aren’t you? --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/dhlministries/support...
May 29, 2021•8 min•Transcript available on Metacast The Holy Spirit has been given; the Lord is glorified— our waiting is not dependent on the providence of God, but on our own spiritual fitness. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/dhlministries/support
May 27, 2021•9 min•Transcript available on Metacast Our thinking about prayer, whether right or wrong, is based on our own mental conception of it. The correct concept is to think of prayer as the breath in our lungs and the blood from our hearts. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/dhlministries/support
May 27, 2021•6 min•Transcript available on Metacast As soon as you begin to live the life of faith in God, fascinating and physically gratifying possibilities will open up before you. These things are yours by right, but if you are living the life of faith you will exercise your right to waive your rights, and let God make your choice for you. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/dhlministries/support
May 26, 2021•8 min•Transcript available on Metacast Jesus said there is only one way to develop and grow spiritually, and that is through focusing and concentrating on God. In essence, Jesus was saying, “Do not worry about being of use to others; simply believe on Me.” In other words, pay attention to the Source, and out of you “will flow rivers of living water” (John 7:38). --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/dhlministries/support...
May 25, 2021•6 min•Transcript available on Metacast We have no experiences in our lives that correspond to the events in our Lord’s life after the transfiguration. From that moment forward His life was altogether substitutionary. Up to the time of the transfiguration, He had exhibited the normal, perfect life of a man. But from the transfiguration forward— Gethsemane, the Cross, the resurrection— everything is unfamiliar to us. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/dhlministries/support...
May 25, 2021•6 min•Transcript available on Metacast There are times when God cannot reveal Himself in any other way than in His majesty, and it is the awesomeness of the vision which brings you to the delight of despair. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/dhlministries/support
May 25, 2021•7 min•Transcript available on Metacast Revelation 5:7-10 --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/dhlministries/support
May 23, 2021•20 min•Transcript available on Metacast Jesus summed up commonsense carefulness in the life of a disciple as unbelief. Whenever we put other things first, there is confusion. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/dhlministries/support
May 23, 2021•7 min•Transcript available on Metacast If you are going through a time of isolation, seemingly all alone, read John 17 . It will explain exactly why you are where you are— because Jesus has prayed that you “may be one” with the Father as He is. Are you helping God to answer that prayer, or do you have some other goal for your life? --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/dhlministries/support
May 23, 2021•11 min•Transcript available on Metacast Matt 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. KJV Matt 6:25 Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment? KJV The great concern of our lives is not the kingdom of God but how we are going to take care of ourselves to live. Jesus reversed the order by telling us to get th...
May 21, 2021•8 min•Transcript available on Metacast When a person is born again, there is a period of time when he does not have the same vitality in his thinking or reasoning that he previously had. We must learn to express this new life within us, which comes by forming the mind of Christ Luke 21:19 In your patience possess ye your souls. KJV Phil 2:5 Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: KJV --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/dhlministries/support...
May 20, 2021•6 min•Transcript available on Metacast We are made “partakers of the divine nature,” receiving and sharing God’s own nature through His promises. Then we have to work that divine nature into our human nature by developing godly habits. The first habit to develop is the habit of recognizing God’s provision for us. 2Pet 1:4 Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust. KJV Ps 87:7 As well the sin...
May 17, 2021•9 min•Transcript available on Metacast Revelation 5:1-6 --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/dhlministries/support
May 16, 2021•19 min•Transcript available on Metacast You did not do anything to achieve your salvation, but you must do something to exhibit it. You must “work out your own salvation” which God has worked in you already (Philippians 2:12). --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/dhlministries/support
May 15, 2021•9 min•Transcript available on Metacast We have to develop godly habits to express what God’s grace has done in us. It is not just a question of being saved from hell, but of being saved so that “the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our body.” And it is adversity that makes us exhibit His life in our mortal flesh. 2Cor 4:10 Always bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our body. KJV Eph 4:30 And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto th...
May 14, 2021•8 min•Transcript available on Metacast If I am in the habit of continually holding God’s standard in front of me, my conscience will always direct me to God’s perfect law and indicate what I should do. The question is, will I obey? Acts 24:16 And herein do I exercise myself, to have always a conscience void of offence toward God, and [toward] men. KJV Gal 4:19 My little children, of whom I travail in birth again until Christ be formed in you, KJV Rom 12:2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of yo...
May 14, 2021•7 min•Transcript available on Metacast Revelation 4:1-11 --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/dhlministries/support
May 12, 2021•20 min•Transcript available on Metacast When we first begin to form a habit, we are fully aware of it. There are times when we are aware of becoming virtuous and godly, but this awareness should only be a stage we quickly pass through as we grow spiritually. Is there some place where you are not at home with God? Then allow God to work through whatever that particular circumstance may be until you increase in Him, adding His qualities. KJV 2Pet 1:8 For if these things be in you, and abound, they make [you that ye shall] neither [be] b...
May 12, 2021•8 min•Transcript available on Metacast The first thing God does is forcibly remove any insincerity, pride, and vanity from my life. And the Holy Spirit reveals to me that God loved me not because I was lovable, but because it was His nature to do so. Now He commands me to show the same love to others by saying, “…love one another as I have loved you” (John 15:12). 2Pet 1:5 And beside this, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue; and to virtue knowledge; KJV 2Pet 1:7 And to godliness brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindne...
May 12, 2021•9 min•Transcript available on Metacast We are in danger of forgetting that we cannot do what God does and that God will not do what we can do. We have to get into the habit of carefully listening to God about everything, forming the habit of finding out what He says and heeding it. 2 Peter 1:5; Phil. 2:12. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/dhlministries/support
May 10, 2021•10 min•Transcript available on Metacast If we are eating only out of our own hand, and doing things solely on our own initiative without expecting God to come in, we are on a downward path. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/dhlministries/support
May 09, 2021•10 min•Transcript available on Metacast Revelation 3:14-22 --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/dhlministries/support
May 09, 2021•19 min•Transcript available on Metacast Seeking God Himself and not merely His answer to prayer. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/dhlministries/support
May 09, 2021•9 min•Transcript available on Metacast Perseverance means more than endurance— more than simply holding on until the end. Rev 3:10; Job 13:15; John 17:3 --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/dhlministries/support
May 08, 2021•11 min•Transcript available on Metacast Are YOU working for God? Or is HE working through you? A lot to consider here. Luke 14:26-30; 1 Corinthians 3:10-15 --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/dhlministries/support
May 07, 2021•12 min•Transcript available on Metacast