Surah Al Imran: Family of Imran - Verses 131, 132 & 133
In this week's Quran Tafsir Podcast, we explore in depth Ayat 131, 132 and 133 of Surah Al Imran.
In this week's Quran Tafsir Podcast, we explore in depth Ayat 131, 132 and 133 of Surah Al Imran.
In this week's Quran Tafsir Podcast, Aya 130 of Surah Al Imran explains how the modern financial system works, and why it will fail soon.
When you read the Quran, do you feel that some ayat are out of place? Does the order of some verses in the Quran not make sense? Find the truth and much more in this week's English Quran Tafsir of Aya 130 of Surah Al Imran.
"May God be pleased with Mount Uhud." This may sound strange for several reasons, such as "How can God be pleased or displeased with a rock?" and "Why are we talking about Uhud while the verse under study is about usurious interest?" We will answer these questions and tie them to the Quran Tafsir of Aya 130 of Al Imran.
In this week's Podcast, we go into the Tafsir of Ayat 126-129 of Surah Al Imran
Do you know how to get God's help? Do you know Allah helps you in the time of need? Find out how to qualify for God's help in this Tafseer video of Surah Al Imarn Ayat 123, 124 and 125.
Learn about the amazing Muslim heroes of Uhud in this English Quran Tafsir Podcast of Surah Al Imran Ayat 122
We present five valuable lessons from the Battle of Uhud from the Tafsir explanation of Aya 122 of Surah Al Imran.
In the battle of Uhud, the Haritha clan from the Aws and the Salamah clan from the Khazraj were about to leave Prophet Muhammad in battle and return to Medina. Learn the story in the English Tafsir of Surah Al Imran ayat 122
What went wrong in Uhud? We dive into the details in the English Tafsir of Aya 121 of Surah AL Imran.
Are your friends ones that "grieve at any good that touches you and rejoice when misfortunes befall you"? Are your friends actually your enemies? The Quran gives you advice on how to choose your friends in the English Tafsir of Aya 120 of Surah Al Imran.
Are you angry all the time? What is the best way to deal with people who harm you, anger you, or try to deviate you from God's path? Listen to this Quran Tafsir Podcast as we look at the Ayat and Hadith to learn how to be angry the right way!
In this English Quran lesson, we look into the friendship in Islam. Are your friends toxic? Or are they good people? Find the answers and much more in this week's Tafseer Podcast.
This Aya gives you the secret to happiness! and the secret of calm and tranquility in your life! This is NOT an exaggeration. Take a few moments to listen to this Tafsir Podcast because it can change your life.
How did Prophet Muhammad treat his friends and companions? What was it like to sit with him, talk to him, and eat with him? Imam Ali gives us the answers and much more in this Quran Tafsir Podcast.
Do you listen when Allah speaks to you? Can you even tell when Allah speaks to you? Learn the secret and much more in this Quran Tafseer Podcast of Aya 118 of Surah Ale-Imran.
The Quran is full of examples to help us understand Islam. You can learn so much about your life and the hereafter from the examples in this Quran Tafseer Podcast.
Some very good people who do excellent work, yet their life goes to waste! Learn the reason and how to save your self and children in this English Quran Tafsir explanation Podcast.
We hear the word Fitnah almost everyday. But what us a Fitnah? Is it bad? Learn the answers and much more in this week's English Quran Tafseer of Surah Al Imran Aya/Verse 116.
Omar bin Abdul Aziz was one of the best Caliphs of the Muslims. In this week's Quran Tafseer Podcast, we tell the story of Omar and his son as we explain Ayat 114 and 115 of Surah Al Imran.
Ihsan (???????) is one of the highest levels a Muslim believer can reach for. Learn how to practice Ihsan in this week's English Quran explanation Tafsir Podcast.
This English Tafsir of Aya 112 of Surah Al Imran covers modern events such as the Arab-Israel 1973 war and old events from the time of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him.
In this week's Quran Tafsir Podcast of verse Aya 111 of surah Al-Imran we study how Christians and Jews who embraced Islam were a target for hate and violence.
If you are a good Muslim, you go to heaven right? NO, you can die a martyr and still not go to heaven! Learn the secret in this week's English Audio Tafsir of Surah Al Imran Aya 110.
Some people do whatever they can to escape God and hide from him. Are you hiding from Allah? Learn more in this English Quran Tafsir lesson of Ayat 109 Surah Al Imran.
Is there something better than Jannah?! Yes, there is! Find the name of the place that is better than paradise and much more in this week's English Quran Tafsir Surah Al Imran verses 107 and 108.
Today, we bring you two animated stories from the Quran -Surah Al-Baqarah-. We put this fantastic story collection together from the tafsir sessions of QuranGarden. Hope you enjoy them!
What does the color of your skin mean? Does Allah dislike black people? Are white and tall people better? Watch today's video and learn the answers in the Tafsir of Aya 106 of Surah Al Imran
Do you know the many meanings of the word Ummah? Watch today's amazing Quran Tafsir video and learn what Ummah means in Ayat 104 & 105 of Surah Al Imran.
In this Quran Tafsir lesson, we tell the story of Khuzayma and his role in collecting the Quran. Take a few moments to listen.