To fight tooth and nail
Learn a phrase about working hard to get just what you want.
Everyday expressions and real English conversations to help make your everyday conversations easier.
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Learn a phrase about working hard to get just what you want.
Learn an expression about coincidences.
Learn an expression about disappearing
A phrase that sucks!
These are job skills needed to deal with the public, and very much in demand.
Will wearing new shoes make Feifei more intelligent? Join her and Rob in this programme.
Looking for a sofa to sleep on? Learn a phrase to describe your actions.
Learn an English expression about skills we never forget.
Can you be on fire without any flames?
If something is 'dead good' is that a positive or negative thing?
A phrase about being unhelpful.
When can going to the bank be funny? We've got a phrase that will leave you laughing.
Find out more about a seriously funny English phrase.
Learn the right English phrase about having to put a stop to something.
Here's a phrase about preventing someone from discovering something.
Learn an expression about experiencing bad things to enable you to enjoy good things.
What is a hard-nosed person like? Find out in this episode of The English We Speak.
How do you feel if you really like something or someone? This phrase might help you.
If things don't go your way, how can singing and dancing help?
Here's a phrase to describe the success of a small team.
A sudden and unpleasant change can come as a shock. Learn a phrase to describe this.
Moving from place to place can be chaotic. Learn a phrase to describe the situation
Here's a phrase that describes making informal conversation about not much.
Here's a clever expression that can describe someone doing something stupid.
Rob's done all his work! Find out here if it's all downhill until the weekend for him.
Learn a New Year-related expression
An expression for when you have good fortune
Learn a polite thing to say when you receive a bad present.
Learn this very modern expression.
How can a tasty meal leave a bad taste?