In these seemingly similar passages, is Jesus talking about the same thing, or are there important differences we need to pick up...? Join our private Gold Membership for Christian women here. No matter your age or stage of life, step into God's purpose with our eBook, 'Rediscover, Redefine, Reclaim' here. Follow Dr. Melody on IG: @dr.melody_fitplusfaith...
Aug 26, 2024•27 min•Ep 306•Transcript available on Metacast As Jesus enters Passion week, weeping over Jerusalem, He continues exposing the hypocrisy and arrogance of the religious leaders, shirking their true duties for personal gain. Join our private Gold Membership for Christian women here. No matter your age or stage of life, step into God's purpose with our eBook, 'Rediscover, Redefine, Reclaim' here. Follow Dr. Melody on IG: @dr.melody_fitplusfaith...
Aug 22, 2024•25 min•Ep 305•Transcript available on Metacast Jesus goes another round with the Pharisees, Sadducees and Herodians, as He spins circles around their attempts to trap Him in His words. Join our private Gold Membership for Christian women here. No matter your age or stage of life, step into God's purpose with our eBook, 'Rediscover, Redefine, Reclaim' here. Follow Dr. Melody on IG: @dr.melody_fitplusfaith...
Aug 20, 2024•33 min•Ep 304•Transcript available on Metacast As Passion Week looms closer, Jesus alludes to his death again. He must be the sacrificial Lamb, before He can be the conquering King. Join our private Gold Membership for Christian women here. No matter your age or stage of life, step into God's purpose with our eBook, 'Rediscover, Redefine, Reclaim' here. Follow Dr. Melody on IG: @dr.melody_fitplusfaith...
Aug 19, 2024•30 min•Ep 303•Transcript available on Metacast Jesus' triumphal entry - entering Jerusalem fulfilling the prophecy of Zechariah and Psalm 118, pointing to Him. The fury from the Pharisees continues to build. Join our private Gold Membership for Christian women here. No matter your age or stage of life, step into God's purpose with our eBook, 'Rediscover, Redefine, Reclaim' here. Follow Dr. Melody on IG: @dr.melody_fitplusfaith...
Aug 15, 2024•35 min•Ep 302•Transcript available on Metacast Jesus contrasts spiritual versus physical blindness in healing of Bartimaeus and talking to the Pharisees. Jesus always strikes to the heart of the matter. Join our private Gold Membership for Christian women here. No matter your age or stage of life, step into God's purpose with our eBook, 'Rediscover, Redefine, Reclaim' here. Follow Dr. Melody on IG: @dr.melody_fitplusfaith...
Aug 13, 2024•28 min•Ep 301•Transcript available on Metacast Jesus emphasizes His priorities and power in healing 10 lepers and teaching about the Kingdom of God. Join our private Gold Membership for Christian women here. No matter your age or stage of life, step into God's purpose with our eBook, 'Rediscover, Redefine, Reclaim' here. Follow Dr. Melody on IG: @dr.melody_fitplusfaith...
Aug 12, 2024•25 min•Ep 300•Transcript available on Metacast The tale of two Lazaruses. Powerful lessons from Jesus leading up to his most incredible miracle of raising Lazarus from the dead, just prior to the Triumphal Entry. Join our private Gold Membership for Christian women here. No matter your age or stage of life, step into God's purpose with our eBook, 'Rediscover, Redefine, Reclaim' here. Follow Dr. Melody on IG: @dr.melody_fitplusfaith...
Aug 09, 2024•40 min•Ep 299•Transcript available on Metacast Incredible connections and insights into more well-known parables, as Jesus hammers the pride and arrogance of the Pharisees. Join our private Gold Membership for Christian women here. No matter your age or stage of life, step into God's purpose with our eBook, 'Rediscover, Redefine, Reclaim' here. Follow Dr. Melody on IG: @dr.melody_fitplusfaith...
Jul 31, 2024•30 min•Ep 298•Transcript available on Metacast Powerful lessons of God's perspective on wealth and productivity. And we see God's creativity and beauty in every element of nature. How much more precious to Him are you? Join our private Gold Membership for Christian women here. No matter your age or stage of life, step into God's purpose with our eBook, 'Rediscover, Redefine, Reclaim' here. Follow Dr. Melody on IG: @dr.melody_fitplusfaith...
Jul 26, 2024•30 min•Ep 297•Transcript available on Metacast Jesus helps us see who our "neighbors" are and continues to set the hypocritical Pharisees straight. Join our private Gold Membership for Christian women here. No matter your age or stage of life, step into God's purpose with our eBook, 'Rediscover, Redefine, Reclaim' here. Follow Dr. Melody on IG: @dr.melody_fitplusfaith...
Jul 24, 2024•27 min•Ep 296•Transcript available on Metacast Jesus heals a man blind from birth, and really stirs up the Pharisees. Join our private Gold Membership for Christian women here. No matter your age or stage of life, step into God's purpose with our eBook, 'Rediscover, Redefine, Reclaim' here. Follow Dr. Melody on IG: @dr.melody_fitplusfaith...
Jul 22, 2024•30 min•Ep 295•Transcript available on Metacast Jesus sets the record straight, calling out the Pharisees, and again pointing to Himself as the source of Living Water. Join our private Gold Membership for Christian women here. No matter your age or stage of life, step into God's purpose with our eBook, 'Rediscover, Redefine, Reclaim' here. Follow Dr. Melody on IG: @dr.melody_fitplusfaith...
Jul 17, 2024•36 min•Ep 294•Transcript available on Metacast Many powerful lessons in this chapter, centering on forgiveness and God's love for us. Join our private Gold Membership for Christian women here. No matter your age or stage of life, step into God's purpose with our eBook, 'Rediscover, Redefine, Reclaim' here. Follow Dr. Melody on IG: @dr.melody_fitplusfaith...
Jul 15, 2024•26 min•Ep 293•Transcript available on Metacast Jesus and the Transfiguration. So many gems in these chapters. Join our private Gold Membership for Christian women here. No matter your age or stage of life, step into God's purpose with our eBook, 'Rediscover, Redefine, Reclaim' here. Follow Dr. Melody on IG: @dr.melody_fitplusfaith...
Jul 10, 2024•31 min•Ep 292•Transcript available on Metacast Jesus feeds another 4,000 in Gentile territory and we learn more about the Kingdom of Heaven vs. Kingdom of God. ( See attached pdf and video I mention for additional study.) Join our private Gold Membership for Christian women here. No matter your age or stage of life, step into God's purpose with our eBook, 'Rediscover, Redefine, Reclaim' here. Follow Dr. Melody on IG: @dr.melody_fitplusfaith...
Jul 09, 2024•27 min•Ep 291•Transcript available on Metacast Let's dive deeper into understanding Jewish metaphors and 1st century culture in Jesus' teaching, healing and miracles. Join our private Gold Membership for Christian women here. No matter your age or stage of life, step into God's purpose with our eBook, 'Rediscover, Redefine, Reclaim' here. Follow Dr. Melody on IG: @dr.melody_fitplusfaith...
Jul 08, 2024•29 min•Ep 290•Transcript available on Metacast Powerful additional insights to some of the most iconic Bible stories are picked up in the 6th chapter of John. Join our private Gold Membership for Christian women here. No matter your age or stage of life, step into God's purpose with our eBook, 'Rediscover, Redefine, Reclaim' here. Follow Dr. Melody on IG: @dr.melody_fitplusfaith...
Jul 01, 2024•25 min•Ep 289•Transcript available on Metacast The life and actions of Jesus show His compassion, humanity and love at every turn. Great is our Savior. Join our private Gold Membership for Christian women here. No matter your age or stage of life, step into God's purpose with our eBook, 'Rediscover, Redefine, Reclaim' here. Follow Dr. Melody on IG: @dr.melody_fitplusfaith...
Jun 27, 2024•32 min•Ep 288•Transcript available on Metacast Jesus continues to travel showing His power and authority over demons, sickness, nature itself and death. Join our private Gold Membership for Christian women here. No matter your age or stage of life, step into God's purpose with our eBook, 'Rediscover, Redefine, Reclaim' here. Follow Dr. Melody on IG: @dr.melody_fitplusfaith...
Jun 25, 2024•26 min•Ep 287•Transcript available on Metacast We see faith as a common denominator in Jesus' healings and Jesus begins speaking in parables. Join our private Gold Membership for Christian women here. No matter your age or stage of life, step into God's purpose with our eBook, 'Rediscover, Redefine, Reclaim' here. Follow Dr. Melody on IG: @dr.melody_fitplusfaith...
Jun 21, 2024•28 min•Ep 286•Transcript available on Metacast Jesus puts the smack down against the Pharisees and scribes in their hypocrisy and heals a blind and mute man, showing His authority over all principalities and powers. Join our private Gold Membership for Christian women here. No matter your age or stage of life, step into God's purpose with our eBook, 'Rediscover, Redefine, Reclaim' here. Follow Dr. Melody on IG: @dr.melody_fitplusfaith...
Jun 20, 2024•26 min•Ep 285•Transcript available on Metacast Jesus shows his love and compassion to those often considered "less than" or outcasts. Join our private Gold Membership for Christian women here. No matter your age or stage of life, step into God's purpose with our eBook, 'Rediscover, Redefine, Reclaim' here. Follow Dr. Melody on IG: @dr.melody_fitplusfaith...
Jun 13, 2024•29 min•Ep 284•Transcript available on Metacast The powerful Sermon on the Mount. Do we really understand what Jesus means? Join our private Gold Membership for Christian women here. No matter your age or stage of life, step into God's purpose with our eBook, 'Rediscover, Redefine, Reclaim' here. Follow Dr. Melody on IG: @dr.melody_fitplusfaith...
Jun 12, 2024•31 min•Ep 283•Transcript available on Metacast Jesus proves He is Lord, even of the Sabbath. Join our private Gold Membership for Christian women here. No matter your age or stage of life, step into God's purpose with our eBook, 'Rediscover, Redefine, Reclaim' here. Follow Dr. Melody on IG: @dr.melody_fitplusfaith
Jun 10, 2024•20 min•Ep 282•Transcript available on Metacast Jesus strikes at the heart in defending His divinity, that all prophecy points to Him. Join our private Gold Membership for Christian women here. No matter your age or stage of life, step into God's purpose with our eBook, 'Rediscover, Redefine, Reclaim' here. Follow Dr. Melody on IG: @dr.melody_fitplusfaith...
Jun 04, 2024•24 min•Ep 281•Transcript available on Metacast Jesus forgives sin and heals the paralytic man, and eats with tax collectors. His run ins with the Pharisees have just begun. Join our private Gold Membership for Christian women here. No matter your age or stage of life, step into God's purpose with our eBook, 'Rediscover, Redefine, Reclaim' here. Follow Dr. Melody on IG: @dr.melody_fitplusfaith...
Jun 03, 2024•24 min•Ep 280•Transcript available on Metacast Water into wine, woman at the well, midnight chat with Nicodemus. Don't let these familiar stories lose their luster and awe. Jesus is on the move! No matter your age or stage of life, step into God's purpose with our eBook, 'Rediscover, Redefine, Reclaim' here. Join our private Gold Membership for Christian women here. Follow Dr. Melody on IG: @dr.melody_fitplusfaith...
May 28, 2024•29 min•Ep 279•Transcript available on Metacast Jesus begins calling His disciples, and we jump right into healings and how He handles Satan's temptations in the wilderness. No matter your age or stage of life, step into God's purpose with our eBook, 'Rediscover, Redefine, Reclaim' here. Join our private Gold Membership for Christian women here. Follow Dr. Melody on IG: @dr.melody_fitplusfaith...
May 22, 2024•23 min•Ep 278•Transcript available on Metacast John the Baptist - a voice crying in the wilderness - is preparing the way for Christ. No matter your age or stage of life, step into God's purpose with our eBook, 'Rediscover, Redefine, Reclaim' here. Join our private Gold Membership for Christian women here. Follow Dr. Melody on IG: @dr.melody_fitplusfaith...
May 21, 2024•29 min•Ep 277•Transcript available on Metacast