Game of Thrones Season 6 Premiere Recap | The Red Woman
04/24/16 - Josh Wigler and Rob Cesternino recap the "Game of Thrones" Season 6 Premiere, "The Red Woman"...
04/24/16 - Josh Wigler and Rob Cesternino recap the "Game of Thrones" Season 6 Premiere, "The Red Woman"...
04/23/16 - Josh Wigler and Rob Cesternino discuss everything else from Game Of Thrones Season 6 in our final Preview before the premiere...
04/22/16 - Josh Wigler and Rob Cesternino discuss the stories beyond the Wall on the Game Of Thrones Season 6 Preview - Road to Westeros...
04/21/16 - Josh Wigler and Rob Cesternino discuss the stories in Bravos On Day 5 of the Game Of Thrones Season 6 Preview - Road to Westeros...
04/20/16 - Josh Wigler and Rob Cesternino discuss the stories East of the Narrow Sea On Day 4 of the Game Of Thrones Season 6 Preview - Road to Westeros...
04/19/16 - Josh Wigler and Rob Cesternino discuss the stories in King's Landing On Day 3 of the Game Of Thrones Season 6 Preview - Road to Westeros...
04/18/16 - Josh Wigler and Rob Cesternino discuss the stories in THE NORTH On Day 2 of the Game Of Thrones Season 6 Preview - Road to Westeros...
04/17/16 - Josh Wigler and Rob Cesternino embark on a 7-day journey to preview Season 6 of GAME OF THRONES. On Day 1, we preview THE WALL....
02/08/16 - Josh Wigler and Terri Schwartz answer questions and field topics submitted by listeners to the Game of Thrones Book Club podcast....
1/06/16 - Josh Wigler and Terri Schwartz return to Westeros to talk about George R.R. Martin's delay of the sixth book in his series, and what that means for season six of the show....
06/30/15 - The 2nd Annual Throner Awards recognizes achievement in Game of Thrones Season 5 LIVE at 9 pm ET...
06/18/15 - Rob Cesternino and Josh Wigler answer your questions while digging deeper into the finale of Season 5 of The Game of Thrones, "Mother's Mercy."...
06/17/15 - SPOILER ALERT! - Josh Wigler and Terri Schwartz bring you one last season five Game of Thrones Book Club, for the watch!...
06/14/15 - Rob Cesternino and Josh Wigler recap the Game of Thrones Season 5 Episode 10 with a review of "Mother's Mercy"....
06/12/15 - Josh Wigler and Terri Schwartz are back in action for this week's GAME OF THRONES BOOK CLUB, talking about "The Dance of Dragons" and what it tells us about the future of the books....
06/11/15 - Rob Cesternino and Josh Wigler answer your questions while digging deeper into the 9th episode of Season 5 of The Game of Thrones, "The Dance of Dragons."...
06/07/15 - Rob Cesternino and Josh Wigler recap the Game of Thrones Season 5 Episode 9 with a review of "The Dance of Dragons"....
06/04/15 - Jessica Liese and Antonio Mazzaro are filling in for Josh and Terri for week eight of the GAME OF THRONES BOOK CLUB season five coverage....
06/03/15 - Rob Cesternino and Antonio Mazzaro answer your questions while digging deeper into the 8th episode of Season 5 of The Game of Thrones, "Hardhome."...
05/31/15 - Rob Cesternino and guest co-host Antonio Mazzaro recap the Game of Thrones Season 5 Episode 8 with a review of "Hardhome"....
05/29/15 - Josh Wigler and Terri Schwartz return with week seven of the GAME OF THRONES Book Club, talking about all the major events from "The Gift." Spoilers ahead for those who haven't read the books!...
05/27/15 - Rob Cesternino and Josh Wigler answer your questions while digging deeper into the 7th episode of Season 5 of The Game of Thrones, "The Gift."...
05/24/15 - Rob Cesternino and guest co-host Antonio Mazzaro recap the Game of Thrones Season 5 Episode 7 with a review of "The Gift"....
05/22/15 - Rob Cesternino and Josh Wigler answer your questions while digging deeper into the 6th episode of Season 5 of The Game of Thrones....
05/17/15 - Josh Wigler and Terri Schwartz dive into Sansa Stark's shocking scene and more about this week's Game of Thrones from the book reader perspective....
05/17/15 - Rob Cesternino and Josh Wigler recap the Game of Thrones Season 5 Episode 6 with a review of "Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken"....
05/15/16 - Josh Wigler and Terri Schwartz are back with another episode of the GAME OF THRONES Book Club, this week tackling everything going on with Jon Snow, Stannis Baratheon, Jorah Mormont, greyscale, Valyria and more!...
05/14/15 - Rob Cesternino and Josh Wigler answer your questions while digging deeper into the 5th episode of Season 5 of The Game of Thrones....
05/10/15 - Rob Cesternino and Josh Wigler recap the Game of Thrones Season 5 Episode 5 with a review of "Kill the Boy"....
05/05/15 - Josh Wigler and Terri Schwartz are getting ready for week four of their GAME OF THRONES BOOK CLUB season five coverage, talking about game-changing fourth episode of the season, “Sons of the Harpy.”...