Why is God Silent
Have you ever wondered why God seems silent? Have you wondered why He seems silent in the course of all that is happening. Meditate on the word of God. Be prayerful and listen to God’s silence.
Have you ever wondered why God seems silent? Have you wondered why He seems silent in the course of all that is happening. Meditate on the word of God. Be prayerful and listen to God’s silence.
Genesis chapter 19 finds Lot and his family escaping the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. But she looks back. Join us as we see how Mrs. Lot’s action can teach us the danger of looking back.
Genesis chapter 19 is the account of Sodom and Gomorra. What does Lot’s choice to escape to Zoar say to us today?
Jesus’s encounter with the Samaritan woman takes a different turn as He digs deeper into her life in order to steer it for the better.
What does Jesus have to offer that can satisfy our longing? And what makes it so special?
The first of a five part series from John chapter four on the woman at the well. The first segment is entitled, The Ice Breaker, where Jesus meets the woman at the well.
We were created by God for God. He knows our inside and out and is calling us unto Himself. Often times process seems like failure and progress doesn’t look like progress. Whether we like who we are or not, in Christ, we are a Work in Progress and still a Masterpiece. If you are still in the hands of the Potter there is still hope.
Romans chapter 10 says that the preacher is an important tool in God’s revelation.
What is the peace of God? How do I obtain it? And How does it benefit me?
What does it mean to be justified? And what does that have to do with our relationship with God?
The Apostle Paul tells us that we are declared righteous not by trying to live perfectly according to rules or tradition, but by faith in Jesus. Once enemies of God, we can now have Peace With God; no longer an enemy but now his child.
The challenge of living patiently, in the will of God through life’s obstacles and our tests.