A lot of my clients have to manage visits from their colleagues when they come to the office. They want to make a good impression and get to know them. The get anxious about what to ask them in those moments when they first arrive or on the coffee break. What questions can I ask to start a conversation?! I break it down and give you a few easy options that could help you in this situation. Enjoy! Love the podcast? CLICK HERE to become a free member Join our community of 8k+ professionals worldwi...
May 31, 2023•21 min•Ep 180•Transcript available on Metacast We continue with part 2 and this time we will delve into the Make side of things. Again, I've broken it down into categories for you to help you try to remember and retain the differences between the two. There are some really important categories related to business English in here as well. Enjoy! SIGN UP TODAY TO THE ANNA WITH 2NS NEWSLETTER - Sign up before 10.00am the Friday 26th April to get the one for this episode. Once you sign up you will get all the newsletters for the podcast from the...
May 24, 2023•24 min•Ep 179•Transcript available on Metacast The classic question! Is it do or make? This has come up a lot recently and I want to help you get this right once and for all. This is a really useful topic as well because they come up a lot in business English. I'm going to break down Do and Make into different categories to help you build a map that you can use as a reference point to help you remember which one is which. SIGN UP TODAY TO THE ANNA WITH 2NS NEWSLETTER - Sign up before 10.00am the Friday 17th May 2023 to get the one for this e...
May 17, 2023•24 min•Ep 178•Transcript available on Metacast You're on a business trip to an English speaking country or the common language is English. You've got to go for a meal with colleagues and you really want to make sure you say the right thing when you are at the restaurant and not make a mistake Sound familiar? This came up in one of my clients sessions and I thought it was a great topic to go into. Even in the world of online working, business trips still take place. Let me give you some key tips to be more comfortable in this situation. I hop...
May 10, 2023•24 min•Ep 177•Transcript available on Metacast This is a continuation of another episode I did before Christmas 2022. We are going to look at a few very common business words that are commonly mispronounced. A great one to check in and make sure you are on track! Enjoy! SIGN UP TODAY TO THE ANNA WITH 2NS NEWSLETTER - Sign up before 10.00am the Friday 5th May to get the one for this newsletter. Once you sign up you will get all the newsletters from that point onwards. Click here for a sample. Want to make significant progress with your Englis...
May 03, 2023•25 min•Ep 176•Transcript available on Metacast Join me this week as I share with you about a terrible morning I had recently and my reflections about dealing with things that we can't control and managing nerves when speaking another language. This was a spur of the moment episode. I really wanted to record something and therefore it may be a little faster than usual in some parts and more colloquial. It's brilliant conversational listening practice too because I'm speaking very naturally. Enjoy Feel my coaching programme could be what you a...
Apr 26, 2023•24 min•Ep 175•Transcript available on Metacast Join waitlist for SPEAK UP to go from silent to participating more in meetings in 2023 Today I want to go into some of the key reasons why people lack confidence. I wanted to share this because I think it's important to show that a lot of us are in the same boat and we are not the only one. Which one/ones reasonate most with you? SIGN UP TODAY TO THE ANNA WITH 2NS NEWSLETTER - You have to sign up before 10.00am the April 21st 2023. Click here for a sample. Say hello on LinkedIn @AnnaConnelly...
Apr 19, 2023•23 min•Ep 174•Transcript available on Metacast In this episode I tell you about an experience I had giving a business presentation and Q&A in Spanish and what I learnt from that. It was quite an eye-opening experience and I wanted to share it with you because it might be useful in your communications too. I also realised that some areas are much more important than others and I tell you what those are. The episode is a bit longer this week as I wanted to have enough time to cover all the points and was enjoying doing the analysis. I hope you...
Apr 12, 2023•24 min•Ep 173•Transcript available on Metacast I wanted to do something different this week and reflect on one of the most impactful episodes since the start of the podcast. Nigel (The Interview Specialist) and I recorded this podcast in 2021. I thought it would be a great idea to revisit this episode as you may be a new listener and I think it's well worth listening to his expert tips and advice about how to have a successful interview in English. Nigel's Links @the_jobpodcast https://www.remtectalent.com/thejobpodcast https://www.remtectal...
Apr 05, 2023•56 min•Ep 172•Transcript available on Metacast Do you panic or avoid saying numbers at work? It's so common to feel like this. And normal. I'm the same in Spanish. We spend a lot of time thinking about the words and the sentence structures that we forget about these important things that come up all the time in work conversations. You can listen to the numbers and repeat to practice out loud or do a dication exercise with this episode. JOIN WAITLIST FOR NEW ONLINE COURSE 2023 - I am releasing a new online course to help you feel more confide...
Mar 29, 2023•19 min•Ep 171•Transcript available on Metacast Do you have to talk about things that aren't going well? Do you have to tell someone they haven't done something the right way? This can be a very common interaction at work that is often not practiced. This can make the conversation more difficult and not flow very well in English. I cover key vocabulary you can use to deliver constructive critcism and several examples in context that you can take and use in your day-to-day work. JOIN WAITLIST FOR NEW ONLINE COURSE 2023 - I am releasing a new o...
Mar 22, 2023•20 min•Ep 170•Transcript available on Metacast Online meetings are a crucial part of how you connect and build relationships with your teams. Aside from the technical parts of the English language, some of the areas I work on with clients are about how they come across when they are on the other side of the screen. I talk in this episode about small, actionable things that you can do to have better presence in online meetings. Enjoy! JOIN WAITLIST FOR NEW ONLINE COURSE 2023 - I am releasing a new online course to help you feel more confident...
Mar 15, 2023•21 min•Ep 169•Transcript available on Metacast This week I'm doing something new and analysing a recent business news article. I highlight some really interesting vocabulary that will be useful to help you understand what on earth they are talking about as well as picking out important grammar points to make you aware of common mistakes. Enjoy! THE ARTICLE USED FOR THIS EPISODE - bring it up alongside listening to the episode JOIN WAITLIST FOR NEW ONLINE COURSE 2023 - I am releasing a new online course to help you feel more confident speakin...
Mar 08, 2023•20 min•Ep 168•Transcript available on Metacast Putting yourself out there to ask a question can feel a bit intimidating with everybody looking at you. You could just send an email or write it in the chat, but where's the fun in that? I'm going to prioritise a few types of questions that come up a lot at work that people are less familiar with as well as a common mistake with a basic question. Enjoy! JOIN WAITLIST FOR NEW ONLINE COURSE 2023 - I am releasing a new online course to help you feel more confident speaking up. To get early access a...
Mar 01, 2023•22 min•Ep 167•Transcript available on Metacast This is a continuation of episode 158 I did in 2022. A few of you said this was really useful therefore I'm going to do a regular slot looking how to understand business talk to help you when working with native speakers. This time I want to go over some common words and phrases on the topic of problems, implementing changes and difficult situations. Enjoy! JOIN WAITLIST FOR NEW ONLINE COURSE 2023 - I am releasing a new online course to help you feel more confident speaking up. To get early acce...
Feb 22, 2023•18 min•Ep 166•Transcript available on Metacast I know you probably work from home more, or perhaps a hybrid model, but do you have to travel with work from time to time? Perhaps more often? Well if you do, you are like several of my clients. However, I hear a lot of people making the same mistakes. In this episode I cover the big hitters so you can get them right. Enjoy! JOIN WAITLIST FOR NEW ONLINE COURSE 2023 - I am releasing a new online course to help you feel more confident speaking up. To get early access and special offer sign up to t...
Feb 15, 2023•16 min•Ep 165•Transcript available on Metacast Feeling comfortable in front of your colleagues can be one of the biggest blockers to making progress in communication. Perhaps it is a certain person that you feel embarrased in front of, maybe you have heard other people criticise how other people communicate and that makes you want to say nothing at all! How can you start to overcome this? It will take time and effort but you can do it. I share some practical things as well as some food for thought! Enjoy JOIN WAITLIST FOR NEW ONLINE COURSE 2...
Feb 08, 2023•24 min•Ep 164•Transcript available on Metacast Often it can be the difficult situations that are hard to navigate in English but there are times when we want to share how well people have done, the good work they have completed or congratulate the team on their efforts. As always, this was inspired by the people work with who wanted to klnow natural ways to approach this situation. Enjoy! SIGN UP TODAY TO THE ANNA WITH 2NS NEWSLETTER - You have to sign up before 10.00am the Friday 3rd February 2023 after the podcast to get the one for this e...
Feb 01, 2023•21 min•Ep 163•Transcript available on Metacast It can be a little awkward at work when your colleagues start talking about something different which isn't what you intended, or perhaps they misunderstood what you were saying or are focusing on the wrong thing...how do you bring the conversation back to what you want to talk about without coming across as rude? In the episode I cover some key phrases you can use for different scenarios so you can feel more confident the next time you have to do this. Enjoy! SIGN UP TODAY TO THE ANNA WITH 2NS ...
Jan 25, 2023•22 min•Ep 162•Transcript available on Metacast Do you bore yourself using the same words all the time? I've found that when talking about strategies before tend to use the same words over and over again - create, implement, define. They are all absolutely fine but let's try and add a bit of variety. Mix it up a little. In this episode I go through other more advanced terms (mainly verbs) to talk about strategy, as well as the usual tips and common mistakes to avoid. I also give you an extra piece of complemetary work to do at home. Enjoy! SI...
Jan 18, 2023•20 min•Ep 161•Transcript available on Metacast What are you doing to do this year? How are you going to make progress? What should I be focusing on? I imagine these are some of the questions going around in your head. I want to give you my advice and recommendations based on some of the biggest problems I know that you are facing and give you a bit of a motivation boost! Enjoy! SIGN UP TODAY TO THE ANNA WITH 2NS NEWSLETTER - You have to sign up before 10.00am the Friday 13th January 2023 after the podcast to get the one for this episode. Cli...
Jan 11, 2023•19 min•Ep 160•Transcript available on Metacast I want to help you improve your pronunication going into 2023. In this episode I talk about all the big hitters - words that come up all the time in business AND are commonly mispronounced. This is the best place to start. Would you like this list of words and the audio file to practice over Christmas? SIGN UP TODAY TO THE ANNA WITH 2NS NEWSLETTER - You have to sign up before 10.00am the Friday after the podcast to get the one for this episode. Click here for a sample. Are you interested in work...
Dec 14, 2022•22 min•Ep 159•Transcript available on Metacast Being able to understand your colleagues can be one of the most frustrating things. There are many different accents, ways of speaking and words that make it difficult. In this week's episode I explain some really common but complex business phrases so that you can understand them when you hear it. If you like this episode, I will do a part 2! Would you like a summary of all the business vocabulary from this episode and every episode going forward? SIGN UP TODAY TO THE ANNA WITH 2NS NEWSLETTER -...
Dec 07, 2022•20 min•Ep 158•Transcript available on Metacast We need to fix this. We need to fix that. That must be fixed. To fix is great but there are other words we can use to sound more natural depending on the type of situation. Let's take a look at some of them today and broaden your vocabulary. Enjoy! Would you like a summary of all the business vocabulary from this episode and every episode going forward? SIGN UP TODAY TO THE ANNA WITH 2NS NEWSLETTER - Sign up before 10.00am the Friday after the podcast to get the one for this episode. Click here ...
Nov 30, 2022•21 min•Ep 157•Transcript available on Metacast Do you make mistakes? Almost certainly, yes. Do they all matter? Not as much as you think. Should I try to correct them? Well, of course but you need to think about a good starting point. I always recommend starting by "cleaning up" some basic and repeated mistakes that can affect how you speak overall - the quick wins essentially. In this episode tell you about some very common ones that I hear day in and day out. Enjoy! Would you like a summary of all the business vocabulary from this episode ...
Nov 23, 2022•19 min•Ep 156•Transcript available on Metacast "Thank you so much and if you have an questions let me know." You say it but secretly you're hoping that no one asks you anything but then you see the hand emoji pop up on the screen or someone says "Excuse me, Anna but.....". You know what's coming - a question. The fun part about questions is we can never be 100% sure about what we will be asked. Today I share with you 4 steps to feel more confident in this situation and answer more coherently. I practice this type of exercise a lot of with my...
Nov 16, 2022•19 min•Ep 155•Transcript available on Metacast Need to get people on board but struggle to convince people that what you think or want to do is the best way forward? In this episode I give you some easy hacks to make your speech much more persuasive in order to get better results at the point of disucssion, deliberation and negotiation. Would you like a summary of all the business vocabulary from this episode and every episode going forward? SIGN UP TODAY TO THE ANNA WITH 2NS NEWSLETTER - Sign up before 9.00am the Thursday after the podcast ...
Nov 09, 2022•23 min•Ep 154•Transcript available on Metacast This episode was suggested by a listener and I think it could help you too. Highlighting when there has been a mistake can be an awkward. You don't want to blame someone too much, you understand that these happen but it's also important that you feel comfortable to bring up issues and problems even when you are with your bosses or people in the company who are more senior than you. In this episode I will tell you how you can do this and also things to avoid. Would you like a summary of all the b...
Nov 02, 2022•20 min•Ep 153•Transcript available on Metacast I often find myself saying to my clients "just make your life easier". People seem to make things more difficult for themselves when there is no need. Therefore in today's episode I want to share common pitfalls, areas where I suggest proceeding with caution and some extra tips about how you come across when you speak. Would you like a summary of all the business vocabulary each episode to enhance your learning? SIGN UP TODAY TO THE ANNA WITH 2NS NEWSLETTER (this is the only place where I will m...
Oct 26, 2022•23 min•Ep 152•Transcript available on Metacast There is one thing that I ask everybody I work with but you would be surprised how many people don't get this sentence correct even with a higher level of English. In this episode I share with you what this is so you can say it perfectly without mistakes, hestiation or second guessing! Would you like a summary of all the business vocabulary each episode to enhance your learning? SIGN UP TODAY TO THE ANNA WITH 2NS NEWSLETTER (this is the only place where I will my bonus notes from the podcast. Th...
Oct 19, 2022•21 min•Ep 151•Transcript available on Metacast