EPISODE 319 "Oppression IS Offensive."
"If we as Native people don’t talk about oppression being offensive, the oppressors will continue to believe it is okay to oppress us. "
"If we as Native people don’t talk about oppression being offensive, the oppressors will continue to believe it is okay to oppress us. "
"Many people of color have always had to live in some of the worst, unusable, polluted areas in this country. The powers that be have always pushed peoples of color and poor whites into areas that are unhealthy and unsafe."
If time has taught us anything as Native people it would be this; We are always stronger together and easy pickings as separated entities whether that be as a sole individual or as a tribe.
"Greed knows no limits."
For far too long, Native families have had to suffer and endure the pain of not knowing what has happened to missing and or murdered loved ones. Secretary Haaland will finally make finding peace and closure a reality.
"Just because the perception of “land ownership” has pervaded the American psyche since the first unwelcome arrival to these shores does not mean the lands of our Native ancestors belong to them."
With the renewed interest in Native cultures that have always been here, some “Americans” are still as willfully blind to our existence as they can be. The narrative of “America” being built by “Europeans” alone in a land that had no inhabitants is an insane narrative. Willful blindness is dangerous.
"The time has come to “speak truth to power” for the good of POC and everyone else. Without truth, we continue to live in a country founded on lies, murder, theft, and genocide."
The Goal is to Cherry Pick Which Plants are the Most Profitable.” Some of the nefarious plans to keep people dependent on the “healthcare” industry are based on a fear and demonization model.
"When the struggle for justice has been a centuries-long battle, it is impossible to stop fighting because those before you have sacrificed everything in the quest for justice, equality, freedom, and the basic right to live. Don’t you dare stop fighting.
It is time to pay the piper and there is still resistance to do so. Keep up the pressure, direct and steady.
"The only reason “Jim Crow” seems to be immortal is because people will not let it die. Those who embrace Jim Crow are the very individuals who practice the ideology of white supremacy. Each one, Jim Crow and white supremacy go hand in hand, and one will not survive without the other."
Resources allow positive things to happen when speaking about economic development in Indian Country.
"With the stroke of a pen, Secretary Haaland did something that could have been accomplished decades ago. Why wasn’t it done sooner? There was no desire to do so."
Non-Natives need to stop taking what doesn’t belong to them and mind their own business.
"When they claim their voter restriction actions are not about racism, I guess they have never heard the expression, “actions speak louder than words.”"
It takes a lot of gall and testicles the size of TX to try to dictate to tribes about their lands. Whose land is it anyway!?
"There is a change in the air, and it will be interesting to see if the right is willing to accept the change without strings."
The tribes are not the only entities who will be watching what goes on at Interior Department. There are opponents who wish to see Secretary Haaland fail and will do everything they can to speed that process along.
"As people continue to sleep politically, dirty deeds happen, and losses occur. Some of those losses are things like voting rights. The Supreme Court is set to strike down more voting rights, and those losses will be felt across the country."
Please Note: Our scheduled Guest, Jacquelyn Weis, had to postpone her appearance. We will re-schedule her as quickly as we can. Some light moments, some darker moments, but all in the spirit of learning! In this episode, we answer listener feedback, and discuss open borders vs closed, and how defining certain words shapes immigration policy along with border discrimination. In our racism in America segment, we look at two stories: A.) A Georgetown Law professor is caught defaming her "Melanated"...
"It would appear their only reason(s) to be on the Indian Affairs Committee is to be able to control the resources on Native lands."
Sometimes, the deepest hurt comes from those who should be like family. In this episode, we share some perspectives on what we would define as “Inter-Tribal dynamics” and how racism shouldn’t play as role, however, sadly, it does. Also, how does historic colonialism play a role in this dynamic?
"Yet more cases of too little too late. After the loss of countless lives, the rush to appear to be concerned is sickening. The admissions of potential problems were known, and there could have been remedies put in place to mitigate the unnecessary loss of life."
When pressure is the only thing that will solicit a response, then direct and steady pressure is called for.
"To undo generations of damage will take time and work. Are non-Natives willing to do the work?"
The promises and planned commitments to Indian Country sound great, but…
Why does it always take so long to correct injustices and wrongs? Are the responses to pressure knee-jerk reactions or will the responses be sustainable?
So much has been lost in education in this country. What has been lost can be rediscovered by looking to our educational not too long ago past to regain what is sorely needed in our current educational system.
Why won't the snake, the multi-headed snake of blood quantum die? Why are the Cherokee Freedmen STILL having to fight for acceptance among their own tribe?