Episode 260 "Impartial Courts? Hardly"
Choices have consequences and we are seeing the results of some of those choices with the packing of the courts being conducted by the Republicans.
Choices have consequences and we are seeing the results of some of those choices with the packing of the courts being conducted by the Republicans.
If citizens of this nation were better educated about the importance of the right to vote, we suggest our political landscape, and behaviors of our lawmakers and other “representatives” would be much different.
The Struggles Natives face even today are by design due to racism, greed and hatred. Enough is enough.
Why must there always be a fight for rights that belong to us as Native people? Are non-natives that depraved they can’t mind their own business? We do not intrude into other cultures and demand what is theirs. Why must there always be a fight for rights that belong to us as Native people?
We are approximately 34 days to the 2020 election. Indigenous citizens (AKA Native Americans) of the United States are entitled to vote in this country. The hateful political environment that has been created in this country is higher than at no other time in modern history. Much of this is about power and who has control of the country. For those who want to maintain that power, they seek to have fewer people turn out for the vote. That means making it as difficult for our people, and other peo...
This episode has been corrected and re-leveled. We have also added additional content. If you happened to download the first generation of this episode, please feel free to redownload it again. We appologize for the confusion! Episode Description: The question why remains unanswered to this day. There is really no reason or explanation for the actions and behaviors of non-Natives toward Natives, other than greed, hate and, well you know.
It would seem the will to rid the nation of the plague, (and I am speaking of the two-legged plague), is not there. It would appear Congress is content to continue to let this nightmare play out like the train wreck that it is. We are on our own.
The nation can no longer turn a blind eye to the insane behaviors of the fool in the white house. The favored, “oh, it’s just, Trump being Trump” line can no longer be used as a reason to ignore the death and destruction he has caused within the nation. Since his theft of the “election”, the country has been in a constant downhill slide. We can no longer afford to turn a blind eye to what is happening to us.
Children are often judged by their behaviors. As adults, we are quick to judge why a child may behave a particular way without trying to understand what may have transpired to enable that behavior. Are you a good example? Will you be a good example? The choice is yours. GOD knows the fool in the white house does not set good examples.
Other nations have the ability to exhibit respect for Indigenous inhabitants of the United States. Why can't our own country do the same?.
It has been long thought that Native people were good for nothing but drinking alcohol and causing trouble. That stereotypical thinking has blinded many non-natives to the accomplishments, Native people have achieved over the decades. What non-natives fail to see will always be their problem. We will just smile and wave. See full show notes here: http://nativeopinion.com/shownotes/2020/9/5/episode-250-just-smile-and-wave...
They say the definition of insanity is “doing something the same way and expecting a different outcome.” When it comes to the American federal government, that seems to be the absolute truth. In this episode we discuss the challenges before Indian country when faced with having to vote by mail in our communities during this pandemic, and what exactly is congress doing to help?
There is no desire for equality and justice. The actions and behaviors and the words coming from the RNC’s clown/dog and pony show have announced to the world, America does not care about correcting injustice nor providing for equality.
The desire and behaviors to “acquire” things that are inherent to Native peoples has been an ongoing practice since contact. Don’t they have anything of their own?
This is a crucial time for Native America, all of Native America, to make a difference in our lives and the lives of generations to come. Native representatives in the nation’s lawmaking body have paved the way for many possibilities. From this point forward, we rise.
With Joe Biden now the Democratic Party's official choice to run for the presidency, part of the many promises given is to enact aspects of what is known as the "Green New Deal". But what exactly is that? We explore. Also, within the promises given, help for Indian country. But is it really anything new? We raise some skepticism.
Racist theology is deeply embedded in the DNA of white Christian churches, influencing even their theology on salvation, PRRI founder Robert Jones argues in a new book. Also, National Parks and Trails in the United States and Canada erase Indigenous identity. We explore why. Show Notes for this episode are here: http://nativeopinion.com/shownotes/2020/8/26/episode-244-saturday-when-the-spoken-word-means-something-else...
Joe Biden has finally chosen his running mate. That of Senator Kamala Harris. She could become the country's first person of color to become Vice President of the United States. But what does Indian Country think of Biden's choice? Also... The United States Census and Tribes. Should Native Americans bother being counted for the census? Has the quality of life improved for native people in the past 30 years? (3 census counts constitute 30 years) We examine this. And... Trump's pick to head up the...
After 4 days without power and counting, co-host Michael Kickingbear conducts a deep rant regarding Connecticut’s energy supplying company known as Eversource. Plus, racist theology is deeply embedded in the DNA of white Christian churches, influencing even their theology on salvation, PRRI founder Robert Jones argues in a new book.
When groups of people are left out of matters that affect populations, injustices occur. Often thos exclusions are intentional. This has happened to Native people all too often.
In this special episode of Native Opinion, we simulcasted the Mark Charles presidential campaign's online virtual convention. This convention had two purposes. First, the campaign is working on getting Mark's name on the ballot in the state of Washington. To do that, they need to collect 1,000 signatures during a convention, and due to COVID-19, the state of Washington only allows that convention held virtually. The campaign is asking registered voters in the state of Washington to register on i...
While we are off on a 2 week "sabbatical" we wanted to produce a episode (maybe 2) for you guys. Here is "conversations" which is David Greyowl and Michael Kickingbear continuing to "opinionate current affairs". This discussion is less structured than our regular episodes. Native Opinion lives shows will resume on Saturday August 1st.
So, your federal government, led by a bafoon, keeps telling American People "We do more testing than anyone else" and that PPE supplies are "Very Strong". if that is the case, why is the VP now saying to healthcare workers to "Preserve and reuse" Personal Protective Equipment? Also in this episode... Another Supreme Court win for Indian County and True Genius Native Businesses.
Educational School systems in America are failing its students by not providing complete American history. Thereby a half-truth is still a lie.
There is no will nor desire to work toward stemming the increasing cases of COVID-19. We are on our own. The political climate being what it is in D.C these days leave people asking, "what now?" A question people ask on a daily basis.
It is not often we find times and or things to celebrate, but when those things appear, a celebration is in order, no matter how small the celebration may be.
The things that sustain us are things the nation does not choose to see. Things that are often whitewashed by history but visible for all to learn from. Those things within our cultures as Native people will ensure our survival for generations to come.
In more instances than necessary, Natives are left out in the cold. Why would Native women not be considered women of color? Children are often the forgotten demographic when it comes to funding, especially where school lunch programs are concerned. For full show notes for this episode, please see: http://nativeopinion.com/shownotes/2020/7/1/episode-235-out-in-the-cold-again
For too long, Natives have always asked to have a seat at the tables of policy when it came to determining the futures of anything that involved tribes. Tribes have grown tired of asking for a seat at the policy tables that should have included tribes all along. We’re going to build our own tables. See Full Show Notes Here: http://nativeopinion.com/shownotes/2020/6/27/episode-234-were-going-to-build-our-own-table...
In this episode, we are more than what people see, we explore some of the aspects of our culture that people rarely see or even know about, our cuisine. Learn about the rich and rewarding aspect of Native culture you have been missing your entire life! Also, Our hosts get into a spirited debate over Police Unions. Are they the cause of the racial divide and the Blue Wall of silence within police forces across the country? Complete Show Notes found Here: http://nativeopinion.com/shownotes/2020/6/...