EPISODE 378 "Can't They Just Leave It Alone?
"There is a pervasiveness always to deny Native people what we are entitled to. The question begs an answer, why is that? The answer: Racism is the opinion."
"There is a pervasiveness always to deny Native people what we are entitled to. The question begs an answer, why is that? The answer: Racism is the opinion."
In this episode of Native Opinion: NEWS: 1). Joe Manchin is facing calls from a powerful group close to his heart to reconsider his opposition to the Build Back Better Act: Coal miners. https://www.cnn.com/2021/12/21/business/coal-miners-joe-manchin/index.html 2). A new round of grant funding by the Department of Housing and Urban Development — $83 million — will benefit 74 tribes across the country and boost the total amount awarded so far to $209 million spread among 191 tribes HTTPS://INDIANC...
"Many tribes have decided to improve their healthcare services instead of waiting on the Indian Health Service (IHS). The Cherokee Nation is one of those tribes grabbing the bull by the horns."
Why is money always the go-to solution to try to absolve wrong-doers of their injustices? To add insult to injury time is used as the salt in the wound until there is nothing else to be gained from the original harm.
"How dare lawmakers place unnecessary burdens on those they are supposed to serve. To vote against legislation that will ensure a little extra food in the house is a prime example of how lawmakers don't care about those they are supposed to serve. The actions of the lawmakers couldn't be more obvious."
There has always been a false and incorrect idea about what the beliefs of the US represent. Anyone who is paying attention will know the belief system of what the US represents is a false set of beliefs. In this Episode: 1). Millions of Angry, Armed Americans Stand Ready to Seize Power If Trump Loses in 2024 2). The Shinnecock Indian Nation is fighting to save what’s left of its land as climate change prompts sea levels to rise and eat away the shoreline in Long Island, New York. 3). We introdu...
Someone needs to inform the Republican Governors that it is time to stop the attacks against Natives, no matter what form those attacks are. I don’t believe those Governors know what time it is.
To start of the new year, we are introducing our first mini-series entitled "Indigenous Slavery...a History Obscured." This series is written, produced, and voiced by Michael Kickingbear Johnson, an enrolled member of The Mashantucket Pequot Tribe. This is Part one in the series. This Episode Covers: 1.) A explanation of the participation of Cristobal Columbus in the selling and trading of Africans & Indigenous People. 2.) The role of the Doctrine of Discovery and the Catholic Church had in Indi...
It would seem some things need more of a nudge toward change than others. Will the fallout be any less? We submit no. Duck and Cover!
A year of years for sure! Not the strangest we have experienced but one in the running of the title of the strangest. Will we do what is needed to keep us solvent as a society or will we allow the powers that be finish their work?
It would seem the winds of pot are beginning to blow the smell of money through the halls of State and Federal lawmaking buildings.
For as many times as there are sunsets and sunrises the US had ample opportunity to do better by people of color. In most instances the choice was not to do better for all peoples of color. Why is it Native people are usually and most often the last people of color to receive better, and it is still a fight to obtain.
Johnnie Jae joins us as out guest in this episode, we discuss the challenges native people have in obtaining proper health care, earning proper living wage, our challenges with the political system in America and aspects of current events and pop culture. She also reveals her new project "Indigenous Flame" available on Twitter Spaces. Find out more and all things Johnnie at: (1.) http://johnniejae.com/about/ (2.) https://twitter.com/johnniejae (3.) https://johnniejae.store Johnnie Jae Bio: Johnn...
"Whenever the US government speaks, it is rarely if ever speech that is straightforward. The US usually speaks out of both sides of its mouth, so to speak; (pun intended) to appease whatever demographic, political or corporate benefit it desires to gain. Which side of the mouth is speaking today, and at whose expense?"
The word "lead" appears in another word...that of "leadership." Sometimes our tribal leaders take steps that they know must happen to achieve positive goals. In this episode, we look at one such example by the Cherokee nation and their new Tribally affiliated medical school in Oklahoma. Plus, what are petroglyphs, and why are they in danger of being destroyed?
"Why hasn’t trying to find solutions to missing and murdered Indigenous people been a priority until now? Lots of complaints, excuses, and evasion, but no concrete solutions."
"Lip service will only go so far before people see it for what it is lip service. The proof will be in the pudding, so to speak."
"Tribes are taking a stance against sub-standard, government-provided foods that have been the staple of many Native households for generations."
When the push to restrict tribes and nations from living by means of traditional ways is so obvious, the only thing left to believe is the powers that be will do whatever it takes to destroy Native cultures by any means possible.
"In this day and age of technology, it is difficult to accept Americans have been hoodwinked for so long, generations-long as a matter of fact. When do we collectively wake up?"
What should our current generation learn from our past? What examples are our tribal adults and elders giving to our children? While the country that surrounds us "debates" over infrastructure and "Combating Climate Change" indigenous communities suffer from the effects of bad decisions of western lifestyles such as consumption over conservation. What happens when those western ideals affect our tribal leadership, to the effect of physical violence? These subjects and more in this episode of Nat...
There is very little to nothing Native people have acquired from this Government without it costing us something. America, stop trying to grow your economy on the backs of Natives and at our expense.
"Even though the Biden Administration is throwing out buzz words and catchphrases like candy on Halloween, about federal policies affecting Alaska Native peoples and territories, what they really want is the oil."
In this episode of Native Opinion, Cohosts David Greyowl (Echota Cherokee) and Michael Kickingbear (Mashantucket Pequot) review a story on the the effects of climate change (not created by behaviors of Indigenous peoples) which has now created a restriction on how many Salmon Indigenous people of Alaska (and other communities) can "take." In another story, Water shortages due to droughts continue to have devastating effects on Indigenous communities in the west. The Federal government is expecte...
"The Albuquerque City Council has adopted a resolution that acknowledges ongoing generational trauma caused by U.S. boarding school policies, that Indigenous children were forced to attend, and formalizes a commitment to work with Indigenous communities toward reconciliation and healing." What's taking the rest of the nation so long to do the same?"
We need to stay on top of what we need to know because the powers that be won’t tell us what can happen for us in Indian country.
We are always left wondering. With infrastructure proposals cumulative of upwards of eleven billion dollars, When is indian country going to see its share of that revenue? With proposals being considered in almost every state in the country to potentually charge americans by the mile to drive on so called "American Roads ," to offset the loss of fewer gas vehicles on the road and more electrified vehicles are available, there are a lot of roads that go through indian country. Of course turtle is...
One has to wonder what has prompted the sudden call to action in relation to holding non-Natives accountable, and the offering of a reward for information about a missing Indigenous woman.
"If one is not sure you can keep a promise, don't make the promise for the sake of making political points or saving face. Could you not do it? It is bad form. "
We must continue learning as a Native people, even learning to spot opportunist who would take opportunities to use us and our lands for their own benefit.