Episode 349 "Just Another Day..."
When you think you have heard it all, and all one can do is shake ones’ head, one more thing comes along to make you wonder to what level(s) can the idiocy reach.
When you think you have heard it all, and all one can do is shake ones’ head, one more thing comes along to make you wonder to what level(s) can the idiocy reach.
"Has the nation gone mad? I submit it has, and people are grasping at anything they can to bolster their beliefs no matter how insane their beliefs may be."
Education comes in all forms from learning how to be more self-sufficient as a tribal nation to teaching non-Natives about Indigenous cultures not previously taught in public schools. Let the education begin!
"If only the shoe were on the other foot."
"When does it end?"
To be so desperate to want to erase a culture out of fear of retribution and from a place of hate is a behavior that needs to be challenged and stopped.
"While attention is directed toward other concerns, unknown players are focused on their own bit of destruction and theft, misuse of Native territories."
In general, if the nation in general cared about the well-being of the planet and their fellow citizens we would not be in such dire straits when it comes to things like clean water and mining in Native territories. PLEASE VISIT OUR SPONSOR, MOHEGAN TRADING POST: http://www.mohegantradingpost.com LINKS FROM THIS EPISODE: "Critical Mineral Commodities in Renewable Energy": https://www.usgs.gov/media/images/critical-mineral-commodities-renewable-energy "Rethinking the use of rare-earth elements": ...
"By the many examples that can be shown, it would appear governments do not believe Native people deserve justice of any kind. Our rights are trampled, our lives are taken, our lands are stolen, our waterways and ways of life are threatened and destroyed. When does it end?"
In this episode of Native Opinion, we are joined by our guest, Johnnie Jae. Johnnie's Bio: Johnnie Jae is an Otoe-Missouria and Choctaw rabble-rousing journalist, organizer, creator, and futurist who loves empowering others to chase their passions and create for healing and revolutionary change in the world. She is the founder of A Tribe Called Geek, an award-winning media platform for Indigenous Geek Culture and STEM, and (hashtag) #Indigenerds4Hope, a suicide prevention initiative designed to ...
"The right to vote should not have to be a fight, but here we are, fighting for the right to have our voices heard. If we do not continue to fight for that right, we stand no chance against the machine that is designed to destroy everything in its path."
The insistence to keep the same old practices and using the same old excuses to justify them is getting tiresome. It is the same tune with different dancers.
"If someone, anyone, a group of people, anyone, has to be threatened under pain of losing something if they don’t do what is right, then you know that individual or group knows they are not doing what is right and will continue their harmful behavior until forced or threatened to correct their harmful behavior.
The winds of change are blowing, and the resistance to those winds is palpable in some sectors. Change is coming and there is no stopping it
"Has carelessness given nuclear power a bad name? Is it worth taking another look at as a way to save lives and the planet?"
We will make our presence known and will cement in place lasting footprints that will be visible for generations to come.
"For years on end, tribes have been stewards of the earth. In the past, Natives did not take more than what was necessary, and that practice is still employed today, and the practice was shared with non-indigenous cultures. Still, no one wanted to listen, and here we are, today, trying to find ways to save our collective butts from dwindling water supplies and other pending disasters that could have been avoided."
There are truly people out there who want to set things straight, and to some degree attempting to do so. Things will break down and their efforts will falter if the will and desire to set things straight doesn’t remain strong.
"An apology of sorts is being offered but the victims must travel to the person who is supposed to apologize to get the apology. Why is the burden of travel and expense placed upon the victim’s families and survivors? Are those individuals not worth a visit in their cultural lands from the person who is supposed to issue an apology?"
The fight for our Native rights should always continue, and as Native people, we should always make our presence known in every aspect of society. Being pushed into the background is not an option.
"When you are the head of a nation with the types of problems Trudeau has, I guess any ole scapegoat will do to take the heat and the attention away from where it should stay."
The deceptions are given catchy labels to cover up what they really are. An attempt to discourage and deny any opportunities to right an injustice because of racism.
"A 5,000-pound totem pole that was hand-carved by Native Americans is coming from Washington state to be on display in the nation's capital this summer after a journey that organizers hope will raise awareness about protecting land that is sacred to tribes. Let’s hope the gift is received with humility and grace."
"Yes, sometimes the best-laid plans can go awry, but when those plans don’t have the best intentions, to begin with, what should one expect the outcome to be?"
"As Native elders, it is our job to pave the way for the youth. It is the youth who will carry our traditions, our cultures into the future. How well elders do in paving the way for the youth will determine whether we thrive and flourish, or whether we, at some point, become footnotes in history."
The progress to have Natives in key positions in the nation's government is a significant step forward as well as the movements to stop the blacksnake (KXK pipeline) May the Momentum Continue
Every acre of land taken from Natives should be reclaimed as quickly and thoroughly as possible with no remorse. Every attempt to restrict sacred lands should be expanded again with determined actions to prevent further attempts to steal or restrict land use for the sake of greed."
Words are all well and good, but they are meaningless without the actions and behaviors to back them up. As Native people, we have heard for far too long everyone wanting to talk the talk but hardly anyone wants to walk the walk.
"The goal of the previous administration was to grant as many oil and gas leases as possible, and to fast-track, the completion of pipelines already underway."
Sharing information is one of the ways people stay connected, especially in Indian country. We do our best to share the news and events with the world.