Tom // Unlimited Possibilities
When God awakens Tom's heart and mind to His unlimited possibilities, Tom learns his true identity in Christ. Support the show Visit our website for more information on our ministry.
Our mission is to share stories that build faith in God's power and presence. Through a diversity of storytellers, we gain life transforming insights. What God has done for our storytellers, He lives to do for you!
When God awakens Tom's heart and mind to His unlimited possibilities, Tom learns his true identity in Christ. Support the show Visit our website for more information on our ministry.
Desperate, hopeless, and longing for answers John turns to mushrooms to find a way out of the pit and meets Jesus instead. Support the show Visit our website for more information on our ministry.
Holding on to all of God's promises for them, Stephen and Nikki fight for their marriage through years of sin and a pandemic. Support the show Visit our website for more information on our ministry.
As Brooke and Adam wrestle with their son's diagnosis, they find comfort in a testimony they wrote 4 years earlier that speaks to the power and love of God in their lives. Support the show Visit our website for more information on our ministry.
Steve grew up believing he was just an unloved tool in God's hands until a miracle happened and God showed Steve that he is actually a beloved treasure! Keith // A Friend of Jesus He's carried a 12 foot wooden cross all over the world, has story after story that movies are made of, and only wants to be remembered as a friend of Jesus. To Keith the lost are "Kidnapped Royalty". Support the show Visit our website for more information on our ministry.
Steve grew up believing he was just an unloved tool in God's hands until a miracle happened and God showed Steve that he is actually a beloved treasure! Keith // A Friend of Jesus He's carried a 12 foot wooden cross all over the world, has story after story that movies are made of, and only wants to be remembered as a friend of Jesus. To Keith the lost are "Kidnapped Royalty". Support the show Visit our website for more information on our ministry.
Tom trains tens of thousands to evangelize with the power of God and sees lives radically transformed again and again, believing that there is always more. Support the show Visit our website for more information on our ministry.
Brooke and Adam revisit some of their favorite stories. If you only listen to one Unseen Story this is the one to listen to. An instrument maker by trade, Caleb sees and hears an unknown instrument and a tribe name in a dream. This dream ignites a journey that leads to the discovery of an unknown tribe of 70,000 people and the bible being translated into their language. Support the show Visit our website for more information on our ministry.
Fighting for her life in war-torn Congo, Sandrine and her family move to America where she experiences the miracle of salvation and finds true freedom. Support the show Visit our website for more information on our ministry.
Confused and disappointed by multiple father figures in his life, Richard eventually returns to his faith to find the Father's arms wide open. Support the show Visit our website for more information on our ministry.
After years of knowing Jesus through His word, Sharla has an encounter with Him that heals the brokenhearted little one trapped within her. Sharla’s Ministry - Inner Room Healing Other heart healing ministries: Mining the Truth Everfree Scripture from this episode: Matthew 18:6 Isaiah 9:6 Kelsey // Inner Healing and Deliverance Kelsey always thought of inner healing and deliverance as weird until she experienced it for herself and truly understood the gospel at a deeply personal level. Support t...
Convinced that he was unlovable, Jason grew up believing the worst about himself and then he encountered the love of Jesus. Support the show Visit our website for more information on our ministry.
Unsatisfied with traditional church, John and Eva long to be used by God and leave the pew to be the church to those in need. Torben's Channel Pioneer School Playlist Support the show Visit our website for more information on our ministry.
From theological seminary to radical Holy Spirit encounters, John shares his journey of head knowledge Christianity to catching the fire of Holy Spirit that ignited his passion for Jesus. John’s Ministry - Kingdom Culture Network John’s Books are available here Support the show Visit our website for more information on our ministry.
Erin's world was falling apart. Her religious life left her feeling defeated and crazy, until she was taught her true identity and authority in Christ. Support the show Visit our website for more information on our ministry.
Adam and Brooke sit down to discuss what Adam has learned about the tablets of testimony and how their depth reveals something much greater than a law. Rabbi Fohrman - What's So Special About The Tablets BEMA Discipleship Podcast Exodus 20:2-17 & Exodus 31:18 Ezekiel 36:26 Jeremiah 31:33 Hebrews 8:10 Hebrews 10:15-16 2 Corinthians 3:2-3 Support the show Visit our website for more information on our ministry.
During his bout with Covid and extreme fatigue, God exposed fear in David's life as the root for putting his beautiful children above the Lord. Support the show Visit our website for more information on our ministry.
Ken has seen and experienced a lot in his 60+ years of ministry. One thing he knows for sure, God knows where we are and He wants to meet every need. Support the show Visit our website for more information on our ministry.
Searching for the truth most of his life, Brian's life is transformed by Jesus after Brian placed His word over his own circumstances. Support the show Visit our website for more information on our ministry.
Jane has found that learning to love as God loves looks radically different from what we've been taught. Support the show Visit our website for more information on our ministry.
Refusing to see the difficulties in life as anything other than the divine setups of God, Kathleen shares a few of her own challenges and how God brought her through. You can purchase Kathleen's book Divine Setups here . Support the show Visit our website for more information on our ministry.
What's happened since the break-in? Today we share how God has shown up in a mighty way through blessing after blessing. Support the show Visit our website for more information on our ministry.
Years of addiction and lies bring Ron to the end of himself and to the feet of God. He encounters God in the back of a police car and feels free for the first time. Support the show Visit our website for more information on our ministry.
Benedikt's walk with God takes him places he never expected as his faith grows with each step. Support the show Visit our website for more information on our ministry.
After years of infertility and heart break, Holly questions if God even hears her cries. His answer changed her life forever. Support the show Visit our website for more information on our ministry.
Brooke and Adam return home from vacation to find their home has been robbed. They process their loss and the future of the podcast with you, their listeners. Support the show Visit our website for more information on our ministry.
While playing a game with her youth group, Isabella falls and breaks her jaw. When she asks God for healing, He mends more than the broken places. Other stories you might enjoy: Jeff - God Has the Final Say Doctors sent him home to die. Sure that God had the final say, his persistent prayers defeated the cancer ravaging his body. Renee - Spiritual Roots After years of unexplained medical issues, Renee hears that her symptoms have spiritual roots. At the end of her rope, she considers the superna...
God gave JK a dream that has transformed his life and his entire family. What started as a seed of faith has overflowed to abundant blessings for many. Behind JK’s Fiji farming story Other stories you might enjoy: Dave - Radical Faith Brandon & Chelsea - Going All In Support the show Visit our website for more information on our ministry.
After years of confusion, abuse, and same sex attraction, Leslie was introduced to Jesus and found her true worth and identity. Other stories you might enjoy: Alexis - Light in the Darkness Adira - Lost and Found Support the show Visit our website for more information on our ministry.
As a performer and writer, Fiona has seen God use foolishness to confound the wise and draw many to Himself in the most unlikely of scenarios. Fiona's ministry and creative endeavors. Foolproof Creative Arts Foolproof Bites Hollow and Substantial Other stories you might enjoy: Keith - A Friend of Jesus Axel - A Really Big Yes Support the show Visit our website for more information on our ministry.