It was a Christmas memory, of all things, rich with history and spiritual stirring, that first breathed life into “O Little Town of Bethlehem.” A memory that has since become a treasured part of countless Christmas celebrations, including ours in that little mountain church on the side of the road so many years ago. The... The post Episode 46 – Phillips Brooks’ Christmas Memory appeared first on Forgotten ....
Dec 25, 2023•39 min•Transcript available on Metacast But around 1797, a dark cloud overshadowed the ministry of Christmas Evans. The post Episode 45 – Christmas Evans – Part 2 appeared first on Forgotten .
Dec 12, 2023•39 min•Transcript available on Metacast Although Samuel and Joanna Evans could not have possibly known it, the child in their arms that would bear the name of the day of his birth, through heartache, pain, poverty and suffering, would also leave in the wake of his life a myriad of changed lives and a lasting mark on the country of... The post Episode 44 – Christmas Evans – Part 1 appeared first on Forgotten ....
Dec 09, 2023•36 min•Transcript available on Metacast Down through the annals of recorded history, tucked away within its dusty pages, are hidden gems; breathtaking accounts that put on display happenings so astonishing that their only explanation is the intervention of the Divine. In his book, “Church History in Plain Language”, author and historian Bruce Shelly states that “Christianity is a historical religion,... The post Forgotten Podcast Trailer appeared first on Forgotten ....
Mar 10, 2023•3 min•Transcript available on Metacast Escaping the horrendous North Atlantic storm that nearly took his life, John emerged with a newfound faith in Christ. But the days ahead were far from smooth sailing. As with many new believers, those early first steps of following Christ are filled with faltering stumbles of spiritual immaturity and well laid snares by an unseen... The post Special Series – Wretched John – Episode 4 – Prone to Wander appeared first on Forgotten ....
Nov 02, 2021•26 min•Transcript available on Metacast Emerging from captivity, John soon ventured upon a life in Africa of growing wealth and boundless exploration of his depraved desires. That is until he was lured by prospects of inheritance onto a ship bound for England. A ship whose near floundering changed John’s life forever. The post Special Series – Wretched John – Episode 3 – Rescued appeared first on Forgotten ....
Sep 21, 2021•29 min•Transcript available on Metacast Pressganged in to the Royal Navy, John’s haughty personality and infatuation turn what might have been a prestigious opportunity for John in to a disgraceful ruin. And the chance encounter with a slave ship which he thought to be his rescue, proved to be a nightmare. The post Special Series – Wretched John – Episode 2 – Held Captive appeared first on Forgotten ....
Sep 10, 2021•25 min•Transcript available on Metacast Over 250 years ago, wooden boats powered by canvas sails tried the seas with no assurances that they would ever set foot on solid ground again. On the high seas, sailors at the mercy of rolling waves and raging storms, do what have done since the days of Jonah, they cry out to God. Such... The post Special Series – Wretched John – Episode 1 – Out to Sea appeared first on Forgotten ....
Sep 03, 2021•23 min•Transcript available on Metacast If there was ever an individual who fit the description of being a wretch, it was John. From the age of eleven he sailed the high seas, picking up every depraved behavior that an 18th century deckhand was willing to share. He was an insubordinate and disrespected member of the English Navy, twice charged with... The post Special Series – Wretched John – Trailer appeared first on Forgotten ....
Aug 31, 2021•2 min•Transcript available on Metacast The Mad Queen of Madagascar’s first draught of martyr’s blood, which without doubt brought upon her a continuous thirst for more, was from of a young woman named Rasalama; a peasant girl in the poor village of Manjakaray in Madagascar. The queen’s intent was to either cause the girl to beg for her life, casting... The post Episode 43 – Rasalama of Madagascar appeared first on Forgotten ....
Jul 27, 2021•41 min•Transcript available on Metacast Burrage Lane made sure his hunting rifle was loaded with dry shot, then he slid the weapon into his saddle. Anger boiled within him, as he looked at the gun. The man he was there to find had to be stopped at all costs because what he was spouting from behind that pulpit was poison,... The post Episode 42 – Dutton Lane appeared first on Forgotten .
Jun 09, 2021•16 min•Transcript available on Metacast The series of personal tragedy and suffering that Elizabeth Payson Prentiss encountered is hard to fathom. Stories of lesser personal loss that caused individuals to completely shut out even the idea of a loving, personal almighty God are numerous and easy to find. So what would become of Elizabeth, this heart-broken mother, wife of a... The post Episode 41 – Elizabeth Payson Prentiss appeared first on Forgotten ....
May 17, 2021•56 min•Transcript available on Metacast John quickly kissed the forehead of his daughter and handed her to the crewman, who then handed her to Jesse. When Nana saw that her daddy was not following, she began to cry and scream, “Daddy! Daddy! No! Don’t leave me!” Through the blur of tears in her eyes, she saw her daddy, turn and... The post Episode 40 – John Harper appeared first on Forgotten .
Apr 23, 2018•28 min•Transcript available on Metacast With his heart filled by the joy of the Christmas story, and the gift of a Saviour, Jim Elliot (as well as his four friends) had no idea that a few days hence they would pay the ultimate price for their desperate attempt to make the good news known to all people. Sound track list:... The post Episode 39 – Jim Elliot’s Last Christmas appeared first on Forgotten ....
Jan 08, 2018•17 min•Transcript available on Metacast There are some for whom the Christmas season only magnifies more their sorrow than their joy. The stringing of lights, the gifts under the tree, and the arrangement of the Christmas dinner table are only stinging reminders that someone who was once there is gone. The great evangelist D.L. Moody was no stranger to such... The post Episode 38 – The Deaths of DL Moody appeared first on Forgotten ....
Dec 21, 2017•26 min•Transcript available on Metacast The LORD ruleth over all. He is able to control the seas, the storms and the sparrows of life; its rains, its rivers, and its routes. He is even able to guide the steps of a condemned servant running for his life and the paws a wilderness dog to intersect into an encounter of astounding... The post Episode 37 – John Craig and the Black Dog appeared first on Forgotten ....
Nov 14, 2017•31 min•Transcript available on Metacast Even though David Marks was not much more than a child, he knew that what was to be prized above all, was not to be found in this life but in the life to come. So on January 1, 1821, with a single one dollar bill in his pocket and the promise of God to... The post Episode 36 – David Marks appeared first on Forgotten .
Oct 27, 2017•39 min•Transcript available on Metacast Sickness and suffering, pain and plague seem to be question that many default to: If there is a God, then why is there so much suffering in the world? But we can be assured that our wounds are not wasted; that our suffering is never senseless. And as in the case of Charlotte Elliott, we... The post Episode 35 – Charlotte Elliott appeared first on Forgotten ....
Oct 09, 2017•18 min•Transcript available on Metacast Not much is known about James Abbes. He is described as young man, with a zeal to share to the story that the monarchy desperately longed to stamp out: the plain teaching of salvation by grace through faith alone. This teaching was considered heresy and punishable by death and in 1555 the list was long... The post Episode 34 – James Abbes appeared first on Forgotten ....
Sep 23, 2017•10 min•Transcript available on Metacast In AD 303, God confronted a most vile and blasphemous young man who had strayed far from the instruction of family and He did so at not a more inconvenient time. Sound track list: Liam Higgo – Forgotten Liam Higgo – Journey The post Episode 33 – Genesius of Rome appeared first on Forgotten .
Sep 04, 2017•16 min•Transcript available on Metacast Stuart had been up all night. He had tossed and turned unable to sleep. All he could hear in the back of his mind were the words of that country preacher about standing before God and giving an account for his life. And his life was a mess. His drinking had taken over. If he... The post Episode 32 – Stuart Hamblen appeared first on Forgotten .
Aug 23, 2017•9 min•Transcript available on Metacast The thing that got me was that they scraped his hands. They took a piece of glass or a knife and with the edge, scraped the heel and palm of his hand down to his finger tips. They were trying to remove something, something that they had applied to his hands years ago. But scrape... The post Episode 31 – William Tyndale appeared first on Forgotten .
Aug 07, 2017•15 min•Transcript available on Metacast The famed pastor RG Lee said, “…Some of the most beautiful and spiritually fragrant flowers that blossom in God’s Kingdom gardens, some of the most luscious spiritual fruit that ripens in God’s Kingdom orchards and some of the most potent streams that flow out to make gardens out of desert spots of the world are... The post Episode 30 – Maeyken Wens appeared first on Forgotten ....
Jul 28, 2017•18 min•Transcript available on Metacast In 1932, men like Al Capone, crime bosses that had a stranglehold of power through criminal activity, were in cities all over America. Chattanooga, Tennessee was no exception. It had its own crime boss that kept his finger on the pulse of a dark underworld in this sleepy southern town. Chattanooga had its king of... The post Episode 29 – The King of Chattanooga appeared first on Forgotten ....
Jul 11, 2017•11 min•Transcript available on Metacast As Ethiopian Airlines Flight 961 was falling from the sky about to crashing into the Indian Ocean in the worst terrorist strike before 9/11, Andy Meakins risked his own temporal safety so that others might have eternal safety. Below is a photo of Andy Meakins serving the people of Ethiopia that he loved so much. The post Episode 28 – Andy Meakins and Ethiopian Airlines Flight 961 appeared first on Forgotten ....
Jun 20, 2017•22 min•Transcript available on Metacast Is God big enough to bring the name of Jesus to the heart of a man that has responded in thirst to the witness of creation and conscience even when he lives in the secluded isolation of a South American rain forest? The answer to this question is a resounding, “Yes!” Sound track list: Kai... The post Episode 27 – Andres of the Muinane Tribe appeared first on Forgotten ....
Jun 05, 2017•17 min•Transcript available on Metacast The term poetic justice is a literary construct that is defined as the moment in the plot where virtue is ultimately rewarded and vice punished. Although we rarely see such scenes of poetic justice in life, we know that in the end God will make every wrong right in the day of judgment. Yet there... The post Episode 26 – The Godly Woman of Chipping Sodbury appeared first on Forgotten ....
May 22, 2017•11 min•Transcript available on Metacast Rare is the pastor who had just performed a wedding and then tell the bride on her wedding day that she has married a great man. Be sure to keep a death shroud close by because, for when you least expect it, you husband is going to be killed.” Even rarer still is the bride... The post Episode 25 – John Brown of Priesthill appeared first on Forgotten ....
May 08, 2017•19 min•Transcript available on Metacast Down through the centuries, many people have made this difficult choice to forsake all and follow Jesus, but few so brilliantly reveal the cost of that following like that of a young Roman soldier named Marinus of Caesarea. Sound track list: So I’m An Islander – Bræuw fra æ Bjæuw (Letters From the Mountains) So... The post Episode 24 – Marinus of Caesarea appeared first on Forgotten ....
Apr 24, 2017•13 min•Transcript available on Metacast The words of Jesus were clear: In order to be included as his disciple, one must take up their cross and follow him. He calls us to take up our own personal death, death to ourselves, our will, our desires, and be identified with Christ. To endure shame and ridicule as one of his own.... The post Episode 23 – Dudley Tyng appeared first on Forgotten .
Apr 11, 2017•11 min•Transcript available on Metacast