Join us for the PORTALS LIVE! Our team is back and in full swing ready to Portal and gain the gems from Heaven for 2022. Tonight's discussion was a visual presentation of how we feel in these stages of being torn or in between a new season in our lives. Senior Leadership helps us locate the emotions and perspectives we tend to lean on in these stages. Like, share, comment, and interact with our team as you gain these gems for your life. This is going to challenge and cause you to go deeper...
Jan 04, 2023•2 hr 48 min•Transcript available on Metacast Our Portals LIVE team is back and ready to dive into a much-needed discussion. In tonight's episode the panel dive into the danger of talking to yourself, The world encourages self-talk as a normal thing linked to self-enlightenment and awareness. However, the team divulge a mich needed revelation that self-talk is what stops us from hearing the Holy Spirit's voice. This portal is definitely going to challenge your ego but that's a good thing. Let's Go! Like, share, comment, interact, and send i...
Jan 04, 2023•2 hr 2 min•Transcript available on Metacast Join us for the PORTALS LIVE! Our team is back and in full swing ready to Portal and gain the gems from Heaven for 2022. Tonight's discussion is about how to implement God's principles in your everyday lives. Principles won't be effective if you do not have the revelation about how to apply them. One principle can be used differently for each individual. The uniqueness of God's character in us cannot be predicted. Join us in this conversation. Like, share, comment, and interact with our team as ...
Jan 04, 2023•2 hr 11 min•Transcript available on Metacast Join us for the PORTALS LIVE! Our team is back and in full swing ready to Portal and gain the gems from Heaven for 2022. Tonight's discussion is about the strategy on how to fight the enemy in your life. We tend to roll over and accept the fiery darts of Hell in our life, but the Lord has equipped us for warfare. Join in on this conversation as we dive deep in this revelation. Like, share, comment, and interact with our team as you gain these gems for your life. This is going to challenge and ca...
Jan 04, 2023•2 hr 1 min•Transcript available on Metacast Join us for the PORTALS LIVE! Our team is back and in full swing ready to Portal and gain the gems from Heaven for 2022. Tonight's discussion is about Ester and her call to finish what God had started. Enjoy this conversation about how you can be charged by the Lord to finish what He has started. Like, share, comment, and interact with our team as you gain these gems for your life. This is going to challenge and cause you to go deeper in your relationship with Jesus. Let's Go! FOLLOW US ON SOCIA...
Jan 01, 2023•1 hr 26 min•Transcript available on Metacast Join us for the PORTALS LIVE! Our team is back and in full swing ready to Portal and gain the gems from Heaven for 2022. Tonight's discussion is about how we often create arguments in our heads that shape our worldview and uphold our belief system. How would you feel if the Lord introduced a new thought? How would you feel if someone challenged your frame of thinking? How would you receive it? Come along with us on the journey and allow an interruptible argument to settle in. Like, share, commen...
Jan 01, 2023•2 hr 26 min•Transcript available on Metacast Can God trust you with His full story? Join us as we havea prophetic conversation about how the Lord reveals himself to us about us and others.
Dec 29, 2022•2 hr 5 min•Transcript available on Metacast We often find it hard to be vulnerable with the Lord and with people. Did you know that when you are vulnerable before the Lord, it is His responsibility to take care of those things you can't seem to reach? The Bible tells us that when we are weak, He is strong. Join us in this prophetic conversation about what it means to be vulnerable and how God takes care of us during those times.
Dec 28, 2022•2 hr 31 min•Transcript available on Metacast Our dynamic Portals team elaborated on the dangers of lingering and encouraged us on how we could avoid lingering. There were so many gems coming out of this gem-packed portal. We pray it blessed you as much as it did us while we recorded this live with our church family.
Aug 18, 2022•1 hr 22 min•Transcript available on Metacast Have you heard yourself say, "It is what it is?" According to this portal, "It isn't What it Is!" Join the Portals Team as we discuss the harmful effects of being Indifferent about your life, circumstances, and more. Indifference is the killer of faith! Tune into this episode as we challenge the emotions that are really in your heart.
Dec 16, 2021•2 hr 50 min•Ep 94•Transcript available on Metacast Dr. Robyn kicks this portal off with a question, "Did Lot get saved?" The Bible doesn't tell us definitively; however, we explore Abram's position as his uncle and wait for Isaac to be fulfilled. This is a deep conversation so make sure you are strapped in to receive the fullness of what God was revealing to us.
Dec 06, 2021•2 hr 38 min•Ep 93•Transcript available on Metacast Join The Portals team as week wrap up our Thanksgiving Dinner being thankful for who God is. In this portal, we bring out being called out from your original home and being placed in the Kingdom of God. This may include being called from your location, from family, friends, or anything else so God can establish what he is trying to do for your destiny.
Nov 27, 2021•2 hr 35 min•Ep 92•Transcript available on Metacast Pastor Nathan Kassas is currently hosting a course called, "Unleashing Kingdom Emotions," and this portal follows up after his class. Did you know you cannot access spiritual things without the Holy Spirit? Join the Portals Team as we discuss how we illegally enter the presence of God. For more information about this course, please email us at
Nov 19, 2021•2 hr 31 min•Ep 91•Transcript available on Metacast Pastor Nathan Kassas is currently hosting a course called, "Unleashing Kingdom Emotions," and this portal follows up after his class. In this session, we discuss the revelation that Peace is God. Peace is not something you put on or off. Peace is God as a referee of our hearts. For more information about this course, please email us at
Nov 12, 2021•2 hr 55 min•Ep 90•Transcript available on Metacast Pastor Nathan Kassas is currently hosting a course called, "Unleashing Kingdom Emotions," and this portal follows up after his class. In this session, we discuss God's clear intention to perform miracles in our lives. His intention is enough for us to see the purity of his love that energizes our faith in our daily lives. For more information about this course, please email us at
Nov 05, 2021•2 hr 36 min•Ep 90•Transcript available on Metacast Join us as the Portals team discusses how all things happen in the Heavenlies first and we need to communicate with the Spirit of God to collapse the reality to Earth.
Oct 02, 2021•2 hr 46 min•Ep 88•Transcript available on Metacast Join us for the PORTALS LIVE! Our team is back and in full swing ready to Portal and gain the gems from Heaven for 2021. Tonight's discussion is about seeing with your natural eyes instead of your spiritual eyes. Like, share, comment, and interact with our team as you gain these gems for your life. This is going to challenge and cause you to go deeper in your relationship with Jesus. Let's Go! FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA @TORCCNY
Sep 30, 2021•2 hr 53 min•Transcript available on Metacast This dynamic Portal was followed up by our Soap Seminar Series class called Ezekiel 37: Spare Parts. The Portals Team reaps the many gems from class and talks about how we can now be encouraged that the Lord always had an Original Plan for us to live. We can now continue life being healed from our past and living out the fullness of the state God is restoring us to. May this portal bless you as much as it did for us.
Sep 25, 2021•2 hr 10 min•Ep 87•Transcript available on Metacast Now that this title has your attention, let us explain the angle. The Portals team discusses how we sometimes read about our Spiritual Forefathers in the Bible and we take advantage of their pain and distress by not taking it seriously. We sometimes read the Bible as "good stories" instead of impact life-changing, reforming stories! Listen to this concept as we unpack its fullness in this Portal.
Sep 13, 2021•2 hr 13 min•Ep 86•Transcript available on Metacast Tonight the Portals team brings you a hope-filled discussion on the "Next Chapter." Be filled up with what God is speaking about the time and season we are in and how we can gain hope for what He is doing in the church and in the world.
Aug 28, 2021•2 hr 39 min•Ep 85•Transcript available on Metacast Join the Portals Team on this topic of taking our appreciation of the Lord to new levels. Share this podcast with a few friends and family as we enhance our fellowship with one another and The Lord.
Aug 21, 2021•2 hr 58 min•Transcript available on Metacast Join The Portals Team as we discuss how we can be congruent in our life. We unpack the revelation that we often believe our Soul is the leader of our lives. Now that we have the Holy Spirit in our lives, our Spirit is the messenger to our heart, soul, then the Mind, and then the body responds. This will put us in congruence with our heart is important as our confession must align with our Heart. Listen to the full episode to get the full picture.
Aug 15, 2021•2 hr 50 min•Transcript available on Metacast Join the Portals Team as we discuss The Book of Life and how the Bible exemplifies the details of how God has our prophecies as his memories for our lives. Our lives have been already written and He is waiting for us to ask Him to collapse the fullness of our story.
Aug 07, 2021•1 hr 26 min•Transcript available on Metacast Join the Portals team as they discuss the importance of moving from a place of defense to offense in your spiritual walk with the Lord. We also discuss the permanency of our confession stating the Goodness of God and not confessing positivity.
Jul 31, 2021•1 hr 12 min•Transcript available on Metacast Join the PORTALS team as they discuss the ways we ask God to get us out of trials and hard circumstances when you feel like we can't do it. Sit with us and hear how God gives us the grace to get through life and not escape life.
Jul 22, 2021•1 hr 3 min•Ep 80•Transcript available on Metacast Join the PORTALS LIVE team as they discuss the topic of "Extremes". Sometimes God will use extremes to get the attention of your heart when we won't listen to his voice at first. As always, get your notebooks ready and get your minds blown.
Jul 17, 2021•1 hr 18 min•Ep 79•Transcript available on Metacast Are you a Disciple or a Follower? Do you understand the difference? Join the Portals LIVE team for this challenging portal discussing, how deep is your lifestyle of faith in God? It's easy to believe when your reality lines up with what you are confessing, but can you still believe when the reality is telling you the opposite? Let the portals team download to you these gems from the Holy Spirit to help you truly be a disciple in every level of faith. As always, get your notebooks out. Let's Go!...
Jul 10, 2021•2 hr 32 min•Ep 80•Transcript available on Metacast Join the Portals team as host Shenaya Annise sits down with our Senior Leadership -- Dr Robyn Kassas, Ps. Tony Kassas, and Ps Nathan -- on breaking the practice of symptomatic communication with the Lord. The team discuss the importance of not communicating with God based on symptoms. They expose the fact that when we don't invite the Lord in from the start we are always in need of rescue which leads to emergency prayer and relationship with God. Trusting the Lord means trusting Him from t...
Jul 02, 2021•1 hr 13 min•Ep 77•Transcript available on Metacast Join the Portals Team as they talk about facing your giant head-on. How do you do it? Only with a revelation of what God has said to you.
Jun 24, 2021•2 hr 41 min•Ep 76•Transcript available on Metacast The Greek word. Energeo, means to put forth power. We have been taught through scripture that Faith starts with God. In order to activate Faith in us, the Holy Spirit has to express such a dynamic power in us that puts us forward in action. Join us in this episode as we have a prophetic conversation about how the Holy Spirit wants to express such a flow in us that we have to place his energy in faith.
Jun 14, 2021•2 hr 44 min•Ep 75•Transcript available on Metacast