Episode 15
In which Nadia and Saron discuss using bouncer methods (6.3), the introduction to the 'Refactoring for Confidence' section (7), and the first part of MetricFu (7.1).
In which Nadia and Saron discuss using bouncer methods (6.3), the introduction to the 'Refactoring for Confidence' section (7), and the first part of MetricFu (7.1).
In which Nadia and Saron discuss signaling early termination with throw (5.7), handling failure (6), preferring top-level rescue clause (6.1), and using checked methods for risky operations (6.2).
In which Nadia and Saron discuss representing failure with a special case object (5.4), returning a status object (5.5), and yielding a status object (5.6).
In which Nadia and Saron start Section 5 of Confident Ruby, "Delivering Results." They discuss writing total functions (5.1), using call backs instead of returning (5.2), and representing failure with a benign value (5.3).
In which Nadia and Saron discuss yielding a parameter builder object (4.22) and receiving policies instead of data (4.23). They also repeatedly refer to Chapter 4 as Chapter 2 at the end, but that's because they started discussing Chapter 4 in Episode 2.
In which Nadia and Saron discuss substituting a benign value for nil (4.19), using symbols as placeholder objects (4.20), and bundling arguments into parameter objects (4.21).
In which Nadia & Saron discuss handling special cases with a Guard Clause (4.16), representing special cases as objects (4.17), and representing do-nothing cases as null objects (4.18).
In which Nadia & Saron discussing using #fetch to assert the presence of Hash keys (4.13), using #fetch for defaults (4.14), and documenting assumptions with assertions (4.15).
In which Nadia & Saron discuss wrapping collaborators in adapters (4.10), using transparent adapters to gradually introduce abstraction (4.11), and rejecting unworkable values with preconditions.
Nadia and Saron visit Kansas City for RailsConf 2016, the largest conference for rails developers. They reflect on amazing talks, key takeaways, and their conference experience.
In which Nadia and Saron discuss defining conversion functions (4.8) and replacing "string typing" with classes (4.9). Links Thoughtbot on Polymorphism in Ruby
In which Nadia and Saron discuss defining conversions to user-defined types (4.5), using built-in conversion functions (4.6), and taking a closer look at the Array() conversion function (4.7).
In which Nadia and Saron discuss how to conditionally call conversion methods (4.3) and how to define your own conversion protocols (4.4). Links Peter Saxton's Domain Driven Design blog series
In which Saron and Nadia discuss the introduction to the 'Collecting Input' section (4.1) and look at using built-in conversion protocols (4.2).
In which Saron and Nadia discuss how the Ruby Book Club came to be and discuss the foreword (chapter 1) and introduction (chapter 2) to Avdi Grimm's 'Confident Ruby'. They also discuss Chapter 3, 'Performing Work'. Links Confident Ruby Practical Object-Oriented Design in Ruby