In an eleventh hour recording session, the Richley brothers unfurl their collective freak flags and dive into more Florida news and find out what Sean's definition of a "cool father" is. What's more, John does his best to plan one last heist and free his kidnapped son as well as map out the future plans for his vending machine business. If that isn't enough, Joe solves another mystery from the Sleuthing Shelf in record time. Hold onto your butts, everyone, because something "feels funny on my to...
Sep 10, 2021•27 min•Ep 50•Transcript available on Metacast In a virtual eleventh hour recording and editing session, the Richley brothers struggle to come up with the title of their latest offering. Other finalists include, but are not limited to..."The bender of all benders", "We tend to be anti-killing" and "Do the loins ever fit well?!". Did they choose correctly? Judge for yourselves and email your thoughts to
Aug 27, 2021•33 min•Ep 49•Transcript available on Metacast The Richley brothers soldier through some technical difficulties to bring you this episode. Listen in as they discuss not one, but two Florida men, complete an Avengers mad lib for the ages (Is "Black" the best color for Widow? What is Thor really the god of?) and utterly fail to solve The Case of the Wooden Bridge. Good thing they're only attempting to solve pretend crimes. Disclaimer: A few words and phrases were lost in the recording process and we sincerely hope it doesn't negatively i...
Aug 13, 2021•27 min•Ep 48•Transcript available on Metacast The Richley brothers run the gamut in this week's episode. From planning a hypothetical trip to Las Vegas with the incomparable Jeff Goldblum to making sure the totally comparable Dave Coulier cranks out those license plates, Joe and John can't help themselves. But, wait...there's more! The two quadragenarians are completely stumped by The Case of the Dead Broker as well as how many piece of fried chicken can comfortably fit into a grown man's trousers. One last thought...are "quadragenarians" r...
Jul 30, 2021•26 min•Ep 47•Transcript available on Metacast The Richley brothers are answering the tough questions in this episode. Is "welter" a word? Is Ragu sauce flammable? Is it pronounced pecan or pecan? And, finally, how long is this podcast? Join in as they jump back into news from the Sunshine State and attempt to solve "The Case of the Shattered Door". Disclaimer: At about the 8:00 minute mark, a singular curse word is uttered. Nothing awful, but we just wanted you to know.
Jul 16, 2021•23 min•Ep 46•Transcript available on Metacast Despite some early technical snafus, the Richley brothers cannonball into season 2's midway point with their usual gusto. John makes things difficult as he tries to weave Dolly Parton into The Golden Girls Universe and give Florida a new nickname. Joe, on the other hand, paints a glorious word picture and describes a trip to the "City of Sin" with none other than Dorothy Zbornak and lets us know what Mustafa (from Florida) "proudly declares" ( hint: it's not bankruptcy ).
Jul 02, 2021•23 min•Ep 45•Transcript available on Metacast In a bittersweet episode, the Richley brothers dedicate a show to fan favorite contributor and premier "Zaner", Chris. Joe and John break with tradition and discuss an Arizonian who needs a new job and an all new Joe's "Chris-tery" Corner. And if all of that wasn't enough, Joe continues with his escapades as a heart transplant-ologist and his feelings for Matt Dillon.
Jun 18, 2021•21 min•Ep 44•Transcript available on Metacast Another remotely recorded episode, this one almost has it all. That's a gross overstatement. This episode does actually discuss a lot; including, but not limited to, what Judge Reinhold would do at a wedding, a drink Joe says, "tastes like lightnting", the first ever "John's Sleuthing Corner" segment, the activities of "King Florida" and a completely random Phoebe Cates reference. How much would you pay for an episode like this? A nickel. Tops.
Jun 04, 2021•28 min•Ep 43•Transcript available on Metacast On the cusp of jetpacks, the Richley brothers seek to finally identify the "ultimate superhero" and to determine what a 68 year-old Floridian does with barnacles. In addition, Joe's feelings towards Mickey Rourke and his "ham hands" can no longer remain hidden, but come bursting forth. Listen in and join the celebration of (unofficial) National Gary Day! Disclaimer: At some point, Joe claims The Flash as being a part of the MCU. This, like many things the brothers claim, is wildly incorrec...
May 21, 2021•28 min•Ep 42•Transcript available on Metacast Welcome back, True Believers! In another remotely recorded session, Joe and John briefly sing the theme from the '90s X-Men cartoon, discuss their love for the name T'Challa and make some decidedly difficult decisions. Long story, short; they talk about superheroes a whole lot!
May 07, 2021•22 min•Ep 41•Transcript available on Metacast In their longest outing to date, the Richley brothers seek to expose one of Joe's greatest fears, the secrets of time travel and the happenings in a closet at Daytona State College. Strap in as the duo also dissects a USA Today Best Superhero bracket and finally discusses Powers Booth. How did that take 40 episodes? Last thought, Joe is not the Winter Soldier...but, is he? Find out!
Apr 23, 2021•42 min•Ep 40•Transcript available on Metacast As in most things, the Richley brothers believe in balance when it comes to "true" crime. In this episode, the brothers tackle both sides of the justice system. Listen in as Joe plans out his self-proclaimed "greatest crime ever" and as the duo puts their crime solving skills to their test in Joe's Mystery Corner and The Case of the Whispering Finger. Yes, really. Disclaimer: In a follow up to the idiocy of the last two episodes, the Richley brothers will refer to this episode as 38. As with mos...
Apr 09, 2021•23 min•Ep 39•Transcript available on Metacast Tune in and find out John's plan for three pinnacles of modern society, Elton John, Bruce Wayne and Optimus Prime. In addition, and to celebrate the month, the Richley brothers try their hands at bringing two more universes together...Disney Princesses and disaster movie plots. This can't possibly fail, right? Disclaimer: In a follow up to last episode's idiocy, the Richley brothers will refer to this episode as 37. As with most things, and proven on a regular basis, they are nincompoops. ...
Mar 26, 2021•24 min•Ep 38•Transcript available on Metacast In this episode, dear listeners, Joe and John invite you to vicariously live out Joe's car theft daydreams, bring another culprit to justice in Joe's mystery corner and discuss the travesty that was Joe's recent grilled cheese experience. Also shout out to our unofficial sponsor, Brioschi! Disclaimer: The Richley brothers will refer to this episode as 36. As with most things, and proven on a regular basis, they are idiots. This is in fact episode 37.
Mar 12, 2021•24 min•Ep 37•Transcript available on Metacast This week's episode brings another delve into the updated Theme Songs segment with a bevy of lion-based tunes. The Richley brothers also try and figure out why Barry in Florida is pretending to be a law enforcement officer as well as what happens when you combine two different universes...Star Wars and rom-com movies.
Feb 26, 2021•23 min•Ep 36•Transcript available on Metacast In the latest episode of season two, Joe and John unveil a new twist on an classic segment and finally bring Queen Elizabeth II into the discussion. The brothers also discuss where you can and cannot bring pets in Florida and add another chapter to their Star Wars fan fiction...what would Chewbacca do with a Twitter account?
Feb 12, 2021•24 min•Ep 35•Transcript available on Metacast The Richley brothers are sparkin' in on a jet boat this week as they unveil their revamped "Walk Outs" segment, get cozy in Joe's Mystery Corner and discover what's afoot on Mimosa Avenue. Grab your reading cardigan, some hot cocoa and hold onto your butts!
Jan 29, 2021•21 min•Ep 34•Transcript available on Metacast Welcome back, faithful listeners! In this episode, the Richley brothers unpack their feelings about pickles and try to determine whether or not Kevin Malone was actually a criminal mastermind. Is the gig finally up?
Jan 15, 2021•22 min•Ep 33•Transcript available on Metacast It's a new year and the Richley brothers have a brand new segment, Joe's Mystery Corner. Tune in as Joe and John try to not only figure out who has kidnapped the balloon man, but discuss their love for all things Prince and the best ways to celebrate the solstice.
Jan 01, 2021•24 min•Ep 32•Transcript available on Metacast Welcome to Season 2 of the show! In this episode, the Richley brothers welcome a new guest in the studio, dive into some fascinating music history and try to get to the bottom of Joe's feelings for Judd Nelson.
Dec 18, 2020•26 min•Ep 31•Transcript available on Metacast In this, the thirtieth episode, Joe and John celebrate National Pasta Day, jump into some Mad Libs, share some Fun Facts and even attempt to answer the age-old question: How much does a Taun Taun weigh?
Dec 04, 2020•22 min•Ep 30•Transcript available on Metacast Join in as Joe does his best to teach John about DC Comics, Daniel does his best to find out Victoria's Secret and the brothers do their best to shove it into overdrive and determine how many of life's moments need "Highway to the Danger Zone" as their soundtrack.
Nov 20, 2020•24 min•Ep 29•Transcript available on Metacast Join the Richley brothers as they dive head first into possibly the most difficult segment of Sky Dive/Yard Work/Moon in history, add another chapter to their ever growing Star Wars compendium and try to figure out precisely what a "salty droid" is. Special note: exactly zero animals were given adult beverages
Nov 06, 2020•23 min•Ep 28•Transcript available on Metacast Joe and John are "outtatime" as they hop into their personal DeLorean and propel themselves first to 2013 and the Sunshine State before heading straight to the golden age of teen sitcoms. In an expanded version of the $15 Challenge, the Richley brothers attempt to create an original '90s teen sitcom from the discarded remains of the past in an almost Frankenstein-esque manner. Where is Paul Pfiefer? What's Geoffrey Butler up to? And, who invited Wayne Arnold?!
Oct 23, 2020•24 min•Ep 27•Transcript available on Metacast The world's foremost expert on all things Billy Zane and Celine Dion rejoins the Richley brothers in a new segment aimed at giving the listeners exactly what the want - movie reviews for decades old films. Grab all the denim you can find because it's time to discuss Tremors!
Oct 09, 2020•32 min•Ep 26•Transcript available on Metacast The Richley brothers are back to their "regular" schedule in this musically centered episode. Everyone's favorite "Zaner", Chris, is back as he and Joe try to build rock and roll's next super group, answering the age-old question; Is there such a thing as too many Celine Dion's? Spoiler: Absolutely not.
Sep 25, 2020•24 min•Ep 25•Transcript available on Metacast Dive right into the deep end of this episode, a first of its kind, where the Richley brothers address a fan's email question and try to decide whether or not swimming pools are, in fact, public baths. A very special thank you goes out to Ferret! Snorkel check!
Sep 19, 2020•29 min•Ep 24•Transcript available on Metacast Join the Richley brothers as they wrap up their Shawshank Redemption discussion and finally talk about what they enjoy about the movie. Also, find out what Earl in Florida has in common with dear, old Andy.
Sep 11, 2020•26 min•Ep 24•Transcript available on Metacast And thus begins the second installment in the Richley brothers’ Shawshank Redemption trilogy. Is Andy actually guilty? Is Red Irish? And how great is Gil Bellows?!
Aug 28, 2020•29 min•Ep 23•Transcript available on Metacast Back indoors, Joe and John delve a little too greedily and too deep into one of their favorite movies, The Shawshank Redemption. Join the brothers in the first of a three part series as they try to determine the answer to an age-old question...Is Andy actually guilty?
Aug 14, 2020•29 min•Ep 22•Transcript available on Metacast