Fantasy Fiction 45: Warlords and Spiders
Hail, traveler! Stop by the inn and listen as we SPIN you yarns of spiders and warlords! Get it? Haha, ok, yes just walk away like you didn't hear me.
Hail, traveler! Stop by the inn and listen as we SPIN you yarns of spiders and warlords! Get it? Haha, ok, yes just walk away like you didn't hear me.
Good evening, adventurers! Gather round the fire as we exchange tales of gnomes and libraries! Also, sorry about the crickets, they're loud tonight.
So what brings you to my forge, young paladin? Ah, looking for some Gauntlets and Battle Axes? Well, I just so happen to have stories including both of those items. Also, those are the only stories I know. Weird coincidence, eh?
Look out, Cleric! The walls of this cave are collapsing! Here, take these stories of minions and chimeras, and get out of here! a return of supreme wizards.
Good Moonsday, travelers! Gather round the fire so we can share tales of princesses and sieges, and also roast moonsmellows!
After a month hiatus the fantasy is BACK! Hear fantastical fantasy tales of treasure, yetis, and two guys recording the podcast in the same room for the very first time!
Watch your step, Wizard. There is a lunar eclipse this Moonsday eve and the berserkers in the north plan on getting buck wild. Here, take this potion of Fantasy Fiction to aid you!
Adventurer, would you be willing to pick up a thrilling quest that requires you to find tales of Lizardmen and Alchemists? Oh well look at that, you just completed the quest!
Before you go off on your quest, young archer, why not hear the most thrilling stories about griffins and fishing that you've ever heard in your GD life?
Watch out, elf! One more step and you would've set off this bees traps where bees come out and sting your face until you OD on pain... this reminds of a tale of golems and prophecies!
Careful, travelers! The road up ahead is closed due to roaming skeleton warriors! Why not sit down at the tavern for tales of Beast Masters and Magic Chests!
Hail, torchman! Shine that torch over yonder for Tim Jennings of The Lusty Horde joins Josh and Dom for tales of magic cloaks and conjurers!
Our pal Deanna Rooney stops by for tales of Treants and Bandits, along with more nonsense from Reeses and Snickerdoodle!
OH YEAH! Our writer pal and rasslin' enthusiast Aubrey Sitterson joins us today on a special episode of Fantasy Fiction!
Join Josh and Dom as they venture into the world of fantasy for tales about shamans and executions!
Greetings, young warriors! Listen to today's tales of Amazons and Cults, and meet our special guests Paul Ritchey and Satchell Drakes!
Heed my warning, young adventurers! Today's tales of dark knights and elementals are particularly spooky, plus more stupidity from Reeses and Snickerdoodle!
Greetings fellow adventurers! Join us by the fire as we share our tales of cursed items and portals!
Listen closely adventurers as we tell you our tales of Labyrinths and Hydras with our special guest Nick Murphy from Continue!
Come adventurers! Hear our slightly spooky tales of assassins and riddles!
Grab a seat, young adventurer, and hear our horrifying tales of Succubus and Banshees!
Today on Fantasy Fiction you'll hear tales of trolls and mounts, along with a bonus tale by our friend Zane Bauer! And your questions answered on Late Night with Reeses the Wize- I mean, Chamber of Knowledge!
Grab a mead, ale, or a forty of Old English, and hear our tales of mead halls and magic rings! Also, we're drunk!
Warning, adventurers! Today's tales conclude a three part story that begins on episode 20. These stories are so thrilling, we suggest you drink six mugs of ale!
Our stories this week continue from last week, so if you haven't listened to episode 20, do so now, then listen to our thrilling tales of archers and clerics!
Young heroes! Your time is now! Come, let us slay the beast that is FANTASY FICTION! Today you'll hear our stories of blacksmiths and Crypts, and more knowledge from Reeses and Snickerdoodle!
Gather all ye travelers, and listen to our yarns of Paladins and Giants!
Hear our joyful tales in this Christmas special of Fantasy Fiction!
Lords and ladies, hear fantastic tales of bravery in today's episode of Fantasy Fiction! This week we're talkin' Tournaments, plus your questions answered by Reeses and Snickerdoodle!
Can you even begin to image what fairies are like in the brutal, no holds barred, sexy realms of Orcspire and Daranos?! Well, fellow adventurer, let me tell you: YA CAN'T! That's why Josh and Dom have prepared some short stories to inform you of such, as well as Reeses and Ol' Snickerdoodle answering YOUR questions!