Last Action Podcast - Reindeer Games
POW! WOW! Happy Holidays from the Last Action Podcast.
LPJ, Sphinx, and Hovercraft Joe talk about the greatest films of all time, action movies. They'll argue about their favorite moments, rate the movies and bring you film knowledge you didn't even know you wanted every Monday.
POW! WOW! Happy Holidays from the Last Action Podcast.
X-Men! This is the day!
Chops helps LPJ and Hovercraft Joe test their theory that they become better podcasters the drunker they get.
Devin drops buy with his new guitar to settle the score.
Sphinx and Hovercraft Joe visit a soup kitchen.
It’s only right to have two guests to talk about the Fastest Hands meeting the Fastest Mouth. Katie and Koz join us for Rush Hour.
Whatcha Gonna Do?
Grimm joins us to celebrate a man of focus, commitment, sheer will... something we know very little about.
There’s no better way to celebrate Halloween than with Freddy, Jason, and Deadite.
They’re Here!!!! Sphinx and Deadite have very different opinions on the classic by Spielberg…well kinda Spielberg
You can have any movie you want. As long as it’s The Fast and the Furious.
This time around, it’s Deadite that’s new to this horror masterpiece - Here’s Johnny!
Schwarzenegger and Paul Verhoeven. Need I say more?
Chops from Legend of Retro joints Sphinx and Deadite to share the hometown love of Evil Dead, and all the gruesome scenes that go with it!
Travolta! Cage! Let the scenery chewing begin.
Still new to the horror movie genre, Sphinx leans on Deadite for help on the self-aware slasher, Scream!
Tim rides on by the studio to help us search for the meaning of this John Ford masterpiece.
Jody’s back, which means we’ve got a movie with as much comedy as action. Oh, and it’s LPJ’s birthday.
Vaya con Dios.
LPJ and Sphinx are joined by Matrikonstage and Master Dungeon Master Craig WK for a very special Noobs and Dragons Podcast crossover.
Well of course James Bond went to space and of course we can’t do a James Bond movie without Craig_WK.
Last Action Podcast! What is your profession?!
LPJ discovers the deadliest venom may be the stares of Sphinx and Hovercraft Joe as they pour over this film.
Sphinx wants, Dick, Tracy…DEAD! LPJ, Hovercraft Joe, and special guest Chops beg to differ.
LPJ tries to convince Sphinx and Hovercraft Joe that he’s registered as a deadly weapon. They’re not fooled. They know he’s just too old for this shit.
Jeff stops in to teach us the most important rule of crime. Don't let yourself get attached to anything you are not willing to walk out on in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat around the corner.
LPJ and Hovercraft Joe are flying on cloud 9 after watching the Rocketeer.
LPJ wishes he could go back in time and watch this movie for the first time again. Hovercraft Joe wishes he could go back in time and stop himself from watching this at all.
We didn’t break the law. We ARE the law! Corndog and JB take us on a tour of Megacity 1 on this weeks episode.