People like to call social media the new town hall, and it truly is. Whenever there’s a big news event, people hop onto sites like Facebook and Twitter to talk about it. But, what should your business do with its social media presence during a national tragedy or massive news event? In this episode of […] The post Startup BizCast #106 – Rules for Social Media During a National Crisis first appeared on EndGame Public Relations ....
May 08, 2019•5 min•Transcript available on Metacast Having too much work is a great problem to have, until it’s so much that you don’t have time to actually do the work. In this episode of Startup BizCast, host Steve Mullen gives some advice on what to do when that “great problem to have” gets out of control. To ensure you don’t miss […] The post Startup BizCast #105 – Finding Time to Do The Work first appeared on EndGame Public Relations ....
Apr 10, 2019•6 min•Transcript available on Metacast As the owner of PR and social media firm, Startup BizCast host Steve Mullen knows where a lot of the landmines are hidden in that world, and how to avoid them. In this episode, he talks about he biggest mistakes that can be made in several different areas of public relations. To ensure you don’t […] The post Startup BizCast #104 – What Not to Do in PR first appeared on EndGame Public Relations ....
Mar 21, 2019•5 min•Transcript available on Metacast Working from home is fantastic, but for many people it’s a serious struggle. How do you get past the idea that there are other things you could do around the house OTHER than working? In this episode, host Steve Mullen runs down some of the problems related to having a home office, and gives some […] The post Startup BizCast #103 – Working From Home first appeared on EndGame Public Relations ....
Mar 07, 2019•6 min•Transcript available on Metacast Have you ever gotten yourself in a long conversation with someone you thought could end up being a client, and they asked question after question about how you would handle certain situations? Have you wondered whether you should really be giving out that information for free? In this episode, host Steve Mullen talks about when it’s […] The post Startup BizCast #102 – Giving Free Advice first appeared on EndGame Public Relations ....
Feb 20, 2019•5 min•Transcript available on Metacast Setting your prices for potential business is a hard thing, because most of the time the potential client doesn’t tell you how much they’re willing to pay you. So, how can you make sure you’re not under-charging, or asking for so much that you don’t get the work? Host Steve Mullen has some tips. To […] The post Startup BizCast #101 – Negotiating Against Yourself first appeared on EndGame Public Relations ....
Feb 06, 2019•6 min•Transcript available on Metacast If you want to speak to your audience through traditional media relations, advertising, or social media, you need to know where to find them. In this episode of Startup BizCast, host Steve Mullen talks about a new survey on the subject that has some groundbreaking results. If you’d like to read more about the survey, […] The post Startup BizCast #100 – Where People Get Their News first appeared on EndGame Public Relations ....
Jan 09, 2019•5 min•Transcript available on Metacast It’s tough being the owner of a micro business or sole proprietorship. In many cases, you’re the only one doing the work and you don’t have anyone to consult or bounce ideas off of. In this episode, EndGame PR President Steve Mullen gives advice geared directly toward this type of business. To ensure you don’t […] The post Startup BizCast #99 – Advice for Sole Proprietors first appeared on EndGame Public Relations ....
Nov 28, 2018•5 min•Transcript available on Metacast Your business is probably on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. You may even be on Instagram. But, are you actually communicating, or are you just making announcements? In this episode, EndGame PR President Steve Mullen gives some advice to ensure your social media efforts truly are social. To ensure you don’t miss a single episode of […] The post Startup BizCast #98 – Are You Being Social? first appeared on EndGame Public Relations ....
Nov 07, 2018•4 min•Transcript available on Metacast It’s completely understandable that it’s hard to find time for social media when you’re a small business owner, but not doing it is a mistake. In this episode, host Steve Mullen gives some advice to streamline your business social media processes and make sure you keep up to date. To ensure you don’t miss a […] The post Startup BizCast #97 – Finding Time for Social Media first appeared on EndGame Public Relations ....
Oct 24, 2018•4 min•Transcript available on Metacast This episode is all about who your friends are on social media, or, more specifically, who your friends should be. Most business owners and social media managers maintain personal accounts that they don’t want to (and probably shouldn’t) mix with their business accounts. While they may have figured out who they should connect with in […] The post Startup BizCast #96 – Who Are Your Friends on Social Media? first appeared on EndGame Public Relations ....
Oct 10, 2018•6 min•Transcript available on Metacast Our country has a fake news problem. A lot of people use the term to describe news stories they simply disagree with, but truly the spread of incorrect news is a growing issue. As a social media manager or business owner, how do you avoid making it worse? Host Steve Mullen talks about fake news […] The post Startup BizCast #95 – How Not to Spread Fake News first appeared on EndGame Public Relations ....
Sep 26, 2018•5 min•Transcript available on Metacast Customer service isn’t something that’s just done face-to-face or even over the phone anymore. Customers have more of an upper hand now, because they can broadcast their complaints to the world via Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. How do you, as a business owner or manager, deal with it? In episode 94 of Startup BizCast, host […] The post Startup BizCast #94 – Social Media Customer Service first appeared on EndGame Public Relations ....
Sep 10, 2018•5 min•Transcript available on Metacast In this episode, I mix it up a little and tackle a topic that’s more about internal communications than PR or social media. When you have a business that employs people who may be from FOUR different generations, how do you deal with all of their different ways of communicating? In this episode, host Steve […] The post Startup BizCast #93 – Communication Across the Generations first appeared on EndGame Public Relations ....
Aug 13, 2018•7 min•Transcript available on Metacast No matter what kind of business you have, there’s a chance that something will happen that will lead to the media reaching out to find you for a story you didn’t really want to be a part of. How you handle that is called crisis communications, and in this episode, host Steve Mullen runs through […] The post Startup BizCast #92 – The Basics of Crisis Communication first appeared on EndGame Public Relations ....
Jul 30, 2018•4 min•Transcript available on Metacast It’s no secret that the traditional news media isn’t nearly as powerful or even healthy as it was just a decade or two ago. Most people get the at least a portion of their news from social media these days. So, is it really still worth the time to try to get coverage about your […] The post Startup BizCast #91 – Is Media Relations Still Worth the Time? first appeared on EndGame Public Relations ....
Jul 16, 2018•3 min•Transcript available on Metacast I frequently have discussions with clients about which social media outlets they should be using to promote their organizations. Most small to medium-sized businesses don’t have the time to focus on all of them, so how do you choose? In this episode, host Steve Mullen will give details about each of the largest social media […] The post Startup BizCast #90 – The Best Social Media Outlet for Your Business first appeared on EndGame Public Relations ....
Jul 02, 2018•4 min•Transcript available on Metacast A social media content strategy is a great idea for organizations of all sizes, but at some point or another, it’s likely you’ll run out of ideas of what to write about. What do you do then? Panic? Hopefully not. In this episode of Startup BizCast, host Steve Mullen gives some tips to avoid social […] The post Startup BizCast #89 – Tips to Beat Social Media Writer’s Block first appeared on EndGame Public Relations ....
Jun 18, 2018•3 min•Transcript available on Metacast While Facebook has been a blessing for businesses trying to build an audience, over the past few years we’ve seen those blessings limited as the social media giant makes it more and more obvious that it wants you to pay for the right to access your audience. In this episode of Startup BizCast, we examine […] The post Startup BizCast #88 – Is it Time to Quit Facebook? first appeared on EndGame Public Relations ....
Jun 04, 2018•4 min•Transcript available on Metacast It’s been a long wait for Episode 87 of Startup BizCast, but that wait is over. After nine years, I’m publishing all new episodes, starting today. Startup BizCast began in 2007, and offers advice for owners of small and medium-sized businesses. This episode reintroduces the show and talks about the new direction I’m taking, and […] The post Startup BizCast #87 – Re-launch and Social Media Manager Advice first appeared on EndGame Public Relations ....
May 21, 2018•5 min•Transcript available on Metacast There has been quite a gap between episodes 85 and 86. The reasons for that are plentiful, but one of the biggest is that I’ve been doing a lot of speaking engagements that have taken away the time I would normally have spent on this podcast. For this episode, I wanted to make […] The post Startup BizCast #86 – How Social Media Changed PR (Steve Mullen) first appeared on EndGame Public Relations ....
Jul 02, 2009•14 min•Transcript available on Metacast Between hardware like mobile phones and new social media tools, there’s so much new technology coming out every day that it can be hard to keep track. If you’re able to harness some of these tools, however, it can make your work more profitable and sometimes even easier. The topic of this episode […] The post Startup BizCast #85 – New Tech for “Old” Jobs (David Marks) first appeared on EndGame Public Relations ....
May 07, 2009•10 min•Transcript available on Metacast The social media landscape changes so quickly … almost every day! The pace of change is so fast, in fact that it’s sometimes hard for professionals to keep up, let alone small business owners who have other things to worry about. For that reason, in Startup BizCast #84 I decided to revisit the […] The post Startup BizCast #84 – Small Biz Social Media Review (Steve Mullen) first appeared on EndGame Public Relations ....
Apr 15, 2009•12 min•Transcript available on Metacast It’s no April Fools … tax day in the U.S. is rapidly approaching. That means you’d better be getting to work on your tax returns. If you’re not, you may need to think about filing for an extension. Our guest on this episode of Startup BizCast is Ryan Thompson from FileLater, an […] The post Startup BizCast #83 – Tax Time in the U.S. (Ryan Thompson) first appeared on EndGame Public Relations ....
Apr 01, 2009•11 min•Transcript available on Metacast After a bit of a long hiatus, Startup BizCast is back with episode 82! In this show, we take the pulse of entrepreneurship. How are things going out there? Our guest is Chris Benjamin from Rogue CFO. He’s a contract CFO, working with companies that need someone in that position, but […] The post Startup BizCast #82 – The Pulse of Entrepreneurship (Chris Benjamin) first appeared on EndGame Public Relations ....
Mar 11, 2009•14 min•Transcript available on Metacast It’s tough to hire new employees these days. It may seem like a strange statement, and it’s not top on the list of concerns of most people, but it’s something to consider. If you’re one of the small businesses that’s actually thriving in this weak economy, and you put an ad in the […] The post Startup BizCast #81 – Hiring in a Weak Economy (Brad Smart) first appeared on EndGame Public Relations ....
Feb 18, 2009•21 min•Transcript available on Metacast Back in the 1990s, all you needed to do if you wanted funding for your business was show up with an interesting company name and slogan … and you’d get all you wanted. These days … not so much. With the economy withering, so is the amount of funding available. To gain […] The post Startup BizCast #80 – Small Business Venture Funding (Robert Ochtel) first appeared on EndGame Public Relations ....
Feb 04, 2009•8 min•Transcript available on Metacast After missing a week of the show … I’m back! This week we have our promised episode on how small business owners can use Twitter. I’m a member of the micro-blogging site and use it quite a bit, but I decided to bring in a guest who is even more immersed in the […] The post Startup BizCast #79 – Twitter for Small Business Owners (Dave Saunders) first appeared on EndGame Public Relations ....
Jan 28, 2009•Transcript available on Metacast This week we welcome back one of our favorite guests. Ken Colburn from Data Doctors joins us to talk about this year’s Consumer Electronics Show. Ken was at the show in Las Vegas, covering it not only for his own newsletter but also for CNN! He gives us the rundown on a […] The post Startup BizCast #78 – Small Biz Tech from CES 2009 (Ken Colburn) first appeared on EndGame Public Relations ....
Jan 14, 2009•Transcript available on Metacast Happy New Year everyone! Startup BizCast is back from the Christmas and New Year’s break, and ready for action! In this episode, I give a few suggestions for resolutions for this year for small business owners. More importantly, however, I’d like YOUR input. What do you think small business owners should resolve […] The post Startup BizCast #77 – Small Biz New Year’s Resolutions for 2009 (Steve Mullen) first appeared on EndGame Public Relations ....
Jan 07, 2009•Transcript available on Metacast