The PRQL: WebAssembly: The Future of Cloud Workloads Made Simple with Matt Butcher of Fermyon Technologies
In this bonus episode, Eric and Kostas preview their upcoming conversation with Matt Butcher of Fermyon Technologies.
In this bonus episode, Eric and Kostas preview their upcoming conversation with Matt Butcher of Fermyon Technologies.
Highlights from this week’s conversation include: The role of an orchestrator in the lifecycle of data (1:34) Relevance of orchestration in data pipelines (00:02:45) Changes around data ops and MLOps (3:37) Data Cleaning (11:42) Overview of Dagster (13:50) Assets vs Tasks in Data Pipeline (19:15) Building a Data Pipeline with Dexter (25:40) Difference between Data Asset and Materialized Dataset (28:28) Defining Lineage and Data Assets in Dagster (29:32) The boundaries of software and organizatio...
In this bonus episode, Eric and Kostas preview their upcoming conversation with Sandy Ryza of Dagster.
Highlights from this week’s conversation include: The evolution of the data scientist role (1:03) Common problems in different companies (2:05) Measuring and curating content on Reddit (4:29) The challenges of working with unstructured content at Reddit and Twitter (11:03) Lessons learned from Reddit and applying them at Twitter (13:17) Data challenges and customer behavior analysis at GlossGenius (20:16) How the data scientist's role has changed over time (00:25:10) The essence of the data scie...
In this bonus episode, Eric and Kostas preview their upcoming conversation with Katie Bauer of GlossGenius.
Highlights from this week’s conversation include: The Evolution of Databases and Data Systems (2:33) Abstracting Data for Business Users (4:31) Building a Database for Google-like Search (7:58) The Big Data Explosion (11:10) Selling Myspace as First Customer (13:14) Starting ActionIQ (16:57) The customer-centric organization (22:46) Transitioning to customer data focus (23:53) Understanding business users' needs (28:30) Supporting Arbitrary Queries and Data Models (34:42) Unique Technical Perspe...
In this bonus episode, Eric and Kostas preview their upcoming conversation with Tasso Argyros of ActionIQ.
Highlights from this week’s conversation include: Defining data mesh (6:37) Addressing the scale of organizational complexity and usage (9:04) The shift from monolithic to microservices (12:24) The sociological structure in data mesh (13:59) Data product generation and sharing in data mesh (17:27) Data Mesh: Simplifying Data Work (24:09) Getting Started with Data Mesh (29:14) Building products for Data Mesh (36:42) Building a customizable and extensible platform to shape data practice (39:28) Th...
In this bonus episode, Eric and Kostas preview their upcoming conversation regarding Data Mesh with Paolo Platter, Zhamak Dehghani, and Melissa Logan.
Highlights from this week’s conversation include: Ben’s background in real estate (3:27) Why Fundrise was Started (4:37) Democratizing Investment Opportunities (6:35) Investment Thesis for Venture (11:55) Challenges with Data and Technology (12:34) Importance of Data Model Abstraction (20:03) Data Infrastructure and Investments (23:22) Evolution of Data Engineering (25:12) Closing the Tooling Gap (34:23) The user base segmentation (36:28) The emotional reality of investment decisions (40:50) Dat...
In this bonus episode, Eric and Kostas preview their upcoming conversation with Ben Miller of Fundrise.
Highlights from this week’s conversation include: The concept of composable at a lower level of data infrastructure (1:28) New architectures and components that allow developers to build databases (3:44) Pedro's background and experience in data infrastructure (6:18) The Spectrum of Latency and Analytics (12:59) Different Query Engines for Different Use Cases (16:32) Vectorized vs Code Gen Data Processing (19:33) Vectorization and Code Generation (21:21) Examples of Vectorized Engines (24:33) Re...
In this bonus episode, Eric and Kostas preview their upcoming conversation with Pedro Pedreira of Meta.
Highlights from this week’s conversation include: Colin's Background and Starting Omni (1:48) Defining “good” at Google search early in his career (4:42) Looker's Unique Approach to Analytics (9:48) The paradigm shift in analytics (10:52) The architecture of Looker and its influence (12:04) Combatting the challenge of unbundling in the data stack (14:26) The evolution of analytics engineering (21:50) Enhancing user flexibility in Omni (23:44) The evolution of BI tools (32:53) What does the futur...
In this bonus episode, Eric and Kostas preview their upcoming conversation with Colin Zima of Omni.
Highlights from this week’s conversation include: The Unique Perspective of Practitioners (2:10) Account-based Marketing (6:30) Sales Development Representatives (SDR) (8:05) Descriptive, People, and Engagement Data (11:38) Data Overload and Actionable Data (14:20) Working with Data Teams and Internal Data (17:52) The relationship between business and data teams (22:27) The importance of collaboration between marketing and data teams (24:17) Travis and Hillary writing a book (25:33) The taxonomy...
In this bonus episode, Eric and Kostas preview their upcoming conversation with Travis Henry and Hillary Carpio of Snowflake.
Highlights from this week’s conversation include: Johnny and David’s background in working together (1:56) The background story of Estuary (4:15) The challenges of ad tech and the need for low latency (5:44) Use cases for moving data at scale (10:35) Real-time data replication methods (11:54) Challenges with Kafka and the birth of Gazette (13:54) Comparing Kafka and Gazette (20:22) The importance of existing streaming tools (22:28) Challenges of managing Kafka and the need for a different approa...
In this bonus episode, Eric and Kostas preview their upcoming conversation with David Yaffe and Johnny Graettinger of Estuary.
Highlights from this week’s conversation include: The potential of AI-driven applications (1:34) The need for hardware infrastructure in AI experimentation (2:40) Oligopoly on the closed side (11:50) Advantages of private side vs. open source (13:18) Leveraging valuable data within enterprises (16:00) The urgency of adopting LLMs in the enterprise (24:02) Expansion of LLMs into new business verticals (25:06) The challenges of operationalizing LLMs (29:32) Seamless experience with OpenAI (37:29) ...
In this bonus episode, Eric and Kostas preview their upcoming conversation with Mark Huang of Gradient.
Highlights from this week’s conversation include: Chang’s background and journey with Pandas (6:26) The persisting challenges in data collection and preparation (10:37) The resistance to change in using Python for data workflows (13:05) AI hype and its impact (14:09) The success and evolution of Pandas as a data framework (20:04) The vision for a next-generation data infrastructure (26:48] LanceDB's file and table format (34:35) Trade-Offs in Lance Format (42:45) Introducing the Vector Database ...
In this bonus episode, Eric and Kostas preview their upcoming conversation with Chang She of Eto Labs.
Highlights from this week’s conversation include: Santona’s journey from nuclear physics to data science (4:59) The appeal of startups and wearing multiple hats (8:12) The challenge of pseudoscience in the news (10:24) Approaching data with creativity and rigor (13:22) Challenges and differences in data workflows (14:39) Schema Evolution and Quality Problems (27:01) Real-time Data Monitoring and Anomaly Detection (30:34) The importance of data as a business differentiator (35:48) The SQL job cre...
In this bonus episode, Eric and Kostas preview their upcoming conversation with Santona Tuli of Upsolver.
Highlights from this week’s conversation include: How music impacted Bob’s data journey (3:16) Music’s relationship with creativity and innovation (11:38) The genesis of Weaviate and the idea of vector databases (14:09) The joy of creation (19:02) OLAP Databases (22:21) The progression of complexity in databases (24:31) Vector database (29:23) Scaling suboptimal algorithms (34:34) The future of vector space representation (35:51) Databases role in different industries (39:14) The brute force app...
In this bonus conversation, Eric and Kostas preview their upcoming conversation with Bob van Luijt of Weaviate.
Highlights from this week’s conversation include: Nick’s background and journey in data (2:28) Founding Dagster Labs (7:50) The evolution of data engineering (12:32) Fragmentation in data infrastructure (15:04) The role of orchestration in data platforms (19:53) The importance of operational tools for data pipelines (25:01) Lessons learned from working with GraphQL (26:19) The role of the orchestrator in data engineering (34:51) The boundaries between data infrastructure and product engineering ...
In this bonus episode, Eric and Kostas preview their upcoming conversation with Nick Schrock of Dagster Labs.
Highlights from this week’s conversation include: Amr’s extensive background in data (3:23) The evolution of neural networks (9:21) The role of supervised learning in AI (11:17) Explaining Vectara (13:07) Papers that laid the foundation for AI (15:02) Contextualized translation and personalization (20:07) Ease of use and answer-based search (25:01) AI and potential liabilities (35:54) Minimizing difficulties in large language models (36:43) The process of extracting documents in multidimensional...