Can time itself die? Astrophysicist Charles Liu is back in the hosting hot seat alongside comic co-host Chuck Nice to explore black holes, big bangs, our understanding of time and how it relates to the universe. NOTE: StarTalk+ Patrons can listen to this entire episode commercial-free here: (Originally Aired December 18, 2018) Subscribe to SiriusXM Podcasts+ on Apple Podcasts to listen to new episodes ad-free and a whole wee...
Sep 27, 2024•47 min•Ep 110•Transcript available on Metacast Is math discovered or invented? Neil deGrasse Tyson & Chuck Nice explore information theory, talking to aliens with prime numbers, Mandelbrot sets, and why math is often called the "language of the universe" with Grant Sanderson, the math educator behind YouTube channel 3Blue1Brown. NOTE: StarTalk+ Patrons can listen to this entire episode commercial-free here: Thanks to our Patrons Dr. Satish, Susan Klein...
Sep 24, 2024•57 min•Ep 55•Transcript available on Metacast How close are we to enabling astronauts to go into deep sleep for long space journeys? Neil deGrasse Tyson, Chuck Nice, & Gary OReilly team up with Ryan Sprenger, Senior Research Scientist at Fauna Bio, to explore whether humans can hibernate like animals do. NOTE: StarTalk+ Patrons can listen to this entire episode commercial-free here: Thanks to our Patrons Parker Mann, Kwesi collisson, John, Ray, Dr. Cy, Felix...
Sep 20, 2024•45 min•Ep 54•Transcript available on Metacast Will alien life look like anything on Earth? Neil deGrasse Tyson and comedian Chuck Nice deep dive into questions about astrobiology, revisiting the Drake Equation, and life beyond Earth with NASA astrobiology strategist, David Grinspoon a.k.a Dr. Funkyspoon. NOTE: StarTalk+ Patrons can listen to this entire episode commercial-free here: Thanks to our Patrons Edvardo Cullen, Harriet Harmon, Andre Rivera Hinostroza...
Sep 17, 2024•51 min•Ep 53•Transcript available on Metacast What would life be like for astronauts on Mars? Neil deGrasse Tyson and co-host Chuck Nice dive into the world of simulated Mars missions with Commander Kelly Haston, who recently completed a NASA analog mission in a simulated Mars habitat. NOTE: StarTalk+ Patrons can listen to this entire episode commercial-free here: Thanks to our Patrons Bob Zimmermann, Edward Bucktron, Intrepid Space Monkey, Cameron Ross, Mark Shashe...
Sep 10, 2024•48 min•Ep 51•Transcript available on Metacast Was Lamarckian evolution actually right? Neil deGrasse Tyson, Chuck Nice, & Gary OReilly learn about the new field of epigenetics and how the lived experiences of past generations can get passed down genetically with neuroscientist & epigeneticist Bianca Jones Marlin. NOTE: StarTalk+ Patrons can listen to this entire episode commercial-free here: Thanks to our Patrons Takwa Southerland, Harvey Davi...
Sep 06, 2024•50 min•Ep 52•Transcript available on Metacast Can nuclear fusion become the ultimate renewable energy source? Neil deGrasse Tyson and co-host Chuck Nice answer fan questions about transporters, the smallest unit of time, expansion, and other ideas that push the boundaries of our understanding of the universe. NOTE: StarTalk+ Patrons can listen to this entire episode commercial-free. Thanks to our Patrons Day53, May Jo Williams, Tisha Bernal, Jeff Holcombe, Lorenzo & Elisabetta, C Hahn, Charles Maluf, Paul Levine, Crystal Barnes, and Peter B...
Sep 03, 2024•45 min•Ep 50•Transcript available on Metacast What do you wish you had learned in school? On this episode, Neil deGrasse Tyson and comic co-host Chuck Nice go back to school to answer questions about simulation theory, time dilation, white holes, the sound of space, and more! NOTE: StarTalk+ Patrons can watch or listen to this entire episode commercial-free here: Thanks to our Patrons Goat34, Mark Dent, Edwin J Roldan, Evan Moorhead, and Abby GIll for supporting us this w...
Aug 30, 2024•46 min•Ep 109•Transcript available on Metacast How do we uncover distant planets secrets? Neil deGrasse Tyson and comedian Chuck Nice explore the recent discoveries in exoplanet study, exo-moons, and finding the stars from our suns stellar nursery with astronomer and head of Cool Worlds Lab, David Kipping. NOTE: StarTalk+ Patrons can listen to this entire episode commercial-free here: Thanks to our Patrons Micheal Morey, Kristoff Vidalis, Adir Buskila, Yanir St...
Aug 27, 2024•44 min•Ep 49•Transcript available on Metacast Could we use robots to explore the oceans of Enceladus? Neil deGrasse Tyson and co-host Harrison Greenbaum dive deep into the EELS Project, sending a snake-like robot to Enceladus with Matthew Travers, a roboticist at the Biorobotics Lab at Carnegie Mellon University. NOTE: StarTalk+ Patrons can listen to this entire episode commercial-free here: Thanks to our Patrons Sam Gmail, Juraj Petrovic, Teresina R...
Aug 20, 2024•36 min•Ep 48•Transcript available on Metacast What happens to the human body in deep space? Neil deGrasse Tyson, Chuck Nice and Gary OReilly explore tissue engineering, Wolverine & Deadpools healing style, and the science to help humans adapt to long-term space travel with biomedical engineer Ronke Olabisi. NOTE: StarTalk+ Patrons can listen to this entire episode commercial-free here: Thanks to our Patrons Micheal Morey, Kristoff Vidalis, Adir Buskila, Yan...
Aug 16, 2024•51 min•Ep 47•Transcript available on Metacast Whats happening just outside a black hole? Neil deGrasse Tyson and co-host Gary OReilly travel to Oxford University to explore the mysterious universe of black holes, their accretion disks, magnetic fields, and the impact they have on the world around them with astrophysicist Steve Balbus and theoretical physicist Andy Mummery. NOTE: StarTalk+ Patrons can listen to this entire episode commercial-free here:
Aug 13, 2024•46 min•Ep 46•Transcript available on Metacast What would we do if a life-destroying asteroid was coming our way? Bill Nye and comedian Chuck Nice answer questions about planetary defense, asteroids in space, and sci-fi technology. NOTE: StarTalk+ Patrons can listen to this entire episode commercial-free here: (Originally Aired May 23, 2017) Subscribe to SiriusXM Podcasts+ on Apple Podcasts to listen to new episodes ad-free and a whole week early....
Aug 09, 2024•46 min•Ep 108•Transcript available on Metacast What is the three body problem? How will the universe end? Neil deGrasse Tyson and comedian Chuck Nice break down the case of Planet X, why the three body problem is unsolvable, and prevailing theories on how the universe will come to an end. NOTE: StarTalk+ Patrons can listen to this entire episode commercial-free. Thanks to our Patrons Micheal Brown, Naburos, Teresa Fiorenza, Afshin Odabaee, Liz Freedman, Grace Sakoda, Dean Klunk, Alex Deters, Craig Maier, and Jack Cater for supporting us this...
Aug 06, 2024•36 min•Ep 45•Transcript available on Metacast What could we do to hide from the aliens? Neil deGrasse Tyson and comedian Chuck Nice answer fan questions about human radio wave signals, strange matter, universes inside black holes, and other physics questions! NOTE: StarTalk+ Patrons can listen to this entire episode commercial-free here: Thanks to our Patrons Pepper Horton, Albert Vara, Shuky Mayer, William and Adwoa Steel, Timoth Payette, CESAR FRADIQUE, Tony Chantosa, Norwne Go...
Jul 30, 2024•43 min•Ep 44•Transcript available on Metacast Would you want to live forever? On this episode, Neil deGrasse Tyson and author, inventor, and futurist Ray Kurzweil discuss immortality, longevity escape velocity, the singularity, and the future of technology. What will life be like in 10 years? NOTE: StarTalk+ Patrons can listen to this entire episode commercial-free here: Thanks to our Patrons Johan Svensson, Galen J., Kellen Bolander, Sunshine, and Brian White f...
Jul 26, 2024•51 min•Ep 107•Transcript available on Metacast Who really built the pyramids? Neil deGrasse Tyson and Chuck Nice learn about space archaeology, LIDAR, and discovering tombs, pyramids, and new Nazca lines with space archaeologist Sarah Parcak. NOTE: StarTalk+ Patrons can listen to this entire episode commercial-free here: Thanks to our Patrons Bo Cribbs, Anna Wheatley, Fred Gibson, David Griffith, Micheal Richards, Advynturer, Vici Bradsher, Terry Migliorino, Lingji Chen, and...
Jul 23, 2024•52 min•Ep 43•Transcript available on Metacast What are the physics present at the Olympics? Neil deGrasse Tyson and co-hosts Chuck Nice and Gary OReilly with the help of Charles Liu, explore the science in some of the newest additions to the Games with pro-breakdancer RoxRite and freestyle BMX rider Nikita Ducarroz. NOTE: StarTalk+ Patrons can listen to this entire episode commercial-free here: Thanks to our Patrons Amanda_Mensen, F.X. Flinn, Richard Mylyk, Theresa Ano...
Jul 19, 2024•59 min•Ep 42•Transcript available on Metacast What is the nature of quantum physics? Neil deGrasse Tyson and comedian Chuck Nice get quantum, exploring Schrodingers Cat, electrons, Hilbert Space, and the biggest ideas in the universe (in the smallest particles) with theoretical physicist Sean Carroll. NOTE: StarTalk+ Patrons can listen to this entire episode commercial-free here: Thanks to our Patrons Justin Smith, Joanna oneal, Rick Rocket, ShyRaven, Cathe...
Jul 16, 2024•46 min•Ep 41•Transcript available on Metacast What is flavor? Neil deGrasse Tyson and co-hosts Chuck Nice and Gary OReilly explore the science of what makes some foods tastier than others, what is umami, and how flavor changed in the 20th century with food scientist Arielle Johnson. NOTE: StarTalk+ Patrons can listen to this entire episode commercial-free here: Thanks to our Patrons Lisa Pulkrabek, David Guilbault, TheRealErikEvans, Daniel Jones, Joshua Troke, Chris ...
Jul 12, 2024•54 min•Ep 40•Transcript available on Metacast Did JWST discover dark stars? Neil deGrasse Tyson and comedian Chuck Nice explore the dark universe and how learning about dark matter could help uncover the mystery of JWSTs primordial objects with theoretical physicist Katherine Freese. NOTE: StarTalk+ Patrons can listen to this entire episode commercial-free here: Thanks to our Patrons Shara McAlister, Foohawt, Donna Palmieri, Trooj, Leroy Gutierrez, Tricia...
Jul 09, 2024•51 min•Ep 39•Transcript available on Metacast Has JWST found potential alien worlds? Neil deGrasse Tyson and comedian Matt Kirshen learn about exoplanet discovery on the frontier, how higher oxygen gave us dinosaurs, and what type of life could be out there with astrophysicist and astrobiologist Lisa Kaltenegger. NOTE: StarTalk+ Patrons can listen to this entire episode commercial-free here: Thanks to our Patrons Steve Solomon, Jeff Johnson, Duncan Corps, R...
Jul 02, 2024•50 min•Ep 38•Transcript available on Metacast What awaits us beyond our solar system? Janna Levin and comedian Matt Kirshen answer questions on interstellar travel, black holes, and the furthest reaches of our universe. What mysteries can we uncover once we venture further beyond our home star? NOTE: StarTalk+ Patrons can listen to this entire episode commercial-free here: (Originally Aired October 17, 2017) Subscribe to SiriusXM Podcasts+ on Apple Podcasts to listen to new ep...
Jun 28, 2024•46 min•Ep 106•Transcript available on Metacast How do particles get mass? Neil deGrasse Tyson and comedian Chuck Nice discover squarks, sneutrinos, the Higgs boson, and whether dark matter has a particle with theoretical physicist Brian Greene. NOTE: StarTalk+ Patrons can listen to this entire episode commercial-free here: Thanks to our Patrons Neferyti, Sigrid Fry-Revere, Mark Steffen, Jennifer Okumura, Thomas Paris, Lena Smith, Eli Kononovich, Chris Plotts, ...
Jun 25, 2024•57 min•Ep 37•Transcript available on Metacast Can you make a computer chip out of neurons? Neil deGrasse Tyson, Chuck Nice, & Gary OReilly explore organoid intelligence, teaching neurons to play Pong, and how biology can enhance technology with neuroscientist and Chief Scientific Officer at Cortical Labs, Brett Kagan. NOTE: StarTalk+ Patrons can listen to this entire episode commercial-free here: Thanks to our Patrons Amar Shah, Carol Ann West, Mehdi Elahi, P...
Jun 21, 2024•50 min•Ep 36•Transcript available on Metacast Is there anything in the universe that is not moving? Neil deGrasse Tyson and comedian Chuck Nice answer fan questions about stillness, humans on Mars, and what songs they would add to the Voyager Golden Record. NOTE: StarTalk+ Patrons can listen to this entire episode commercial-free here: Thanks to our Patrons Scott Nelson, Bjrn Furuknap, Paul Robinson, Jonasz Napiecek, Micheal Briggs, Blake Wolfe, Brett Maragno, Adam Steph...
Jun 18, 2024•41 min•Ep 35•Transcript available on Metacast Neil deGrasse Tyson sits down with evolutionary biologist and author of The Genetic Book of the Dead Richard Dawkins to talk about evolution, whether we were designed, how we are living reflections of our ancestors, and much much more. NOTE: StarTalk+ Patrons can listen to this entire episode commercial-free here: Thanks to our Patrons Jason Byttow, Keith Bale, Daniel Levin, Multimedia Kart, Renata, CESAR FRADIQUE, Ginger T...
Jun 11, 2024•57 min•Ep 34•Transcript available on Metacast Could the universe be composed of a single electron? Neil deGrasse Tyson and co-hosts Chuck Nice and Gary OReilly answer grab-bag questions about the multidimensionality of time, quantum chromodynamics, gluons, tachyons, and more with astrophysicist Charles Liu. NOTE: StarTalk+ Patrons can listen to this entire episode commercial-free. Thanks to our Patrons Jason Byttow, Keith Bale, Daniel Levin, Multimedia Kart, Renata, CESAR FRADIQUE, Ginger Towers, handzman, Lisa Kohler, and 21Pandas_ for sup...
Jun 07, 2024•55 min•Ep 106•Transcript available on Metacast Could a coronal mass ejection wipe out all electronics? Neil deGrasse Tyson and comedian Matt Kirshen learn about The Carrington Event, eclipses, and how the Parker Solar Probe doesnt melt with heliophysicist Lika Guhathakurta. NOTE: StarTalk+ Patrons can listen to this entire episode commercial-free here: Thanks to our Patrons Sharon Zapotocky, Suth Truong, Sarah Perry, Souren Sarkar, Margaret De Foe, Rudy Alleyne, Ralph Vela...
Jun 04, 2024•58 min•Ep 32•Transcript available on Metacast Who better to answer questions about science fiction in TV and movies than Bill Nye? Bill and Chuck Nice flip channels between StarTrek, Star Wars, Lost in Space, Back to the Future and more! NOTE: StarTalk+ Patrons can listen to this entire episode commercial-free here: (Originally Aired January 31, 2017) Subscribe to SiriusXM Podcasts+ on Apple Podcasts to listen to new episodes ad-free and a whole week early....
May 31, 2024•47 min•Ep 105•Transcript available on Metacast