This is a great native under story plant. Bill explains the difference between a tree and a bush. Spicebush is a wonderful plant to look for on a hike. Our sources for this episode include: Spicebush (Lindera benzoin) - Edible Wild Plants - Common Spicebush Facts -
Apr 10, 2018•29 min•Transcript available on Metacast Our trilogy on turkeys is complete. This episode includes the real story of Ben Franklin and turkeys. We also cover some problem wild turkeys in Rocky River. Note: Bill and Bob attempted to do this podcast in front of a live audience at the Amish Bird Symposium. Bob was a Turkey and forgot to press record! We have so much great information on the wild turkey that we decided to break it into three podcasts. Our sources for this episode include: Mail delivery halted in portion of Rocky River - htt...
Apr 03, 2018•26 min•Transcript available on Metacast In this podcast we cover the history of the turkey. This bird was transported from Mexico to Europe and then to North America. Join to find out how the wild turkey made it back from the brink of extinction. Our sources for this episode include: Why Are Wild Turkeys So Aggressive - 9 Fun Facts about Turkeys - Have You Been Attacked by a Turkey - https://news.wgb...
Mar 27, 2018•27 min•Transcript available on Metacast Bill and Bob attempted to do this podcast in front of a live audience at the Amish Bird Symposium. Bob was a Turkey and forgot to press record! We recorded this in our outdoor studio at Bobʼs house a few days later. We have so much great information on the wild turkey that we decided to break it into three podcasts. Our sources for this episode include: The Word Detective - 14 Fun Facts about Turkeys -
Mar 20, 2018•26 min•Transcript available on Metacast You might not see this little frog but you will have no trouble hearing them. Find out all about the frog that is the size of a small paper clip. Our sources for this episode include: Fall Peepers - Pinkeltinks - Spring Peepers - 10 Things You Didnʼt Know about Spring Peepers - http://natureformyso...
Mar 13, 2018•20 min•Transcript available on Metacast If you hear what sounds like ducks in the early spring take the time to check it out. You may end up at a vernal pool that has wood frogs. Our sources for this episode include: In Alaska Wood Frogs freeze for seven months - Wood Frogs are Explosive Breeders - Wood Frog -
Mar 06, 2018•21 min•Transcript available on Metacast You may need to go out of your way to see mole salamanders but it is totally worth it. We hope this podcast will inspire you to go out some warm and rainy early spring night to look for mole salamanders. Our sources for this episode include: The Secret Lives of Salamanders - Ohioʼs Salamanders: 24 Good Things to Know - https...
Feb 27, 2018•25 min•Transcript available on Metacast This is one of Bob's favorite birds. In the Cincinnati area it arrives in late fall and it leaves in early spring. Tune in to find out why this bird is often used in research projects and where to look for it in your neighborhood. Our sources for this episode include: Ordinary Extraordinary Junco (videos) - Dark-eyed juncos - a sure sign of winter -
Feb 20, 2018•25 min•Transcript available on Metacast Bill says you should not have a skunk as a pet! You probably figured this out on your own but what if run into a skunk outside? Nature Guys will share what to do if you or a pet get sprayed. Spoiler alert do not use tomato juice! Our sources for this episode include: Pet Skunks - Snuggling Skunks: Is It Better To Brave Winter Alone Or In A Group? - For the Love of Skunks - http://wildohioeducat...
Feb 13, 2018•29 min•Transcript available on Metacast Bob finds out that not all snowflakes are unique. Bill remembers cutting out snowflakes in class after he walked though the snow to get to school. Bob hopes to take his grandson Drew to the hill he sledded down as a kid. Bill and Bob are excited to go out side and try to find different kinds of snowflakes. Our sources for this episode include: 15 Incredibly Cool Facts About Snow - 9 Interesting Facts About Snow - http://sno...
Feb 06, 2018•23 min•Transcript available on Metacast Bobʼs brother-in-law Al sends an email detailing his encounter with a groundhog in his garden. As Al found out groundhogs will put up a fight for garden vegetables. Our sources for this episode include: 9 Things You Didnʼt Know About Groundhogs - Groundhogs in Your Garden - Groundhogs by National Geographic - http://www.nation...
Jan 30, 2018•25 min•Transcript available on Metacast Bob has a spider friend named Fred that does not survive a visit from relatives. These spiders can be really scary but they are pretty much harmless. They are also called fishing spiders and have interesting ways that they ‘fish' for food. Our sources for this episode include: Big Spiders Are a Little Scary - Fishing Spider - Facts about t...
Jan 23, 2018•27 min•Transcript available on Metacast We all live with house spiders! Find out why this is not such a bad thing. These little spiders have been living with humans for quite a long time. Our sources for this episode include: Bethany Barton's book "I'm Trying to Love Spiders" - Myth: Spiders bite sleeping persons - 8 Facts about the misunderstood house spider -
Jan 16, 2018•26 min•Transcript available on Metacast Bill and Bob do their first podcast in front of a live audience at the amazing Roads Rivers and Trails store in Milford, Ohio ( Bill brought a bunch of bird feeders from Cincinnati Nature Center ( and explains how to use them. Bob has a very special low cost bird ‘feederʼ! Listen in to find out what Bill thinks about Bobʼs feeder. Also donʼt miss the last part when our audience asks some great questions!
Jan 09, 2018•37 min•Transcript available on Metacast Bob has two plants growing in his backyard that Bill is not excited about. Bob decides it is finally time to do something about Winter Creeper and English Ivy. Join us to find out how and why these invasive plants are taking over. Our sources for this episode include: English Ivy: The Hazards and Removal Strategies - 5 Fast Facts About English Ivy - Wint...
Jan 02, 2018•25 min•Transcript available on Metacast Sassafras is a tree that produces a small blue fruit in the early fall. The fruit comes at the perfect time to help birds get ready for winter. This is a beautiful tree that has four different leaf shapes. Bill of course has a special word for trees that have different shape leaves. Our sources for this episode include: Sassafras Facts - Sassafras in America - Sassafras -
Dec 26, 2017•19 min•Transcript available on Metacast If you are not a birder you might think the yellow-bellied sapsucker is a crazy made up name from some movie. Join us a we explore the world of this wonderful woodpecker. Our sources for this episode include: All About Birds - Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers, Natures 7-11 - Audubon Guide To North American Birds -
Dec 19, 2017•27 min•Transcript available on Metacast Opossums are really cute or really ugly. It all depends on your point of view. They are great at killing ticks. So they might be a good thing to see in your neighborhood. Our sources for this episode include: 10 things you didnʼt know about opossums - All About Opossums - Opossums - killers of ticks -
Dec 12, 2017•26 min•Transcript available on Metacast This is a tree that may show up in your neighborhood as a volunteer. It is a great food source for birds. You might even have an old pencil made from this tree. Our sources for this episode include: Eastern Redcedar - Juniperus virginiana - Eastern Redcedar in the Landscape - Go Botany Juniperus Virginiana -
Dec 05, 2017•25 min•Transcript available on Metacast Carol emails Nature Guys about a problem with fox. Bill and Bob struggle to come up with an answer but are inspired to do a show on foxes. This is an animal that you can occasionally see in the daytime. You might even see a gray fox in a tree! Our sources for this episode include: Are Red Fox Native? What Kind of Foxes Live in Ohio? Fox and Surplus Prey -
Nov 28, 2017•30 min•Transcript available on Metacast Red tailed Hawks often do voiceovers in movies. Tune in to find out why hollywood loves this hawk. Bill shares some amazing hawk stories. Donʼt miss his last one about the hawk and the owl as Bill finds out it is not nice to fool Mother Nature. Visit our website for great photos thanks to John Howard. Our sources for this episode include: My Favorite Facts about the Red Tailed Hawk - Red ...
Nov 21, 2017•25 min•Transcript available on Metacast This is a bird that Bill thinks should have a new name. When Bob moved into his neighborhood hawks were a big topic of conversation. Tune in to learn more about the red-shouldered hawk. Our sources for this episode include: Protective Hawks go on Attack Red-shouldered vs Red tailed Hawk Red-shouldered Hawk from BioKIDS http://www.biokids.umi...
Nov 14, 2017•22 min•Transcript available on Metacast Bob looks outside and notices that all the birds are suddenly gone from his bird feeders. He soon discovers the reason. A Cooper's Hawk is on the ground right next to the feeders. Learn all about this amazing bird in this episode. Our sources for this episode include: Kids' Inquiry of Diverse Species 8 Interesting Facts about the Cooper's Hawk The Raptor Trust...
Nov 07, 2017•26 min•Transcript available on Metacast Bobʼs grandson, Drew is excited to be dressed up as an eagle for Halloween. If you check out our website you will find a picture of Drew as an eagle. He did not want to paint his shoes yellow so we have the very special Blue Footed Bald Eagle. Tune in to find out all about this unique bird. Our sources for this episode include: How did the bald eagle become Americaʼs national bird?
Oct 31, 2017•27 min•Transcript available on Metacast Even a naturalist can be a bit afraid of centipedes. There are plenty of reasons to welcome centipedes in your house. Bill can deal with them as long as they stay in the basement. Find out what bothers Bill about house centipedes and what these creatures are doing both inside and outside. Our sources for this episode include: House Centipedes How to Tell the Difference Between a Centipede and a Millipede
Oct 24, 2017•18 min•Transcript available on Metacast The paw paw has the largest fruit of any native tree in the United States. Learn how to identify this tree and when you should go looking for the paw paw fruit. For most people paw paw is the best food that they have never eaten. Find out what parts of the paw paw you want to eat and those to leave alone. Spoiler alert! Do not eat the seeds they will make you throw up. Our sources for this episode include: Paw Paw In Search of America's Forgotten Fruit by Andrew Moore
Oct 17, 2017•29 min•Transcript available on Metacast Bill and Bob never saw deer when they were growing up in the 50s and 60s. This is an animal that many people now see on a regular basis. You may even see them in your neighborhood. Learn how to deal with them if you see them while driving. Find out what can happen if they lock antlers. Our sources for this episode include: Avoiding Deer Collisions The First Months Of A Whitetail Fawn http://www.tinks....
Oct 10, 2017•29 min•Transcript available on Metacast Bill loves to smell millipedes! They have all kinds of interesting smells and they are easy to find. Join us to find out how many legs millipedes really have. This arthropod loves moisture and will sometimes find its way into your home. Turns out that monkeys have found some very interesting uses for these creatures. Our sources for this episode include: How to tell the Difference Between a Centipede and Millipede Ye...
Oct 03, 2017•22 min•Transcript available on Metacast Join us as we explore the mysterious world of periodical cicadas. Our research for this episode was easy because we are lucky to have in Cincinnati a cicada expert. Gene Kritsky is a Professor of Biology at Mount St. Joseph University. We has written a book called “Periodical Cicadas The Plague and the Puzzle. He also has a website called MSJ Cicada Web Site (
Sep 26, 2017•31 min•Transcript available on Metacast Bill is on fire about moss! He even compares moss to his childhood haircut. Bob wonders if a rolling stone can gather moss. If you would like to know more about moss check out “Gathering Moss: A Natural and Cultural History of Mosses” by Robin Wall Kimmerer. Our sources for this episode include: Bryophyte - Importance Of Mosses - Peat, Producing, Cells, and Source - JRank Articles Does a rolling stone gather moss?...
Sep 19, 2017•27 min•Transcript available on Metacast