Hello and welcome to the NotACast, the one true chapter-by-chapter podcast going through A Song of Ice and Fire! In this episode, Dany takes care of Yunkai, the middle child of the cities of Slaver's Bay, in a single chapter. Astapor took two, but that wasn't efficient enough for Daenerys Targaryen, Mother of Dragons and Manager of Projects. Next time: one last round with Beric and the Brotherhood in ASOS, Arya VIII before she takes off with her new best friend, Sandor Clegane. Emmett's twitter:...
Mar 13, 2023•2 hr•Ep 266•Transcript available on Metacast Hello and welcome to the NotACast, the one true chapter-by-chapter podcast going through A Song of Ice and Fire! In this episode, the Stark boys pass like ships in the night, as Bran accidentally possesses Hodor and Jon gets shot by his girlfriend. At least she didn't get his horse. Next time: Dany takes care of Yunkai in a single chapter in ASOS, Daenerys IV! Emmett's twitter: twitter.com/PoorQuentyn Manu's Twitter: https://twitter.com/ManuclearBomb Manu's patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Manuc...
Feb 27, 2023•2 hr 46 min•Ep 265•Transcript available on Metacast Hello and welcome to the NotACast, the one true chapter-by-chapter podcast going through A Song of Ice and Fire! In this episode, our Hand of the King Wolfman Zack joins us to talk about how even though Beric Dondarrion is going around winning battles and welcoming new knights to his Brotherhood, he just can't seem to get over this whole "being a walking corpse" thing. Oh, and Arya's here too. Next time: the Stark boys pass like ships in the night in ASOS, Bran III & Jon V! Zack's twitter: https...
Feb 13, 2023•2 hr 39 min•Ep 264•Transcript available on Metacast Hello and welcome to the NotACast, the one true chapter-by-chapter podcast going through A Song of Ice and Fire! In this episode, we're finally introduced to the most charismatic person in Westeros: Dickon Manwoody. Oh, and also Oberyn Martell. Next time: our Hand of the King Wolfman Zack joins us for ASOS Arya VII! Emmett's twitter: twitter.com/PoorQuentyn Manu's Twitter: https://twitter.com/ManuclearBomb Manu's patreon: https://www.patreon.com/ManuclearBomb Our patreon: www.patreon.com/NotACas...
Jan 30, 2023•1 hr 23 min•Ep 263•Transcript available on Metacast Hello and welcome to the NotACast, the one true chapter-by-chapter podcast going through A Song of Ice and Fire! In this episode, Jaime finally tells the full story of how he became the Kingslayer, right before having dinner with Roose Bolton, an up-and-coming Kingslayer. And most people think Brienne killed Renly, so it's just Kingslayers all the way down in this chapter. Next time: we introduce the most charismatic character in the story, Pedro Pascal--I mean, Oberyn Martell! Emmett's twitter:...
Jan 16, 2023•2 hr 58 min•Ep 262•Transcript available on Metacast Hello and welcome to the NotACast, the one true chapter-by-chapter podcast going through A Song of Ice and Fire...but not here! In this episode, we look back on everything we loved in 2022, from RRR to Better Call Saul to Elden Ring. Happy New Year!! Emmett's twitter: twitter.com/PoorQuentyn Manu's Twitter: https://twitter.com/ManuclearBomb Manu's patreon: https://www.patreon.com/ManuclearBomb Our patreon: www.patreon.com/NotACastASOIAF Our merch store: https://notacastasoiaf.threadless.com Our ...
Jan 02, 2023•1 hr 14 min•Ep 261•Transcript available on Metacast Hello and welcome to the NotACast, the one true chapter-by-chapter podcast going through A Song of Ice and Fire! In this episode, Davos gets sprung out of jail and brought before Stannis, who has a series of tests for the onion knight, from the meaning of treason to Axell Florent's plan to attack Claw Isle. Next time: we wrap up this chapter as Davos gets promoted to Hand of the King...which, as with Ned, is the last thing he wants. Emmett's twitter: twitter.com/PoorQuentyn Manu's Twitter: https...
Dec 26, 2022•1 hr 27 min•Ep 260•Transcript available on Metacast Hello and welcome to the NotACast, the one true chapter-by-chapter podcast going through A Song of Ice and Fire! In this episode, Davos gets sprung out of jail and brought before Stannis, who has a series of tests for the onion knight, from the meaning of treason to Axell Florent's plan to attack Claw Isle. Next time: we wrap up this chapter as Davos gets promoted to Hand of the King...which, as with Ned, is the last thing he wants. Emmett's twitter: twitter.com/PoorQuentyn Manu's Twitter: https...
Dec 12, 2022•1 hr 24 min•Ep 259•Transcript available on Metacast Hello and welcome to the NotACast, the one true chapter-by-chapter podcast going through A Song of Ice and Fire! In this episode, we discuss Catelyn's fourth chapter in A Storm of Swords, in which she has to bid farewell to her beloved father Hoster, just the latest in a series of losses suffered by Team Robb. But at least there's a wedding coming up! Next time: Davos gets out of jail and reunites with Stannis, who names him Hand...and then burns some leeches. Well, at least it's not a kid (yet)...
Nov 28, 2022•1 hr 28 min•Ep 258•Transcript available on Metacast Hello and welcome to the NotACast, the one true chapter-by-chapter podcast going through A Song of Ice and Fire! In this episode, special guest Reuben Poling joins us to discuss Arya's sixth chapter in A Storm of Swords, in which the legendary Beric Dondarrion finally returns to the stage to judge the person responsible for all the suffering we've seen inflicted on the smallfolk during the war. And that person is...Sandor Clegane?! Next time: Catelyn bids farewell to her beloved father. But hey,...
Nov 14, 2022•2 hr 17 min•Ep 257•Transcript available on Metacast Hello and welcome to the NotACast, the one true chapter-by-chapter podcast going through A Song of Ice and Fire! In this episode, we're discussing Sam's second chapter in A Storm of Swords, in which he comes down from killing a white walker to a world where everyone still makes fun of him, the Night's Watch is still cutting deals with Craster, worst host in Westeros, and oh yeah, everyone's starving. Out of the frying pan...and into the fire. Next time: special guest Reuben joins us as Beric Don...
Oct 30, 2022•1 hr 28 min•Ep 256•Transcript available on Metacast Hello and welcome to the NotACast, the one true chapter-by-chapter podcast going through A Song of Ice and Fire! We're continuing our coverage of HBO's House of the Dragon with the tenth (and final!) episode of the first season, "The Black Queen." Thanks for listening all the way through Season 1, and we hope you stick around for all the great ASOIAF, LOTR, and Star Wars content in the weeks and months to come. Emmett's twitter: twitter.com/PoorQuentyn Manu's Twitter: https://twitter.com/Manucle...
Oct 25, 2022•1 hr 8 min•Ep 255•Transcript available on Metacast Hello and welcome to the NotACast, the one true chapter-by-chapter podcast going through A Song of Ice and Fire! In this episode, we're discussing Tyrion's fourth chapter in A Storm of Swords, in which Tywin keeps giving him the shit work: inspecting the gates, listening to Tywin as he villain monologues, murdering singers...ok, fine, that last one's all Tyrion. Next time: Sam escapes the white walkers...by hiding out in Craster's Keep. He just can't catch a break! Emmett's twitter: twitter.com/...
Oct 17, 2022•1 hr 18 min•Ep 253•Transcript available on Metacast Hello and welcome to the NotACast, the one true chapter-by-chapter podcast going through A Song of Ice and Fire! We're continuing our coverage of HBO's House of the Dragon with the ninth episode of the first season, "The Green Council." Tune in every week to hear what we loved, what we didn't, and what we think about what's coming next. Emmett's twitter: twitter.com/PoorQuentyn Manu's Twitter: https://twitter.com/ManuclearBomb Manu's patreon: https://www.patreon.com/ManuclearBomb Our patreon: ww...
Oct 17, 2022•1 hr 5 min•Ep 254•Transcript available on Metacast Hello and welcome to the NotACast, the one true chapter-by-chapter podcast going through A Song of Ice and Fire! We're continuing our coverage of HBO's House of the Dragon with the eighth episode of the first season, "The Lord of the Tides." Tune in every week to hear what we loved, what we didn't, and what we think about what's coming next. Emmett's twitter: twitter.com/PoorQuentyn Manu's Twitter: https://twitter.com/ManuclearBomb Manu's patreon: https://www.patreon.com/ManuclearBomb Our patreo...
Oct 11, 2022•1 hr 6 min•Ep 252•Transcript available on Metacast Hello and welcome to the NotACast, the one true chapter-by-chapter podcast going through A Song of Ice and Fire! We're continuing our coverage of HBO's House of the Dragon with the seventh episode of the first season, "Driftmark." Tune in every week to hear what we loved, what we didn't, and what we think about what's coming next. Emmett's twitter: twitter.com/PoorQuentyn Manu's Twitter: https://twitter.com/ManuclearBomb Manu's patreon: https://www.patreon.com/ManuclearBomb Our patreon: www.patr...
Oct 04, 2022•1 hr 10 min•Ep 251•Transcript available on Metacast Hello and welcome to the NotACast, the one true chapter-by-chapter podcast going through A Song of Ice and Fire! In this episode, we're discussing Jaime's fourth chapter in A Storm of Swords, in which a band of courageous heroes finally punish the wicked Kingslayer for his crimes. That must be why they call the Brave Companions! Next time: Tyrion takes the shit work, but at least he's better off than big bro. Emmett's twitter: twitter.com/PoorQuentyn Manu's Twitter: https://twitter.com/Manuclear...
Oct 03, 2022•1 hr 17 min•Ep 250•Transcript available on Metacast Hello and welcome to the NotACast, the one true chapter-by-chapter podcast going through A Song of Ice and Fire! We're continuing our coverage of HBO's House of the Dragon with the sixth episode of the first season, "The Princess and the Queen." Tune in every week to hear what we loved, what we didn't, and what we think about what's coming next. Emmett's twitter: twitter.com/PoorQuentyn Manu's Twitter: https://twitter.com/ManuclearBomb Manu's patreon: https://www.patreon.com/ManuclearBomb Our pa...
Sep 27, 2022•2 hr 54 min•Ep 249•Transcript available on Metacast Hello and welcome to the NotACast, the one true chapter-by-chapter podcast going through A Song of Ice and Fire! We're continuing our coverage of HBO's House of the Dragon with the fifth episode of the first season, "We Light the Way." Tune in every week to hear what we loved, what we didn't, and what we think about what's coming next. Emmett's twitter: twitter.com/PoorQuentyn Manu's Twitter: https://twitter.com/ManuclearBomb Manu's patreon: https://www.patreon.com/ManuclearBomb Our patreon: www...
Sep 20, 2022•1 hr 17 min•Ep 248•Transcript available on Metacast Hello and welcome to the NotACast, the one true chapter-by-chapter podcast going through A Song of Ice and Fire! In this episode, we're discussing Jon's fourth chapter in A Storm of Swords, in which he reunites with his ex: the Wall. It's awkward. Ygritte's right there. Next time: Jaime lost some weight, but he's not feeling great about it. Emmett's twitter: twitter.com/PoorQuentyn Manu's Twitter: https://twitter.com/ManuclearBomb Manu's patreon: https://www.patreon.com/ManuclearBomb Our patreon...
Sep 19, 2022•47 min•Ep 247•Transcript available on Metacast Hello and welcome to the NotACast, the one true chapter-by-chapter podcast going through A Song of Ice and Fire! We're continuing our coverage of HBO's House of the Dragon with the fourth episode of the first season, "King of the Narrow Sea." Tune in every week to hear what we loved, what we didn't, and what we think about what's coming next. Emmett's twitter: twitter.com/PoorQuentyn Manu's Twitter: https://twitter.com/ManuclearBomb Manu's patreon: https://www.patreon.com/ManuclearBomb Our patre...
Sep 13, 2022•1 hr 23 min•Ep 246•Transcript available on Metacast Hello and welcome to the NotACast, the one true chapter-by-chapter podcast going through A Song of Ice and Fire! We're continuing our coverage of HBO's House of the Dragon with the third episode of the first season, "Second of his Name." Tune in every week to hear what we loved, what we didn't, and what we think about what's coming next. Our Lord of the Rings episodes will continue on a monthly basis for all $5+ patrons. If you've been liking those LOTR episodes, head over to www.patreon.com/not...
Sep 06, 2022•1 hr 14 min•Ep 245•Transcript available on Metacast Hello and welcome to the NotACast, the one true chapter-by-chapter podcast going through A Song of Ice and Fire! In this episode, we're discussing Arya's fifth chapter in A Storm of Swords, in which her little gang of guerilla fighters arrives at Stoney Sept to find the best of times and the worst of times. Our Lord of the Rings episodes will continue on a monthly basis for all $5+ patrons. If you've been liking those LOTR episodes, head over to www.patreon.com/notacastasoiaf and sign up to keep...
Sep 05, 2022•57 min•Ep 244•Transcript available on Metacast Hello and welcome to the NotACast, the one true chapter-by-chapter podcast going through A Song of Ice and Fire! We're continuing our coverage of HBO's House of the Dragon with the second episode of the first season, "The Rogue Prince." Tune in every week to hear what we loved, what we didn't, and what we think about what's coming next. Our Lord of the Rings episodes will continue on a monthly basis for all $5+ patrons. If you've been liking those LOTR episodes, head over to www.patreon.com/nota...
Aug 30, 2022•1 hr 7 min•Ep 243•Transcript available on Metacast Hello and welcome to the NotACast, the one true chapter-by-chapter podcast going through A Song of Ice and Fire! No new ASOIAF episode this week; we'll be back with ASOS Arya V next week. But first, here's one of the Star Wars episodes Emmett has been releasing for patrons over on our Patreon, introducing Episode II: Attack of the Clones. Star Wars episodes will continue for patrons on a monthly basis starting in September, so if you like this episode, head on over to our Patreon to hear many mo...
Aug 29, 2022•23 min•Ep 242•Transcript available on Metacast Hello and welcome to the NotACast, the one true chapter-by-chapter podcast going through A Song of Ice and Fire! We're kicking off our coverage of HBO's House of the Dragon with the premiere episode, "The Heirs of the Dragon." Tune in to hear what we loved, what we didn't, and what we think about what's coming next. Our Lord of the Rings episodes will continue on a monthly basis for all $5+ patrons. If you've been liking those LOTR episodes, head over to www.patreon.com/notacastasoiaf and sign u...
Aug 23, 2022•42 min•Ep 241•Transcript available on Metacast Hello and welcome to the NotACast, the one true chapter-by-chapter podcast going through A Song of Ice and Fire! This week, new co-host Manu joins Emmett to discuss Sansa's third chapter in A Storm of Swords, in which everything's going right...for about five seconds, before she's forced to marry Tyrion. Our Lord of the Rings episodes will continue on a monthly basis for all $5+ patrons. If you've been liking those LOTR episodes, head over to www.patreon.com/notacastasoiaf and sign up to keep en...
Aug 22, 2022•2 hr 39 min•Ep 240•Transcript available on Metacast Hello and welcome to the NotACast, the one true chapter-by-chapter podcast going through A Song of Ice and Fire! Next week, we're jumping back into ASOIAF with new co-host Manu. But first, here's one of the Star Wars episodes Emmett has been releasing for patrons over on our Patreon, introducing Episode I: The Phantom Menace. Star Wars episodes will continue for patrons on a monthly basis starting in September, so if you like this episode, head on over to our Patreon to hear many more! Manu's Tw...
Aug 15, 2022•29 min•Ep 239•Transcript available on Metacast Hello and welcome to the NotACast, the one true chapter-by-chapter podcast going through A Song of Ice and Fire! This week, we had on our buddy Zack from the great Game of Owns podcast to talk about their interview with George R.R. Martin himself (along with House of the Dragon, of course). As announced a few episodes back, Jeff is sadly not returning to the podcast. Our friend and fellow podcaster Manu is joining as the new co-host, and we'll be returning to ASOIAF with Sansa's third chapter in...
Aug 08, 2022•1 hr 13 min•Ep 238•Transcript available on Metacast Hello and welcome to the NotACast, the one true chapter-by-chapter podcast going through A Song of Ice and Fire one chapter a week! Emmett is resuming his Lord of the Rings episodes. Here's our episode on Book 5, Chapter 6, "The Battle of the Pelennor Fields," in which Theoden's heroic charge is brought up short by the Witch-King, only for the latter to be defeated by two overlooked heroes: Eowyn and Merry. Meanwhile, some guy named Aragorn, or Elessar (it's confusing), shows up to save the day....
Aug 01, 2022•22 min•Ep 237•Transcript available on Metacast