Episode 25: Can you really measure the impact of your learning?
This month, the Kineo team delve deep into the idea of what is truly required to measure your learning successfully.
This month, the Kineo team delve deep into the idea of what is truly required to measure your learning successfully.
Using the contingent workforce data from the Learning Insights research, the Kineo team look at the challenges organisations face when employing and developing a contingent workforce.
Following on from our initial Learning Insights research, the Kineo team discuss the common barriers and pitfalls responsible for the failure of learning at work and how to avoid them within your own learning environment.
John, Stu and Cammy discuss the key trends found in he 2019 Learning insights report, with a particular focus on MicroPersonalNetworks - what are they, and why do learners want them?
Blended learning has been around since the 90s, so why are we still talking about it? This month the Kineo team, along with a special guest from The Oxford group investigate just that.
In a world full of digital chaos the importance of making technology accessible for all is more important than ever. An area that can be overlooked in learning design is accessibility, it can be all too easy to treat it as an after thought and that if needed, accessibility features can be added to learning that’s already been created. Thinking about accessibility needs a different mindset, Susie Miller a leading consultant in this area from eLaHub.net, describes this mindset as a reframing how w...
This month the team cover the topic of digital credentialing, the benefits of motivating pro-active learning behaviours and how to implement digital credentials as a part of your learning strategy.
As the dust settles on Learning Technologies '19, the Kineo team take a look at the common trends and themes that came out of the two day event.
We're back, and this month the Kineo team look into what is required from an LMS to deliver a great user experience.
The team looks at data sources beyond the comfort of your LMS, including Learning Record Stores, Google Analytics and heatmapping tools. But before you start gathering data, the big issue is: do you know which questions to ask to determine whether your L&D is having a real impact?
This month, Paul and the Kineo team are joined by Filtered CEO Marc Zao-Sander to get under the skin of AI.
This month the Kineo team are pleased to welcome Clive Shepherd, Learning Consultant and author of More than blended learning to the podcast, as we tackle the controversial topic of mobile learning of why it's not being used in the workplace. Mentioned resource: bit.ly/ksot-episode14
This month the team discusses 'learner power' - who has control of L&D in your organisation? We talk about identifying where you are now on the 'learner power continuum' and how that can help you make the most of social learning in a way that suits your needs and culture. Mentioned resource: bit.ly/ksot-episode13
As the dust settles on LT2018 the team discuss what caught their eye, key themes and what they want to see at next years’ show. Mentioned resource: bit.ly/ksot-episode12
Join the team as we chat about the themes emerging from this year’s Learning Insights report. Based on interviews with our clients we consider personalisation, changing learner demands, and how we change our design styles and tech delivery to meet them. Mentioned resource: bit.ly/ksot-episode11
Join the team as they discuss which future technologies could disrupt the future of work place learning, as well as how a technology that we all already own could be the enabler for all things disruptive. Mentioned resource: http://bit.ly/ksot-episode10
Tune in as we discuss the Adapt project - A framework, an authoring tool and a blossoming community… Where is Adapt going next, and how can you be involved? Mentioned resource - the story of Adapt: bit.ly/ksot-episode9
This month, the team discuss the latest buzz in Learning Technology - the continued growth of 'micro learning'. But should we be calling it something else? Mentioned resource - Time to transform: A workplace learning perspective on digital transformation: http://bit.ly/ksot-episode8
This week, the team discuss the much publicised death of Flash, from a designer, technical and end user perspective.
With the 10th anniversary of the iPhone looming, the team polish off their crystal ball and delve into how technology could affect the way learning evolves over the next decade…
The team discuss the prematurely reported “death of the LMS”, where they see platforms going next, and how some of their clients are already blazing a trail towards a “next-gen” experience for their learners. Mentioned resources - Give your learners a next generation experience – now! webinar recording: http://bit.ly/ksot-episode5
Kineo is back to de-mystify one of the hottest but often misunderstood topics in digital learning - content curation. Join us as we discover what skills are required in an L&D team and how best to integrate content curation in your learning solutions.
Our third episode is here, and this month we tackle the topic of digital transformation. We'll explore the options open to you and give some tips to how you can keep up with learner expectations and make the most of rapidly changing technology.
We're back and this time we're discussing social learning. Listen in as we discuss some of the bigger questions - what is social learning? What are the misconceptions around it? How can it fit within the workplace? Mentioned resources - Social learning: how it works in the workplace whitepaper: http://bit.ly/ksot-episode2
Join us for our first episode where we talk about all things interactive video. Find out what it really is and how you can make the most out of interactive video within your business's elearning. Mentioned resources - Lights, camera, interaction guide: http://bit.ly/ksot-episode1